*** 2025 Masters Ticket Application Open *** - Results are in!

A tradition unlike any other

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I am convinced the Masters Gods have cursed me because the one year a vendor comped me a ticket I had a major work conflict. I will likely never win the lottery.

Sorry! Looks like Stub Hub time!

Or call these guys. Good guys. I bought from them twice to take a client.

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This cost a limb to attend for a day or is it reasonable all things considered? I wouldn't mind going to watch 1-2 days if it didn't cost me a limb. I assume Thursday and Friday are the easier days to get tickets for.
This cost a limb to attend for a day or is it reasonable all things considered? I wouldn't mind going to watch 1-2 days if it didn't cost me a limb. I assume Thursday and Friday are the easier days to get tickets for.

W Practice tickets were going 4K per

Th were 5 to 7k per

It’s at once in a lifetime pricing.

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