60 Years of Democrats calling GOP candidates "Hitler/ Nazis"

It's just gotta work this time!

Gerald Ford followed Nixon as president and as a Republican who was called a fascist. In 1974, a member of the American Civil Liberties Union criticized Ford for his lack of punitive action against Nixon.

“If [President] Ford’s principle had been the rule in Nuremberg,” he said, “the Nazi leaders would have been let off, and only the people, who carried out their schemes, would have been tried,” the ACLU said at the time.

Additionally, in the Gerald Ford Library Museum, a document describes an interaction with a woman in 1975 in which Ford was harassed and repeatedly called a “fascist” and a “fascist pig.”

Surely, over a decade of accusations and allegations of fascism never coming to fruition would stop Democrats from calling Republicans Nazis, fascists, or comparing them to Hitler, right?


Former President Ronald Reagan was the next target in the Democrats’ line of unsubstantiated accusations of fascism.

Rep. William Clay (D-MO) stated that Reagan wanted to “replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.”

The Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad drew a panel depicting Reagan plotting a fascist putsch in a darkened Munich beer hall. Harry Stein (later a conservative convert) wrote in Esquire that the voters who supported Reagan were comparable to the “good Germans” in “Hitler’s Germany.”

American Enterprise Institute scholar Steven Hayward highlighted another incident in which the intelligentsia and academia also contributed to the Reagan fascist comparisons when John Roth, a Holocaust scholar from the Claremont Colleges, commented about Reagan’s election:

“I could not help remembering how 40 years ago economic turmoil had conspired with Nazi nationalism and militarism — all intensified by Germany’s defeat in World War I—to send the world reeling into catastrophe. … It is not entirely mistaken to contemplate our postelection state with fear and trembling.”

Former President George W. Bush might have been the Republican politician who faced the harshest and most vile criticism before Trump. Bush was regularly called every dirty name in the book, from racist to Nazi to fascist to war criminal. There are many examples of linking Bush to Hitler, Nazis, and fascists.

In 2012, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), the same Romney so many Democrats love today, was also linked to Nazis and fascism. One delegate from Kansas (at the time) said Romney was a habitual liar and likened him to Hitler “while criticizing the accuracy of Romney’s campaign talking points.”

A chairman of the California Democratic Party compared then-vice presidential candidate (and eventual former Speaker of the House) Paul Ryan, again, the same Ryan loved by many Democrats today, to Nazi filmmaker and propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
Not a coincidence the story starts with ford. Everybody called people fascists back then. But take heart - the 60s relics probably only have a few more years left on this good earth.
Sure, but since a Democrat used a Nazi reference with Nixon and a different one used one on Reagan, and another one used a fascism reference on Romney, and none of them murdered six million Jews. That means everything about Trump should be ignored because Democrats always say these things and it's BS.
No. It means all of that stuff leading up to this moment is a big reason why no one gives a shit about you saying it now. Not that it should be ignored. It's EVERY goddamned election with the socialist and fascist shit. And now there's an actual point to be made but for most hearing it, "the sky is falling" once again.

Also, Flick and all of the idiots who think they are making points in this thread, pretending they didn't argue the same shit against Romney, full throated, are hilarious. That murderous, animal hating, misogynist, Romney!
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Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner - Right Bias - Conservative - Republican - Credible
Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


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Yeah, and they always talk about Trump's dangerous rhetoric too... Biden/Harris even called for rhetoric to be toned down after the first assassination attempt.

Trump has said NOTHING to the level of directly calling an opponent fascist/Nazi.

It's not even comical, it's disgusting.

Unrelated: I saw the Biden/Harris admin we successful against Virginia, reinstating the non-citizens and dead people into the voter rolls for this election... Um. Congrats?
Donald Trump on Kamala Harris.

"But if she ever got elected, she'd change it and it will be the end of our country. She's a Marxist. Everybody knows she's a Marxist."
How many years have republicans called democrats, socialist, communist and Marxist?

This is the other reaction that the article is designed to get: "You guys do it too!"

That cheapens the - legitimate - observations about Trump by the classic "both sides" bullshit. Where a reasonable person is supposed to throw their hands up and proclaim both sides are the same and full of it.

Who cares what Republicans have called Democrats? Don't concede the author's point. The author wants everyone to ignore Trump's statements and conduct that can be likened to Nazism and fascism because he found a few examples of Democrats using Nazi/fascism language with respect to past Republican presidents.

