100% On Topic and Civil Thread on AJ Ferrari's Wrestling Future

Allegations aren't always facts . Love how people know more about the case then the people involved it's fascinating. I was born in 1974 I'm from the innocent until proven guilty generation. Nowadays people pick and choose when someone is guilty. They know better lol
You're blocked. Beyond disgusting when you use that word when referring to a woman!
If the shoe fits wear it. That’s a pretty tame description of someone who came very close to destroying the lives of those young men who had very bright futures. Please explain to me why some of you think females are the most perfect creatures on earth?
Disagree. The pressure that young girl must of felt by the AJ dipshit loyalists must of been ridiculously tough. You hear it all the time that the events happen the way, the woman says, but the pressure and embarrassment from it cracks them. To bad. Would rather see him in jail than in an iowa singlet.
I get it, you're one of those people who knows exactly what happened and how the girl felt. But that's not true. Since none of us were there we don't know what happened or what the young girl must have felt. I too think AJ is a young, cocky, arrogant, idiotic dipshit...but he's a young, cocky arrogant , idiotic dipshit who had those charges against him dismissed. Therefore, IF TnT think they can work with him and IF he still possesses the skills, drive and determination that led him to become the 2021 NCAA champ at 197, I want to see him in a black and gold singlet wrestling for the Hawks as soon as possible.
Please explain to me why some of you think females are the most perfect creatures on earth?
Not wishing to speak for @Mendoza77 and speaking only for myself, if one is to speak in the broadest generalities then:

Females develop in their mother's womb with all the egg cells in their ovaries that they will ever need in their lifetime.

They noursish our children of their own bodies. They give birth to our offspring. They continue to nourish our children of their own bodies. They are the primary caregivers to our children regardless of a child's gender.

That females continue to do so after years of forced patriarchal subservience and discrimination is tantamount to grace and mercy at a miraculous level.

That is perfection enough to me.

So I worship a female as a goddess and would not deride one as a bitch.
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Sounds like something a rapist would say
Coming from someone who sounds like a self-righteous pr**k.

And I know you're a good man and I'm not saying you are a pr**k, but that's what your response could lead one to infer. Again, I'm not pretending to know what happened and I don't condone any of the "allegations" we've all been reading about. Now if we had been reading about convictions vice allegations I would absolutely oppose AJ crossing the state line into Iowa let alone wresting for our great program, but such is not the case.
If the shoe fits wear it. That’s a pretty tame description of someone who came very close to destroying the lives of those young men who had very bright futures. Please explain to me why some of you think females are the most perfect creatures on earth?
I wouldn’t say most perfect unless it was my mom or sisters. You though belong on the list of most disgusting.
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You're blocked. Beyond disgusting when you use that word when referring to a woman!
Really? Are you married Mendoza? Imagine someone falsely accusing you of rape...and then you are officially charged with rape. What do you think happens to your marriage, your relationships at any level (friends, family, your children)? Fair or not your life as you know it would be gone; it would all go to hell in a hand-basket in short order. And you think it would be disgusting to call the person responsible for intentionally ruining your life a bitch? You're clearly a better man than me.
If the shoe fits wear it. That’s a pretty tame description of someone who came very close to destroying the lives of those young men who had very bright futures. Please explain to me why some of you think females are the most perfect creatures on earth?
I actually do think my wife is the most perfect creature on earth...perfect for me. God blessed me beyond words!! As for men and women in general, I think it's like that old Clint Eastwood movie...there are the good, the bad and the ugly (and I'm not talking about physical appearance). Having spent 24 years in the Army, about 5 of which was spent in corrections, including two lengthy deployments to Guantanamo Bay, I've seen the bad and the ugly far more frequently than I cared to.
I’m not condoning what AJ did but there is a lot of self righteousness going on here. Have you never been a 19 year old idiot kid that makes mistakes? If I were to judge you by the worst things you have done where would you measure up?
Self-righteous? Nah, just someone who painfully knows the difference between an “idiot kid’s” mistakes and an unintoxicated adult’s calculated choice to risk KILLING people for fun or thrills. Be happy that type of knowledge has been kept from you. As for measuring up “worst things,” I’d say I carry the average amount of shame/regret for past actions that most do, and that none got anywhere near a conscious choice to needlessly risk human life.
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And would you be saying the same thing if Iowa was in Penn State’s situation and the Ferrari were heading to PSU? I’m not judging just asking. This is the US CJ system at work…innocent until proven guilty. I don’t condone anything that may or may not have happened but if the kid is legally and academically cleared to wrestle I want to see him in a black singlet.
Yes, I would. I’m not talking about a USCJ system decision about a spineless man’s need to dominate a woman (yes, given his persona, I believe it happened). I’m talking about a police collision report of a high-speed, head-on crash caused solely by an unintoxicated adult seeking thrills by playing chicken with human life. He’s 100% guilty of that needless, reckless act, that with a slightly different angle of impact, ends a woman’s life and destroys her family forever. But, hey, you keep rooting for him to add to that all-important bucket of team wrestling points.
Antic, huh? Every head-on crash at highway speed can be fatal. AH(ole) Ferrari chose to risk his passenger’s life and that of 56-year-old female stranger by illegally speeding past 3 cars in a no-passing zone over the crest of a hill. Not a harmless act of youthful brashness, but an adult decision to knowingly endanger and risk human lives, all to show worthless bravado. Mere inches of how the metal violently crumpled and twisted were the difference of whether this talking anus crushed the life out of another human being. But for a different highway, A-hole could’ve sped his Durango head-on into your mom, wife, sister, grandmother, or other loved one. All for this self-worshiping, spineless man’s idea of “fun.” Take pride in having the return of the over-punished gamblers strengthen your formidable team. Be ashamed to ever want A-hole near it.
You bring up a totally different situation? This appears to be a really stupid decision on his part certainly. I have to assume that it was not his intent to have a head on collision though. Real stupid mistake, YES. Criminal, does not appear to be?

