Lets suppose the research you are pointing out is true: wind turbines, (if enough to meet all our power needs) would increase temps .24 C. (suppose means assume)
What would be the reduction in CO2 and resulting drop in temp be? This is like our governor Kimmies kindergarten views: rather than spend 3 million to get 30 million in funding, we'll just do nothing.
Undoubtedly you are a republican, so think of this like trickle down economics. Reduce taxes for the wealthy and the poor people will eventually reap the rewards (lol). Reduce CO2 emissions and we all win. (actually true)
I disagree on multiple levels.
1. I don't trust the data that is used to be accurate. There is plenty of opportunity for manipulation and there is evidence that the models the data is run through skews the newest data higher (showing warming that may not be real).
2. I don't believe wind turbines, solar, and electric cars are the answer. They all have their place, but on the large scale they are not the answer. We are pushing these technologies too fast and we are pushing them due to politics rather than because they are truly the best option.
3. Science is too political and this is inhibiting the truth from being found. There is truth to both sides of the climate change argument, but the left has shut down any discussion and said if you don't believe them then you are a far right wing extremist. (generally when this happens, they are hiding stuff)
4. I think it is important to keep nature natural. I do not want solar farms and wind farms covering our beautiful landscape. I think there is an aesthetic component that is not being taken into consideration.
5. I support decreasing pollution, I think this should be the focus rather than some unachievable net zero goal.
6. plastic comes from petroleum, I don't see plastic going away anytime soon. Oil is a part of our past and future and we should work on finding cleaner ways to process it instead of thinking it is this great evil.
7. The eye test for climate change does not fit the hysteria behind it. The weather may be slightly warmer than it was when I was a kid, but my life does not suffer in any way. However, my life is much easier and safer now than it would have been in 1860. Gas has allowed a certain quality of life that would not have been possible without it.
8. CO2 does cause a greenhouse effect up to a certain point, but after it reaches a certain level, the greenhouse effect will not continue to rise exponentially.
9. Im not sure how anyone can take the elite seriously about climate change when they continue to fly their private jets around the world and pretend that its ok for them, but we all need to get electric cars. If climate change was seriously threatening our world, don't you think they should stop contributing to it as well?
10. Trickle down economics suck. They help the rich and the poor never see the benefits.