4 years of stability is over, thank you President Biden

Your embarrassment is palpable for falling for Bonespur's lies. How's that wall coming along... where's Mexican check... we have already been told the promised food prices won't be coming down... the Ukraine war will not be ended on Jan 21 as promised... the dupes don't even care they have been lied to daily/consistently. Or maybe are too ignorant to have even noticed. But given how many there have been... last count I saw was something like 38,000 +... maybe the sheer volume of lies has exhausted them and they've just given up. I'll send you some of those thoughts and prayers you continually throw out to the school shooting dead kids and their families... and hope you can get over the embarassment of being on the receiving end of Bonespur's train of lies. I'll make it real big thoughts and prayers.
Your tears are funny.
You should have announced you weren't running in 2022 but to be frank this country is so ****ing stupid I'm not sure it would matter. President Biden navigated endless issues and did them well. Including a literal attack on our Capitol by his predecessor and unfortunately successor. Thank you sir. If you were 10 years younger landslide win by you this past election.
Seriously dude. When have you and your screwed up brain ever known stability? 2nd grade maybe?