This however was not what I was referencing at all. His criminal case was dismissed. We can make all kinds of assumptions as to why but that is the sole facts we have. Now AJ has a "2nd chance" if you will. Now he has to go out and show that he deserves it and that everything he has been saying to defend himself is true.
Jumping to more stupid and wrong conclusions I see. You’re not MAGA man, you sound like the total woke opposite. Keep up the blind trust of every woman out there, you will get burned. I’ve met more devious woman over the years than devious dudes.
Yeah and im sure your sitting in your doublewide with your pet hamster wondering why you couldn't land a female other thsn your crush on your 3rd grade teacher. I know rejection all your life must of been tough but your attitude towards women shines!
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Not wishing to speak for @Mendoza77 and speaking only for myself, if one is to speak in the broadest generalities then:

Females develop in their mother's womb with all the egg cells in their ovaries that they will ever need in their lifetime.

They noursish our children of their own bodies. They give birth to our offspring. They continue to nourish our children of their own bodies. They are the primary caregivers to our children regardless of a child's gender.

That females continue to do so after years of forced patriarchal subservience and discrimination is tantamount to grace and mercy at a miraculous level.

That is perfection enough to me.

So I worship a female as a goddess and would not deride one as a bitch.
I’m very happy for you. Not many men in this country have gone several decades and only had to deal with women who are so perfect they deserve to be worshiped like a god. As for women still being forced into subservience and discrimination, I would agree if talking about many countries in Asia and the Middle East, but in America for many decades.
Not wishing to speak for @Mendoza77 and speaking only for myself, if one is to speak in the broadest generalities then:

Females develop in their mother's womb with all the egg cells in their ovaries that they will ever need in their lifetime.

They noursish our children of their own bodies. They give birth to our offspring. They continue to nourish our children of their own bodies. They are the primary caregivers to our children regardless of a child's gender.

That females continue to do so after years of forced patriarchal subservience and discrimination is tantamount to grace and mercy at a miraculous level.

That is perfection enough to me.

So I worship a female as a goddess and would not deride one as a bitch.
I’m very happy for you. Not many men in this country have gone several decades and only had to deal with women who are so perfect they deserve to be worshiped like a god. As for women still being forced into subservience and discrimination, I would agree if talking about many countries in Asia and the Middle East, but in America for many decades
Yeah and im sure your sitting in your doublewide with your pet hamster wondering why you couldn't land a female other thsn your crush on your 3rd grade teacher. I know rejection all your life must of been tough but your attitude towards women shines!
Not wishing to speak for @Mendoza77 and speaking only for myself, if one is to speak in the broadest generalities then:

Females develop in their mother's womb with all the egg cells in their ovaries that they will ever need in their lifetime.

