20 Straight Minutes of Biden Admin + Media Shills Gaslighting the American People

So the prosecutors are sitting on evidence to indict the president but are choosing to sit on it? That makes zero sense
Prosecutors sit on evidence all the time. It's nothing new. Sometimes they flat out say they have the evidence but won't bring charges because they don't believe they can get a conviction.
But you're avoiding the bigger point which is the government partnering with the media and tech companies to promote a lie. They spread misinformation during a political campaign to protect one of the candidates. They colluded with each other to deny the American people information that they deemed harmful to Joe Biden's bid for office. That is the bigger crime here. That is the real threat to our democracy, not whether Hunter Biden lied on a gun form or whether Joe arranged for his son to get a do-nothing job on a foreign energy board. Those aren't exactly groundbreaking. The partnership between our government, the media, and big tech to influence an election in favor of their chosen candidate is shocking.
There were emails on the laptop that suggested Hunter was kicking back part of the money he made while working at Burisma and in China to Joe. The extreme effort to discredit the laptop suggests that he was doing just that.
The real frightening thing about the whole situation is that the intelligence community was working so closely with the media, Facebook, YouTube, and dozen of other independent companies to circle the wagons around a political candidate. The Left can shout at the top of their lungs that Trump is a fascist, but this whole situation is real fascism.
The party must always be right.

So even though I saw with my own eyes the president of the United States send a team to his opponents court trail, a gross weaponazation of the justice system, I won't say anything, because the party must be right. Even though Biden did exactly what trump did with documents, and I know Jack Smith was activily sending him documents he would need to send back, I'm OK with Trump facing felonies and voting for the guy who isn't bright enough to know better, because the party must always be right. When "decency" was on the ballot, because I was told all.of the horrible things that would happen I turned my eyes and didn't allow myself to see the naked woman on the white house lawn, the cocaine, or the dude getting ass ****ed in the senate, because the other guy would be worse, the party told me so. E JEAN Carrol is just so much more believable than Tara Reade. I chose not to see that the president got caught limiting his opponent in the press and censoring information, which we now know to be accurate, because even though I call myself a free thinker, I trust them to know what is best for me more.

The party must always be right.
Rs have been saying for a long time that the laptop indicts Joe. Now you're claiming that it doesn't prove jack but the real problem is that the Dems said it's a nothing burger. Which is so far appears to be? Shouldn't the real problem be that the Rs lied about what it contained?
You dems would sacrifice a child to defend Joe Biden…it’s frickin weird what you guys will do to stand by him. You guys are 1000% Trump is guilty until proven innocent while Biden is innocent until proven guilty. It’s a total cult that you always claim Rs are. Biden is a total POS, will go down as the dumbest and worst president of all time and you will stand behind him no matter what.
You dems would sacrifice a child to defend Joe Biden…it’s frickin weird what you guys will do to stand by him. You guys are 1000% Trump is guilty until proven innocent while Biden is innocent until proven guilty. It’s a total cult that you always claim Rs are. Biden is a total POS, will go down as the dumbest and worst president of all time and you will stand behind him no matter what.
Convicted Felon Donald J Trump has been proven guilty. On all counts. So how is Biden, a man who isn't a convicted criminal, worse?
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You guys are 1000% Trump is guilty until proven innocent

while Biden is innocent until proven guilty.

It’s a total cult that you always claim Rs are. Biden is a total POS, will go down as the dumbest and worst president of all time

Trump is a convicted felon. He’s 1000% guilty - actually 3400% guilty.

Silly Constitution.

And it’s you that are in a cult if you think Biden is the worst President of all time. You can’t come up with any objective criteria that would rank him the worst President.

Meanwhile, if you are ranking Presidents on impeachments, your guy is the worst.

Or on felonies convicted, your guy is the worst.

Of on felonies indicted, your guy is the worst.

Or on campaign and administration felony convictions, your guy is the worst.

Or on jobs lost, your guy is the worst.

Or ….
Suggested? Either the laptop contains concrete evidence or it does not. And we both know, there is no concrete proof.
Have you seen the contents of the lap top that until a day ago supposedly didn't exist? How do you know what is or isn't on the laptop?
Oh no, Hunter has a laptop. So what? I have a laptop. Everyone does. The laptop you're referring to one is the laptop that ties all of this to the president. And that laptop does not exist. But keep spinning.
Ok soooooooo why didn't Joe Biden or Democrats before the 2020 election say the laptop exists and some of the content is sketchy but none of this is incriminating to our presidential nominee?
Why did they do the exact opposite?
Ok soooooooo why didn't Joe Biden or Democrats before the 2020 election say the laptop exists and some of the content is sketchy but none of this is incriminating to our presidential nominee?
Why did they do the exact opposite?
Correct me if I'm wrong:

- NYP drops story of salacious laptop, says contents include pics of Hunter Biden doing drugs, having sex with minors, guns, emails that refer to the big guy, backed up I-messages etc.