He doesn't make the case. It doesn't make sense.
Does not know what objectively means.

It's an element of the "fill in" vocabulary that she uses to make herself sound smarter and more profound than she really is,.. It's the foundation of her word salad super power...
I'll count that as you condoning the rhetoric. And yes, what's "worse" is subjective, but one side's rhetoric has led to TWO assassination attempts. That's objectively true.

Hot off the press from Kamala:

I see you've forgotten the "lock her up" chants.

Yeah, and they always talk about Trump's dangerous rhetoric too... Biden/Harris even called for rhetoric to be toned down after the first assassination attempt.

Trump has said NOTHING to the level of directly calling an opponent fascist/Nazi.

It's not even comical, it's disgusting.

Unrelated: I saw the Biden/Harris admin we successful against Virginia, reinstating the non-citizens and dead people into the voter rolls for this election... Um. Congrats?
enemies of the people

I think that terminology rises to that level and perhaps beyond that level because it dehumanizes other people making them subhuman.
Because most of you think a socialist and a democratic socialist and a national socialist are all the same thing.
There are some posters who argue that Nazis were left-wing. But that’s not the reason lefties bristle when someone refers to Bernie or AOC as a socialist.
No. It means all of that stuff leading up to this moment is a big reason why no one gives a shit about you saying it now. Not that it should be ignored. It's EVERY goddamned election with the socialist and fascist shit. And now there's an actual point to be made but for most hearing it, "the sky is falling" once again.

Also, Flick and all of the idiots who think they are making points in this thread, pretending they didn't argue the same shit against Romney, full throated, are hilarious. That murderous, animal hating, misogynist, Romney!

I don't agree that it's a big reason at all. Maybe it's a convenient after the fact justification for simple people to ignore the uncomfortable parts with Trump. But I suspect the number of people who are thinking to themselves: "Gosh, Trump sure sounds like a fascist Nazi, but then again William Clay said that about Reagan and Reagan didn't murder a bunch of Jews, I guess I don't give a shit".

Click on the author and check out the titles of the other stories he written. This one is designed to give a permission structure to people to ignore Trump's red flags. He found several examples of Democrats calling different Republicans fascists/Nazis, see they've always done it! It's supposed to work on simple people to connect these dots.

But he doesn't make a persuasive case that these handful of examples are actually representative of the era, nor does he make the logical connection for why these handful of examples should have a bearing on Trump's conduct.

Edit to add: The biggest reason why no one gives a shit about the fascism/Nazi allegations is because they're voting for Trump and they know they wouldn't vote for a fascist/Nazi.
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I think this comment is relevant. It isn't electorally effective even if there is some truth in the statement. Trump doesn't want to have an opponent he wants an enemy. So I think she is better served to focus on Trump's fitness for office rather than engage him in this type of enemy politics.
Two things and btw this is a good point you make.

1) Trump's own former cohorts agree he's at least fascist friendly for sure.
2) Trump's actions in the 2020 election go well beyond what any former President has attempted.

I don't think Trump is anywhere close to Hitler when it comes to rounding up groups of people and doing what Hitler did. I do think he has authoritian tendencies and has already broken the peaceful transfer of power that we ALWAYS had. That's what made America unique imo.

If someone hasn't started a world war or perpetrated a Holocaust - yet - are you barred from making Hitler comparisons?

Was Hitler a good guy except for those?
My point, which has been my point since 2016, is when you call Ford, Reagan and Romney "Hitler and Nazis", then people correctly stop listening to that dumb shit, eventually. Which sucks for you when you finally say it and might be correct.
You and the wingnut from the Examiner are intentionally careless with the facts.

You can always find someone who will call any leader a fascist and maybe even compare them with Hitler.

That doesn't mean all Dems and libs are on board with those insults.

You and your idiot author also never bother to ask the question that any reasonable person should ask: In what way is so-and-so a fascist or like Hitler?

Since you don't base your rejection of fascist/Hitler claims on any facts, you end up looking like you are just defending the worst characteristics of those Republicans.