They noursish our children of their own bodies. They give birth to our offspring. They continue to nourish our children of their own bodies. They are the primary caregivers to our children regardless of a child's gender.

That females continue to do so after years of forced patriarchal subservience and discrimination is tantamount to grace and mercy at a miraculous level.

That is perfection enough to me.

So I worship a female as a goddess and would not deride one as a bitch.
This might be the most fragile post I’ve ever seen on the internet. I might understand why being called a bitch triggers this guy…
You bring up a totally different situation? This appears to be a really stupid decision on his part certainly. I have to assume that it was not his intent to have a head on collision though. Real stupid mistake, YES. Criminal, does not appear to be?

This however was not what I was referencing at all. His criminal case was dismissed. We can make all kinds of assumptions as to why but that is the sole facts we have. Now AJ has a "2nd chance" if you will. Now he has to go out and show that he deserves it and that everything he has been saying to defend himself is true.
I’ll bring up that situation anytime someone shows support for him. “Intent” on having a head-on collision isn’t the issue. It’s knowing it’s possible when driving well over the speed limit, passing 3 cars in a no-pass zone, over a blind hill. The issue is “risking other people’s lives” for needless self-gratification. My confessed black heart on the subject will never consider fortunate chances for insecure, cowardly men who risk taking EVERY chance and EVERY breath away from the innocents in their path. The fact A-hole’s supreme, privileged arrogance didn’t end up creating another family’s black hole is second chance enough. God only knows what darkness he did create in the family and mind of a woman too terrified and harassed to move ahead with his sexual abuse charge.
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I’m very happy for you. Not many men in this country have gone several decades and only had to deal with women who are so perfect they deserve to be worshiped like a god. As for women still being forced into subservience and discrimination, I would agree if talking about many countries in Asia and the Middle East, but in America for many decades.
Whataboutism of Asia and the Middle East.

I never said I dealt only with perfect women.

I realize your handle is not WomanLover.

My point is that for one to generalize the Duke lacrosse situation to this particular female is the antithesis of innocent before proven guilty. It doesn't represent liberty. But you seem too blinded to see this. Rather, you seem to think an anecdotal occurrence outweighs the vast majority of what occurs in assault cases.

Yes, if and when I generalize women, I am certainly going to base my generalization on the majority of women that I've personally known.

I am sorry that you may not be as fortunate as myself in the quality of females you have personally known in your lifetime. I am sorry this may affect your general view towards women.
Not wishing to speak for @Mendoza77 and speaking only for myself, if one is to speak in the broadest generalities then:

Females develop in their mother's womb with all the egg cells in their ovaries that they will ever need in their lifetime.

They noursish our children of their own bodies. They give birth to our offspring. They continue to nourish our children of their own bodies. They are the primary caregivers to our children regardless of a child's gender.

That females continue to do so after years of forced patriarchal subservience and discrimination is tantamount to grace and mercy at a miraculous level.

That is perfection enough to me.

So I worship a female as a goddess and would not deride one as a bitch.
(Chill out guys, obviously his wife reads this.) Don’t worry 98 I was picking up on the bro code. 😉
I’m not saying AJ is a choir boy but reality is if he were guilty the case would not have been dismissed. I am more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt under Tom and Terry and am looking forward to watching him in an Iowa black and gold singlet.
I’m not saying AJ is a choir boy but reality is if he were guilty the case would not have been dismissed. I am more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt under Tom and Terry and am looking forward to watching him in an Iowa black and gold singlet.
My opinion. He will be very toxic to program. Will not fit in with these kids. Also odds are he will repeat with his above the law above others…teammates, women, coaches.

Trust me smith would not have kicked him off team if he thought the girl/girls were lying. Im guessing there were many more instances. Weve only heard of a few. This joker has major character flaws and we are putting him with a team of high character kids.
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Yes, I would. I’m not talking about a USCJ system decision about a spineless man’s need to dominate a woman (yes, given his persona, I believe it happened). I’m talking about a police collision report of a high-speed, head-on crash caused solely by an unintoxicated adult seeking thrills by playing chicken with human life. He’s 100% guilty of that needless, reckless act, that with a slightly different angle of impact, ends a woman’s life and destroys her family forever. But, hey, you keep rooting for him to add to that all-important bucket of team wrestling points.
Thanks for the comments. If nothing else I respect your opinion.
i notice the dipsh$t used the term unintoxicated. from that i deduce that poster has driven his car intoxicated because he seems to believe that the lack of alcohol somehow makes it worse.i don't know A.J. seems like a rummy whatever, but i do believe natparks is a troll and probably a someone who operates a motor vehicle impaired.
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"The young woman who is at the center of this matter has endured in the last year vicious attacks on multiple forms of social media, continuing trauma, blame, harassment, ostracism and indirect threats to her career,” Thomas’ motion stated.

