2013: Beginning of the Anxious Generation

Having an emotional disorder today is like a golden key that unlocks all sorts of doors to things like better seats on airplanes, special accommodations at work, being put on suicide watch at the hospital, etc.

It used to be seen as a sign of weakness but now it's a special super power. Just say, "I HAVE A DISABILITY!" and watch everyone scurry around to cater to you.
I found myself in a compromising position at work a number of years ago.

Went out with drinks with coworkers, one was new to town, Bill. Jane, a former worker with me and the others knew Bill. After drinking way too much, I was asking Bill if he would do Jane in the ass, a lot of butt questions, generally. The other guys with us were fine and not offended.

Get called in to superiors office a few days later, I knew it, Bill was a rat. So I blamed social anxiety and alcohol as the demons that caused me to say such nasty things. Slap on the wrist.
Definitely. I probably should have said to technology. (Although even then I have to wonder about how much of that is lost to game)

Something like musicianship, for example, would seem to have suffered.

I'm thinking more along the lines of coding/developing and even into cybersecurity. You can certainly use your creativity in those areas to build something or outsmart the bad guys.

Thankfully my son does play the tuba and bass guitar and enjoys drawing and Legos. I'm thankful to have some alternative ways for him to express his creativity
Oh I know but the boomers easily share the dumbest shit. Like miles away the dumbest shit
Let’s agree to disagree. 😉
No single generation is uniquely susceptible to malign influence or false information on social media, but research suggests that a certain age group may be more vulnerable based on their media literacy, online behaviors, and trust in information sources. Here’s a breakdown:

Older Generations (Baby Boomers)

  • Vulnerability Factors:
    • Less tech-savvy: Older adults may have less experience navigating the internet and evaluating online sources, making them more susceptible to misleading or false information.
    • Higher trust in traditional media: Many Baby Boomers grew up trusting authoritative sources like news outlets, which may lead them to trust similar-seeming information on social media without questioning its legitimacy.
    • Emotion-driven content: Older generations tend to engage with and share content that triggers strong emotions, which is often a tactic used in disinformation campaigns.
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None of my kids even have a cell phone and their access to the internet is extremely regulated and monitored. They don't even know what social media is.
No single generation is uniquely susceptible to malign influence or false information on social media, but research suggests that a certain age group may be more vulnerable based on their media literacy, online behaviors, and trust in information sources. Here’s a breakdown:

Older Generations (Baby Boomers)

  • Vulnerability Factors:
    • Less tech-savvy: Older adults may have less experience navigating the internet and evaluating online sources, making them more susceptible to misleading or false information.
    • Higher trust in traditional media: Many Baby Boomers grew up trusting authoritative sources like news outlets, which may lead them to trust similar-seeming information on social media without questioning its legitimacy.
    • Emotion-driven content: Older generations tend to engage with and share content that triggers strong emotions, which is often a tactic used in disinformation campaigns.
  • Emotion-driven content: Older generations tend to engage with and share content that triggers strong emotions, which is often a tactic used in disinformation campaigns.

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