4chan troll job


HB Heisman
May 8, 2003
4chan is buzzing about the MSM falling for this Russian Trump peegate. Not sure what to make if it.
Well from what I've gathered they "4chan" made up the story and sent it to Wilson who gave it to the CIA, and now the media is taking it as fact. That's if you believe 4chan more then the media.
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If you look at the original CNN article, they never claimed the report saying Trump pays hookers to pee on beds that Obama had slept in as true. They reported that a synopsis of that report was part of a briefing to Trump.
Here's an article from the Daily Beast which is more informative than anything you'll read on HROT.
daily beast?

see, when interwebz is proven to be full of crap, you don't use interwebz to prove how full. what we need here is the cia testifying or the fbi, but they will not , thank goodness
Well it includes links to 4chan and stuff.
llook, hills and the media tried and tried all through the campaign in 2016 for months to make the Russia thing stick and it never did . this is nothing new

there were other fake memes started by hills too which the hills camp started , alt right , fake news

4chan is a big part of the fake news thing pizza parlor deal too
If it is fake it the worst thing that could happen for Dems. Pretty much guarantees he gets a free pass here on out for anything that might be scandalous. Nobody will believe the next story.

Also, I dont even care if it is true.
what's worse is the cia is falling for it or acting like they are, and john mclame falling for it. cnn can jump in a lake
"Buzzfeed's position seems to be: Laymen deserve the chance to see & substantiate what trained dirt-diggers failed to after weeks of trying."
Yeah, sure it was, Kellyanne. You might want to tell the FBI who is still investigating it then. LOL.
does this look legit to you? from some mysterious retired MI6 guy with no name { probably 4chan}

fbi- not investigating hills
fbi- does investigate urinegate

Does 4chan have any other proof other than the one post from back in November where somebody says they sent fake info to Rick Wilson? I tried to follow the thread that came from but the format on that board is so god damn horrible.
Does 4chan have any other proof other than the one post from back in November where somebody says they sent fake info to Rick Wilson? I tried to follow the thread that came from but the format on that board is so god damn horrible.
really if you think about it the burden of proof is on mclame and the cia and the fbi and cnn