“She has made the very difficult decision after consultation with her family that her further involvement is much less important than her health, a career that she loves and the ugliness and hatred that she encounters and suffers each time this matter progresses into the next step.”
Smart move wait until he is done with collegiate wrestling and that WWE/UFC money comes rolling in. Then it is take him to the cleaners in a civil suit.
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Thanks for the comments. If nothing else I respect your opinion.
It's a dark place issue for me, even spurring cheap shots I’m not always proud of. Some folks live forever with the tragic fallout of such accidents, even as the guilty survive to enjoy their “second chance.”
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i notice the dipsh$t used the term unintoxicated. from that i deduce that poster has driven his car intoxicated because he seems to believe that the lack of alcohol somehow makes it worse.i don't know A.J. seems like a rummy whatever, but i do believe natparks is a troll and probably a someone who operates a motor vehicle impaired.
I’ve long admitted being a troll, goblin, orc, or whatever “deducers” like you call a Lion fan visiting Iowa’s informative threads. Not a drunk driver, though, so there’s that. Yes, I believe being unintoxicated when choosing to endanger people’s lives is far worse than making the choice while impaired. If you think about it long enough, you might even deduce why.
Case was dismissed. That we know. People can speculate or bitch or tear down AJ…. wasted energy. What happens next is beyond my control or your control.

Interesting to see some opposing fans stop by to share their negative AJ vibes.

Move along. No one cares what you “think.”
Case was dismissed. That we know. People can speculate or bitch or tear down AJ…. wasted energy. What happens next is beyond my control or your control.

Interesting to see some opposing fans stop by to share their negative AJ vibes.

Move along. No one cares what you “think.”
You apparently care what they think.
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Bean counters at Flo are dancing right now assuming they still have contract with Okie State. The Feb meet could be most watched NCAA wrestling event ever.
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It's a dark place issue for me, even spurring cheap shots I’m not always proud of. Some folks live forever with the tragic fallout of such accidents, even as the guilty survive to enjoy their “second chance.”
First off, I am so truly sorry if some type of vehicular accident took away someone close to you. If so, I get why that triggers you. But, theproblem is you are conflating a dumb decision with a malicious one. Do you honestly believe he had 1 inkling of malicious intent driving at such a young age?

It takes several years for someone to truly learn how to drive and many never do. That is why there are so many rules and mandatory hours for teenagers vs is just getting our license and free rein when we turned 16. Make no mistake a LOT of drivers do things worse than what AJ did on a daily basis. Watching TikTok and YouTube while driving. Hell even making videos while doing so.

Of the things AJ has almost certainly done wrong, this one is something you would sort of expect from a testosterone overdosed teenager that hasn’t shown to be very bright. Hopefully he learned from it because so many young people take driving for granted and never really think how dangerous it can be.

With that said, I am not a big fan of the guy overall. Even though I preach innocent til proven guilty, I don’t ignore the fact that he produced so many smoke signals he almost certainly started a fire at some point. If Iowa does bring him in, they need to put him on a VERY short leash with essentially zero tolerance…
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My opinion. He will be very toxic to program. Will not fit in with these kids. Also odds are he will repeat with his above the law above others…teammates, women, coaches.

Trust me smith would not have kicked him off team if he thought the girl/girls were lying. Im guessing there were many more instances. Weve only heard of a few. This joker has major character flaws and we are putting him with a team of high character kids.
I am so glad to hear you vote thumbs down on a guy that has abused women and has shown, in your words, major character flaws. Keep that up in all aspects of your life MAGAman. Good work!
I’ve long admitted being a troll, goblin, orc, or whatever “deducers” like you call a Lion fan visiting Iowa’s informative threads. Not a drunk driver, though, so there’s that. Yes, I believe being unintoxicated when choosing to endanger people’s lives is far worse than making the choice while impaired. If you think about it long enough, you might even deduce why.

Now do Andrew Long.
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