198 Traitors to the US Constitution

We already have laws on the books against shooting people, but we still want laws against certain guns, certain ammo, certain mags, laws that say you can't bring guns to schools, no guns in banks, etc.

I mean why do we need a law against an AR-15 if it's already illegal to shoot people?
Stop making sense, you're going to confuse them.
Think I did to here in Florida
You could have used another method. It can be a SS card, or a W-2 form with an ID number on it. Non-citizens can get a SSN. Think H1B and other visa holders. Think illegals who steal SSN's.
You could have used another method. It can be a SS card, or a W-2 form with an ID number on it. Non-citizens can get a SSN. Think H1B and other visa holders. Think illegals who steal SSN's.

Do you really think they will tempt fate by using a stolen SS number multiple times for something they probably don't really give a shit about?
The save act doesn't make illegal things illegal again. It reinforces existing laws with tighter controls to make sure all loopholes to circumvent said law are closed. Your comparison falls on its face outright with this in mind.
Hardly. It's already illegal to vote if you're not a citizen. We don't need a new law.

If it's about having a federal voter ID (currently unconstitutional), why not just tattoo a QR code on everyone's forehead? Seems foolproof. You in favor of that?
Of course OP is fooled by a grandstanding bill. Gee, I'm an illegal trying to fly under the radar and not get deported....I'll risk my life here....for a worthless vote! Makes absolute sense to MAGA brains.

"In May, Johnson told reporters, “we all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections. But it’s not been something that is easily provable. We don’t have that number.

“This legislation will allow us to do exactly that — it will prevent that from happening. And if someone tries to do it, it will now be unlawful within the states,” he added.

But most researchers who have studied voting patterns have said Johnson’s intuition is wrong.

One study by the Brennan Center for Justice found 30 suspected — not confirmed — cases of noncitizen voting out of 23.5 million.

The claim that noncitizens are voting — and that Democrats are willfully importing undocumented immigrants to vote — is the bill’s raison d’etre.
You could have used another method. It can be a SS card, or a W-2 form with an ID number on it. Non-citizens can get a SSN. Think H1B and other visa holders. Think illegals who steal SSN's.

Non citizens can get a tax Id number but when you register to vote that number should be checked to verify citizenship. Even Illinois does that.
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Hardly. It's already illegal to vote if you're not a citizen. We don't need a new law.

You are correct that it is already illegal for a non-citizen to vote,.. Problem is that states are not allowed to ask for documented proof of citizenship,.. This law doesn't hurt anything.
Our current condition without the SAVE act in place is similar to what would happen if we allowed minors to purchase alcohol after only filling out a form that included checking a box that says "I AM AN ADULT",... I'm sure that would never be abused.
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You are correct that it is already illegal for a non-citizen to vote,.. Problem is that states are not allowed to ask for documented proof of citizenship,.. This law doesn't hurt anything.
States make their own laws as it relates to voting regulations, including voter ID.

No one is preventing that.
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I don't understand.

How can a non-citizen vote?????????


Who can and cannot vote​

Learn if you meet the qualifications to vote in federal, state, and local elections.

Who can vote?

You can vote in U.S. federal, state, and local elections if you:
  • Are a U.S. citizen (some areas allow non-citizens to vote in local elections only)
  • Meet your state’s residency requirements
  • Are 18 years old on or before Election Day
    • In almost every state, you can register to vote before you turn 18 if you will be 18 by Election Day.
    • Some states allow 17-year-olds who will be 18 by Election Day to vote in primaries.
  • Are registered to vote by your state's voter registration deadline. North Dakota does not require voter registration.

Who cannot vote?

Check with your state or local election office for any questions about who can and cannot vote.
States make their own laws as it relates to voting regulations, including voter ID. No one is preventing that.

States cannot do this on their own, per 2013 SCOTUS decision,... This bill would be an adjustment to current federal law.
Is there any harm in this bill becoming law?

