HORT MAGAs - What about Project 2025 excites you?

Trump is on Epstein call logs scheduling massages on his island. You're telling me that he needs to go to an underage sex island to get a knot worked out of his neck? Don't be dense.
Again, always the media Huey. They have the same info you do bud. They all have passed for a reason
Damn, you’re REALLY obtuse. These assholes are ACTUALLY SAYING THIS SHIT!! Why do you continue to ignore this stuff? I have to assume you support it.
Blah blah blah. Your basement is safe. Better stay there.
He's a party man. He doesn't give a shit about the country as long as his party is in office and he's ok. He's SUPER mad he had to cancel trips this summer because of Biden, and not because he just needs to be better with money.
You guys are literally willing to vote for a vegetable because he has a D by his name. Get the **** outta here with that shit. Lol
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Blah blah blah. Your basement is safe. Better stay there.

You guys are literally willing to vote for a vegetable because he has a D by his name. Get the **** outta here with that shit. Lol
No, I'm willing to vote for a vegetable because he's not Trump. I don't give a shit about parties, I used to be a registered republican you idiot. I've also been very vocal about not liking Biden.

Now go back to crying about how terrible your life is solely because of Biden and not because you just have a shitty job and don't try to make things better for yourself :)
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No, I'm willing to vote for a vegetable because he's not Trump. I don't give a shit about parties, I used to be a registered republican you idiot. I've also been very vocal about not liking Biden.

Now go back to crying about how terrible your life is solely because of Biden and not because you just have a shitty job and don't try to make things better for yourself :)
Show me where I blamed Biden for anything. If you are going to call someone an idiot maybe you shouldn't type stupid shit. Moran.
Show me where I blamed Biden for anything. If you are going to call someone an idiot maybe you shouldn't type stupid shit. Moran.
I can call you an idiot because you insinuated that I'd vote for Biden solely because he's a Democrat.

But I'll give you the blaming Biden thing. You only said multiple times that you're doing worse now than you were 4 years ago, and suggested that the folks that say they aren't are actually lying.

Unless I'm misunderstanding this
The question was "are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?". Some people are honest. Others are not.
Anyways, good talk. Have a great weekend Doob!
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Show me where I blamed Biden for anything. If you are going to call someone an idiot maybe you shouldn't type stupid shit. Moran.
Oh yeah, then there's also this

What goods and services are you no longer buying due to the runaway Biden inflation?
Football tickets. Trip for the eclipse. Concert tickets. Tires for my camper. Wheel flares that I promised the no pics.

Buying stuff sucks right now. It's hard just to pay the bills. Mock me all you want but if you think I'm the only one having trouble you are sadly mistaken. I make more than I ever have by a long shot and this is the hardest it's been for our family in 15 years or more just to make ends meet.
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Oh yeah, then there's also this


I guess you could insinuate that from the wording of the question. My answer was to the question without the reason but I can see why it doesn't seem that way. My bad.
The above-the-fray independent/libertarian posters that are so very concerned with the Democrats decisions and behavior while being hands off with republicans are some tired as characters.
Democrats have time to fix things with biden as candidate. Republicans voted for Trump. He's their guy.
The fact that Trump SAYS he's doesn't support it and you believe him despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Fixed it for ya.
So I should believe the words coming out of your mouth and not trump? Why?
I just heard about this like 24 hours ago, so I took a look at the basics and my response to your question:

1) Termination of DEI programs and Affirmative Action
2) Increased fossil fuel production / Reduced climate change regulation
3) Focus on border security
HORT MAGAs - What about Project 2025 excites you?
While not a MAGA, I personally, just really like the word "project" — it rolls right off the tongue with a satisfying rhythm and feels versatile in its usage, whether in discussing plans, creative endeavors, or even research initiatives. It's a very exciting word.

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