33% of repubs are MAGA (non locked version)

Modern day cons in a nutshell. Everything I have is because of me. The government never did anything for me. (Even though this lady is from a 20 year military family).

Anything anyone else has is because the government gave it to them. And they’re lazy, no good bums.

And the world out there is a disgusting, awful, scary place.

F***ing FOXNews.

Tyreek Hill explained to CNN’s @kaitlancollins tonight why he rolled his window back up during the traffic stop:

“If I let my window down, like, people walking by, driving by, they're going to notice that it's me, and they're going to start taking pictures.

“And, like, I didn't want to create a scene at all. Like, I just really wanted to get the ticket and then just go on about my way and then just have a great Sunday.”

They're all hypocrites

We were told for months on end how this was just going to be a "State's rights" issue.
Now, states are using their official powers to keep the issue OFF ballots and dictate to their voters what the conservative minority wants.

Seems like this needs national legislation to get for voters what they actually want.