When the medical community claimed that Sturgis was a homicidal super spreader event, but COVID wouldn't spread in BLM riots...that was it.
When they plainly lied and supressed the lab leak theory.
"Science" in the Trump era took up resistance, and they debased themselves. On masking children. On the vaccine's effectiveness. On school closures. On gatherings. On natural immunity.
Then they did the same on gender transitions in minors and gender ideology in general.
There's barely a scientific authority of any kind that didn't totally reveal themselves as totally unserious liars or fools when it came to questions with political overtones.
Or, I guess you still think COVID came from the wet market, learning loss wasn't a thing, the vaccines prevented transmission, children in danger from Covid and needed vaccination? Because "science" said it.
Abandonment of authority is a tragedy of immense proportions that will reverberate for generations.