If there were any reason to do so, we could go through the list and identify the ways in which they may or may not have deserved to be called fascist or Hitler-like. But why bother when you and your author are being intellectually dishonest out of the gate?
one side's rhetoric has led to TWO assassination attempts. That's objectively true.
Please walk us through the logic. It sounds like you're trying to sell this syllogism:

1. Mean rhetoric happened.

2. Assassination attempts happened.

3. Therefore the mean rhetoric caused the assassination attempts.

Surely you can see the flaw in that reasoning. So flesh it out for us. Make the syllogism work, if you can.
Please walk us through the logic. It sounds like you're trying to sell this syllogism:

1. Mean rhetoric happened.

2. Assassination attempts happened.

3. Therefore the mean rhetoric caused the assassination attempts.

Surely you can see the flaw in that reasoning. So flesh it out for us. Make the syllogism work, if you can.
Sounds like the exact structure of a climate alarmist's arguments. Bad weather happened. SUVs are being driven. Therefore, SUVs created bad weather. Here's your paper straw.
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Sounds like the exact structure of a climate alarmist's arguments. Bad weather happened. SUVs are being driven. Therefore, SUVs created bad weather. Here's your paper straw.
Why do you do that?

Does it bother you even slightly that nearly everything you post gives cover to the worst elements in our culture?

I can remember when you weren't this way. So I assume you still have a sense of right and wrong. But maybe I need to revise my impression.
There are some posters who argue that Nazis were left-wing. But that’s not the reason lefties bristle when someone refers to Bernie or AOC as a socialist.
No, it's because they think that democratic socialism is communism. People hear a buzzword on Fox News and think it's bad because they're told it's bad, so yes, I bristle when dumb people say dumb things.
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It's just gotta work this time!

Gerald Ford followed Nixon as president and as a Republican who was called a fascist. In 1974, a member of the American Civil Liberties Union criticized Ford for his lack of punitive action against Nixon.

“If [President] Ford’s principle had been the rule in Nuremberg,” he said, “the Nazi leaders would have been let off, and only the people, who carried out their schemes, would have been tried,” the ACLU said at the time.

Additionally, in the Gerald Ford Library Museum, a document describes an interaction with a woman in 1975 in which Ford was harassed and repeatedly called a “fascist” and a “fascist pig.”

Surely, over a decade of accusations and allegations of fascism never coming to fruition would stop Democrats from calling Republicans Nazis, fascists, or comparing them to Hitler, right?


Former President Ronald Reagan was the next target in the Democrats’ line of unsubstantiated accusations of fascism.

Rep. William Clay (D-MO) stated that Reagan wanted to “replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.”

The Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad drew a panel depicting Reagan plotting a fascist putsch in a darkened Munich beer hall. Harry Stein (later a conservative convert) wrote in Esquire that the voters who supported Reagan were comparable to the “good Germans” in “Hitler’s Germany.”

American Enterprise Institute scholar Steven Hayward highlighted another incident in which the intelligentsia and academia also contributed to the Reagan fascist comparisons when John Roth, a Holocaust scholar from the Claremont Colleges, commented about Reagan’s election:

“I could not help remembering how 40 years ago economic turmoil had conspired with Nazi nationalism and militarism — all intensified by Germany’s defeat in World War I—to send the world reeling into catastrophe. … It is not entirely mistaken to contemplate our postelection state with fear and trembling.”

Former President George W. Bush might have been the Republican politician who faced the harshest and most vile criticism before Trump. Bush was regularly called every dirty name in the book, from racist to Nazi to fascist to war criminal. There are many examples of linking Bush to Hitler, Nazis, and fascists.

In 2012, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), the same Romney so many Democrats love today, was also linked to Nazis and fascism. One delegate from Kansas (at the time) said Romney was a habitual liar and likened him to Hitler “while criticizing the accuracy of Romney’s campaign talking points.”

A chairman of the California Democratic Party compared then-vice presidential candidate (and eventual former Speaker of the House) Paul Ryan, again, the same Ryan loved by many Democrats today, to Nazi filmmaker and propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
I don't give a **** about then. Right now the Republicans have a fascist running for president. I don't give a shit about some moron back in the 70s. You're just trying to deflect.
:rolleyes:Two things and btw this is a good point you make.

1) Trump's own former cohorts agree he's at least fascist friendly for sure.
2) Trump's actions in the 2020 election go well beyond what any former President has attempted.

I don't think Trump is anywhere close to Hitler when it comes to rounding up groups of people and doing what Hitler did. I do think he has authoritian tendencies and has already broken the peaceful transfer of power that we ALWAYS had. That's what made America unique imo.
Ya, I know, I know, but it's different this time.:rolleyes:

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