It seems extremely weird to me that one party professes to be a party hell bent on not doing anything that would possibly invade the privacy of people when it comes to something that is clearly a major problem (gun violence) but want all kinds of controls around something that just isn’t. Problem at all (voter fraud).

Why is that? Honestly I’m confused.
Currently?,.. By lying about their citizenship.

Well I think I found the answer to my question.

Found this:

Every state but North Dakota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Wyoming gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots federal voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.

Then I dug a little deeper:

16 states and DC give out driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

So yeah, apparently it looks like illegal aliens can vote.

Someone correct me if my math is wrong.
Federal voter registration forms ask the applicant to check a box indicating that they are a citizen,... that's it.
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Federal voter registration forms ask the applicant to check a box indicating that they are a citizen,... that's it.

Well, this does seem a little alarming.

If I'm an illegal immigrant, I'm 100% voting for the president more willing to give me a handout.

Anyone that thinks a non-citizen has the right to vote in the US is braindead.
How are they registering to vote?

Don't worry all of us citizens have the following requirements imposed on us, but NAH let's not worry about the millions of illegals. And what's even more funny is all the libtards like Schiff, Pelosi, and Shumer voted for the rules below on American citizens. Libtards are the dumbest.

Minimum Issuance Standards- (1) IN GENERAL- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall require, at a minimum, presentation and verification of the following information before issuing a driver's license or identification card to a person:

(A) A photo identity document, except that a non-photo identity document is acceptable if it includes both the person's full legal name and date of birth.
(B) Documentation showing the person's date of birth.
(C) Proof of the person's social security account number or verification that the person is not eligible for a social security account number. (D) Documentation showing the person's name and address of principal residence.

(A) IN GENERAL- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall comply with the minimum standards of this paragraph.
(B) EVIDENCE OF LAWFUL STATUS- A State shall require, before issuing a driver's license or identification card to a person, valid documentary evidence that the person--
(i) is a citizen or national of the United States;
(ii) is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent or temporary residence in the United States;
(iii) has conditional permanent resident status in the United States;
(iv) has an approved application for asylum in the United States or has entered into the United States in refugee status;
(v) has a valid, unexpired nonimmigrant visa or nonimmigrant visa status for entry into the United States;
(vi) has a pending application for asylum in the United States;
(vii) has a pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;
(viii) has approved deferred action status; or
(ix) has a pending application for adjustment of status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States or conditional permanent resident status in the United States.
What do you mean when you say federal registration form? In California, you fill out one voter registration form. It's provided by the state.

Yes, but the requirements on each state's voter registration form are dictated by federal law... Which says that the potential voter has to confirm that they are a US citizen, but proof is not a requirement,.. In the past individual states have attempted to add a requirement for documentation proving citizenship but this was shot down by SCOTUS in 2013,... States cannot require more information than what the Federal law dictates...
Yes, but the requirements on each state's voter registration form are dictated by federal law... Which says that the potential voter has to confirm that they are a US citizen, but proof is not a requirement,.. In the past individual states have attempted to add a requirement for documentation proving citizenship but this was shot down by SCOTUS in 2013,... States cannot require more information than what the Federal law dictates...
And from your perspective, most people lie about being citizens?

How many? What percentage of registered voters are lying on state registration forms?
And from your perspective, most people lie about being citizens?

How many? What percentage of registered voters are lying on state registration forms?

Have no idea,.. But if citizenship is mandatory, providing documentation seems like a logical next step.
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Have no idea,.. But if citizenship is mandatory, providing documentation seems like a logical next step.
If it's not happening, and it's completely unnecessary, what's the problem?

If people aren't pooping on park benches, but someone proposes a law that makes pooping on park benches illegal, why would anyone care?

Election day doesn't sneak up on anyone, if you're a US citizen and you need to acquire proof like a birth certificate to register, you have 3 years and 11 months between generals to get it done.
If it's not happening, and it's completely unnecessary, what's the problem?

There is no way to confirm that it's not happening, and the mere potential for it to happen negatively impacts voter confidence,... That's the problem.
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