302K Jobs added in January

Good. A strong economy is the quickest path to Donald Trump losing in 2020. He was able to leverage a tremendous level of assistance by Russian intelligence agencies in 2016 by aggravating fears of a poor economy. Fear motivates people. If there isn't economic fear Trump will somehow have to create it.
Ket this be a lesson to all future presidents: the recipe to a strong economy is to start endless trade wars, shutdown the government every few months, lie daily, refuse press conferences, tweet all morning, and make friends with people like Putin and Kim.

Trump somehow stumbled on the magical elixer. All economic books should be thrown out and the Art of the Deal should be taught instead.
Ket this be a lesson to all future presidents: the recipe to a strong economy is to start endless trade wars, shutdown the government every few months, lie daily, refuse press conferences, tweet all morning, and make friends with people like Putin and Kim.

Trump somehow stumbled on the magical elixer. All economic books should be thrown out and the Art of the Deal should be taught instead.
Maybe the Government doesn't have that big of an impact on Corporate hiring or the economy.
That is in no way absolving Trump in his actions.

I would hope we all want a strong economy. We need workers to support SS, Medicare, Medicaid and increase tax revenue.