8-4ever. GTFO

  • Thread starter anon_ts5cfra6drv7r
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8-4ver (assuming we sneak 1 more out). Get to play a low tier sec team in the outback bowl and represent the bloomin onion and pull out a big win and Kirk cries and next year the hype train starts over. Wash-rinse-repeat
As crap as Iowa looks the past 3 games, they're not playing world beaters the rest of the season.
I'm not counting them out of any of them. But I'd be quite surprised if they win all 3. I'm going to be more optimistic than is warranted and say they win 2 of 3.
8-4ver (assuming we sneak 1 more out). Get to play a low tier sec team in the outback bowl and represent the bloomin onion and pull out a big win and Kirk cries and next year the hype train starts over. Wash-rinse-repeat
This hits too close to home
The last 3 games are basically a box of chocolates, to paraphrase Forrest Gump.

Could see 3-0 to 0-3 without much trouble, although a win at NE seems quite unlikely to me. tOSU was darn lucky to sneak out of there with a W, and despite their awful record, I think NE is our toughest remaining opponent by a good margin. As long as they haven’t quit on Frost by then, I see an L in Lincoln.

Could easily see ugly W’s or L’s vs. MN and IL. Will likely be ugly either way.
You can count on Bert having this game on his calendar; he'll do anything he can to win, even a fake punt.
Who f'n? cares? 7 wins, bayyyybeee!!!!
Mission accomplished for operation Ferentz team longevity plan which is the real #1 goal despite all that win the west nonsense. Kirk and Brian deserve to treat themselves to an extra scoop of ice cream today, I'm sure Gary will drop by for the party. I hope we can add to that but it would really just be more ice cream on the cake at this point. No reason to get greedy😂

All joking aside I am happy with the W and any win the Hawks can muster with that offensive Ferentz handicap. This place would be melting down if the D didn't bail us out on their last possession, felt like another broken record NW loss til the INT. Padilla and the young receivers have a ton of potential
The last 3 games are basically a box of chocolates, to paraphrase Forrest Gump.

Could see 3-0 to 0-3 without much trouble, although a win at NE seems quite unlikely to me. tOSU was darn lucky to sneak out of there with a W, and despite their awful record, I think NE is our toughest remaining opponent by a good margin. As long as they haven’t quit on Frost by then, I see an L in Lincoln.

Could easily see ugly W’s or L’s vs. MN and IL. Will likely be ugly either way.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I could see us winning out, losing or somewhere in between. I’m hoping with more reps with the 1’s that Padilla will look much better.

I just hope they change their OL recruiting strategy after this year. Having 2 guys who aren’t ready to play forced into action have held this team back.
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