- Immediate denial of such a lap top existence, story is stricken from every social media platform from being shared.

- Admitted possibility of A laptop's existence, however there are chain of custody issues and the contents on the laptop are rumored to be doctored Russian misinformation. Putin's ploy to keep Trump in the WH.

- 50+ members of the intel community including the former head of the CIA confirm a laptop exists, but the content on there IS russian disinformation.

- Joe goes on rant of lies saying that it's all Russian lies as confirmed by our intel community.

- Hunter, after denying the WHOLE thing, threatens to sue over the distribution of the contents of the laptop he denied was his or even existed.

- Hunter now on trial with the contents (related to the case) submitted as evidence, unrefuted by the defense as Russian misinformation.

Is this a fair summary?
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Trump is a convicted felon. He’s 1000% guilty - actually 3400% guilty.

Silly Constitution.

And it’s you that are in a cult if you think Biden is the worst President of all time. You can’t come up with any objective criteria that would rank him the worst President.

Meanwhile, if you are ranking Presidents on impeachments, your guy is the worst.

Or on felonies convicted, your guy is the worst.

Of on felonies indicted, your guy is the worst.

Or on campaign and administration felony convictions, your guy is the worst.

Or on jobs lost, your guy is the worst.

Or ….
The shitshow that is American politics: No longer do we argue which candidate is better, but which one is worse. It sucks. That being said, it is still pretty obvious which one is worse….
I asked for a link to all these damning emails yesterday. Still nothing today. No surprise. We all knew you guys were making this up.
I asked for a link to all these damning emails yesterday. Still nothing today. No surprise. We all knew you guys were making this up.
So you expect the same companies that banned the story from it's platforms and searches to now have copies or links to the data they still haven't acknowledged exists or is real information?

Even if said link did exist, for the record, which source would you believe it from so we know to post it from there.
His son was also doing international “business dealings” (selling access and influence?) and likely communicating to Joe throughout. There is likely more on that laptop than anyone wants to admit. Which is why it was so swiftly and harshly discredited with a media PsyOp campaign coordinated from the Biden campaign to media lackeys.

Why lie?
Why push the lie?
Why pressure twitter to target and lock accounts?

You are such a good MAGA soldier without knowing your a MAGA soldier.
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So you expect the same companies that banned the story from it's platforms and searches to now have copies or links to the data they still haven't acknowledged exists or is real information?

Even if said link did exist, for the record, which source would you believe it from so we know to post it from there.
So now the proof is real, we just can't see it. You're dunking on yourself at this point.
Season 1 Real Talk GIF by Paramount+
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I asked for a link to all these damning emails yesterday. Still nothing today. No surprise. We all knew you guys were making this up.

Patience grasshopper,.. your senile old phuck of a puppet president will be proven corrupt in good time.
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Correct me if I'm wrong:

- NYP drops story of salacious laptop, says contents include pics of Hunter Biden doing drugs, having sex with minors, guns, emails that refer to the big guy, backed up I-messages etc.

- Immediate denial of such a lap top existence, story is stricken from every social media platform from being shared.

- Admitted possibility of A laptop's existence, however there are chain of custody issues and the contents on the laptop are rumored to be doctored Russian misinformation. Putin's ploy to keep Trump in the WH.

- 50+ members of the intel community including the former head of the CIA confirm a laptop exists, but the content on there IS russian disinformation.

- Joe goes on rant of lies saying that it's all Russian lies as confirmed by our intel community.

- Hunter, after denying the WHOLE thing, threatens to sue over the distribution of the contents of the laptop he denied was his or even existed.

- Hunter now on trial with the contents (related to the case) submitted as evidence, unrefuted by the defense as Russian misinformation.

Is this a fair summary?
That's fair.
You can also add Mark Zuckerberg going on the biggest podcast in the world JRE and admitting the FBI went to Facebook telling them to attack any story about Hunter's laptop being real.
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Patience grasshopper,.. your senile old phuck of a puppet president will be proven corrupt in good time.
Only one president is a senile corrupt criminal. The 34 time Convicted Felon Donald J Trump.
Congrats, butters, this is the stable genius you've decided to attach yourself to.
You can make fun of him all you want but the only one looking hilariously naive and dumb in this thread is you.

