Then I am sorry, but you lack serious reading comprehension and only pick out certain parts, like many do, that fit your narrative. I wasn't even the one that chose those "four gentlemen", I responded to Js for doing so.
The actual words you use MATTER. If JS had simply said, "To even have a true chance to catch and stay with PSU, you need to consistently put individuals at the top of the podium!" I would have 100% agreed with him. But, he did NOT say that.
What he did say, and the ACTUAL part I argued against, is not twistable or debatable. No one with a brain having wrestled or coached at the DI level would say 12 out of 14 AA's and 3 Finals appearances out of that group was "not producing" and "brutal". Would they say they were disappointed? Sure. But, guess what? Every damn guy that starts at the DI level comes into the room with NCAA Champ as their goal. Well over 99 percent of them don't do it. Still, a LOT of them have careers that are far from "brutal" and produce rather well.
1.) by definition not producing would be DNQ or 0-2. Even if you raised the bar since they were high end recruits, you could maybe argue not AAing as that standard. Only 1 guy wins an NCAA title per year, per weight. Over the course of your career, if you were the #1 recruit at your weight your year, you could still go up against as many as 9 other #1 recruits at that same weight. It is beyond asinine to use "not producing" to even remotely describe those careers.
2.) "brutal" is an even more exacting adjective. Brutal implies falling WAY short in a very punishing and completely lacking fashion. All of the forementioned wrestles wrestled their asses off at NCAA's. Other than a couple of freshmen losses for Marinelli and Warner, they were in every match til the end at NCAA's. Brutal just isn't a word that belongs anywhere near what those guys accomplished at NCAA's...