I said Republicans were right this laptop existed. I said I'm not sure there is much that makes Joe look bad but it for sure makes Hunter look bad. I said Democrats colluded with news and social media companies to downplay its existence and to push a Russian Disinformation narrative.

Nothing in my last paragraph is false. All of that is fact yet you keep attacking me like I'm the head of the RNC or something.

This is a very very small loss on the Dems record in 2024 and your mind simply cannot handle it. Like I said last night it's ok to admit that Democrats can be wrong on certain things. Just take the L
Oh no, Hunter has a laptop. So what? I have a laptop. Everyone does. The laptop you're referring to one is the laptop that ties all of this to the president. And that laptop does not exist. But keep spinning.
I for one don't have a laptop with picture/video of me doing drugs and banging prostitutes, some of which look to barely be teenagers or emails about foreign business deals with my father. Weird justification Huey. "Everyone does it guys!!!"
I for one don't have a laptop with picture/video of me doing drugs and banging prostitutes, some of which look to barely be teenagers or emails about foreign business deals with my father. Weird justification Huey. "Everyone does it guys!!!"
I'm sure Huey enjoys the skittles pics that of course don't exist.
I'm sure Huey enjoys the skittles pics that of course don't exist.
To be fair, Huey is part of a community well known for debauchery/lewd behaviors. Maybe the videos/photos/enails are not only normal and accepted but actively encouraged in his circles. Wouldn't surprise me, him being a Democrat and all.
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You dems would sacrifice a child to defend Joe Biden…it’s frickin weird what you guys will do to stand by him. You guys are 1000% Trump is guilty until proven innocent while Biden is innocent until proven guilty. It’s a total cult that you always claim Rs are. Biden is a total POS, will go down as the dumbest and worst president of all time and you will stand behind him no matter what.
He was proven guilty of being a felon. and has been a genuine horrible human for his whole life. They guy stole from charities and you expect us to give Trump the benefit of doubt or presumed innocence ? The guy is slime.
He was proven guilty of being a felon. and has been a genuine horrible human for his whole life. They guy stole from charities and you expect us to give Trump the benefit of doubt or presumed innocence ? The guy is slime.
No one is above the law, but EVERYONE is entitled to innocent until proven guilty. Even the fattiest, dumbest, luckiest, most privileged, and narcissistic among us.
No one is above the law, but EVERYONE is entitled to innocent until proven guilty. Even the fattiest, dumbest, luckiest, most privileged, and narcissistic among us.
Convicted Felon Donald J Trump was found guilty. Yet, the Rs keep supporting him anyway. Talk about acting privileged.
Patience grasshopper,.. your senile old phuck of a puppet president will be proven corrupt in good time.
speaking for myself, the fact that this is the third straight democrat president/candidate to be subject to this same "oh they're totally corrupt and we're going to prove it any day now" treatment makes it hard to take seriously
speaking for myself, the fact that this is the third straight democrat president/candidate to be subject to this same "oh they're totally corrupt and we're going to prove it any day now" treatment makes it hard to take seriously
You realize the left has compared every republican presidential candidate to a nazi while they were running going back 24 years to bush, right? Pot meet kettle.
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You realize the left has compared every republican presidential candidate to a nazi while they were running going back 24 years to bush, right? Pot meet kettle.
2 things: i haven't done that ever

also, exaggerating someone's political ideology (calling gop nazis or democrats communists, both of which happen all the time) is entirely different than saying "we have proof the person is completely corrupt and we'll eventually get around to actually showing it"

i don't expect you to make that distinction, because you are you. but some will
2 things: i haven't done that ever

also, exaggerating someone's political ideology (calling gop nazis or democrats communists, both of which happen all the time) is entirely different than saying "we have proof the person is completely corrupt and we'll eventually get around to actually showing it"

i don't expect you to make that distinction, because you are you. but some will
Wow. The absolute cognitive dissonance it takes to make this logic leap from your original post I commented on to this. Talk about having cake and wanting to eat it too. Yikes.
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Wow. The absolute cognitive dissonance it takes to make this logic leap from your original post I commented on to this. Talk about having cake and wanting to eat it too. Yikes.
i legit have no idea what you're trying to say (or what you think the phrase "cognitive dissonance" means)

i'm saying the constant claims of corruption without ever actually proving it are wholly different than exaggerating the political position of opponents to make them seem more extreme.

if that seems like a particularly big leap in logic for you...i don't know what to tell you