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I tried that crap in Fargo, ND and it was the epitome of gas station pizza. Worse than the Godfather's Pizza you get in the Speedway stations in Florida.
If you're in Fargo, you go to Rhombus for pizza.
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Listen, I love my mom but she is quite obese and quite frankly would rather have a hot fudge sundae. Are you sure about that?
I bet she’d rather have a hot fudge sundae. From the urban dictionary:


1 n. a sexual position achieved by spraying whipped cream around an anus that is inflammed and is spewing diarrhea, and promptly inserting the penis and thrusting from the pelvis. girlfriend has the stomach gonna get me a hot fudge sundae tonight.
This was our warchant joke that always got posted as the best place to eat. It's been closed for over a decade now. But even after it was some people kept recommending it, so it lived on there.
Well see, there's your problem.

Once you get outside of Iowa, and MAYBE far-western Illinois, the quality of Casey's pie is a crapshoot.

If you eat it within state borders, however, it is manna from heaven.
Wrong. North Dakota and South Dakota are even more hardcore Casey's territory than Iowa. Go over to Bisonville (NDSU board) and say something bad about Casey's pizza, I dare ya. Hell, the official Season Long MVFC thread on AnyGivenSaturday is sponsored by Casey's (unofficially).
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Wrong. North Dakota and South Dakota are even more hardcore Casey's territory than Iowa. Go over to Bisonville (NDSU board) and say something bad about Casey's pizza, I dare ya. Hell, the official Season Long MVFC thread on AnyGivenSaturday is sponsored by Casey's (unofficially).
They never leave their frozen hellscapes. They do not know how much better Casey's pizza is in God's Country.
Uhh, this is only an issue for inbred folks from south of the Mason-Dixon line who have a passing familiarity with literacy.

You know, 'Noles fans.

The rest of us just call this "speaking and writing English." Something Iowans are quite good at.

* ” which Iowans are quite good.”
Still no clue M1 and M2. Sigh.
It's been linked here but once upon a time there were numerous rank 'em threads where a pic was posted of multiple females. A visionary among us came up with a theory on why it seemed some of us had horrible if not bizarre taste in women. It is really about 50/50 I think after a poll was done, that half of us (the correct Method 2 ("M2") half) ranked the females like handing out ribbons for hotness. The cretin half of us (Method 1 ("M1")) didn't rank the women at all but instead held a draft of sorts. So for the picture below, I rank from left to right 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. That would be M2. The collie-molesting M1s would hold a draft and "rank" those same girls as 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. And I just realized that this is a freak photo where it comes out the same each method.

So for a better example, for the photo below: if the hottest is on the middle, the second hottest is on the far right, and the least hot is the one of the left, then M2 would be: 3, 1, 2 while M1 would be: 2, 3, 1.

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It's been linked here but once upon a time there were numerous rank 'em threads where a pic was posted of multiple females. A visionary among us came up with a theory on why it seemed some of us had horrible if not bizarre taste in women. It is really about 50/50 I think after a poll was done, that half of us (the correct Method 2 ("M2") half) ranked the females like handing out ribbons for hotness. The cretin half of us (Method 1 ("M1")) didn't rank the women at all but instead held a draft of sorts. So for the picture below, I rank from left to right 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. That would be M2. The collie-molesting M1s would hold a draft and "rank" those same girls as 1, 5, 4, 3, 2.


Ahhhh. The LR had other methods. I would simply rank on perceived hotness and whorish demeanor ala M2.

Thanks. Got it now.
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It's been linked here but once upon a time there were numerous rank 'em threads where a pic was posted of multiple females. A visionary among us came up with a theory on why it seemed some of us had horrible if not bizarre taste in women. It is really about 50/50 I think after a poll was done, that half of us (the correct Method 2 ("M2") half) ranked the females like handing out ribbons for hotness. The cretin half of us (Method 1 ("M1")) didn't rank the women at all but instead held a draft of sorts. So for the picture below, I rank from left to right 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. That would be M2. The collie-molesting M1s would hold a draft and "rank" those same girls as 1, 5, 4, 3, 2.


Pretty spot on except M2 are mouth breathers and M1 are of a superior intellect.
Wrong. North Dakota and South Dakota are even more hardcore Casey's territory than Iowa. Go over to Bisonville (NDSU board) and say something bad about Casey's pizza, I dare ya. Hell, the official Season Long MVFC thread on AnyGivenSaturday is sponsored by Casey's (unofficially).

I tried Casey's Pizza in NoDak and in the Minnesota Lake Country. Not impressed either time.
It's been linked here but once upon a time there were numerous rank 'em threads where a pic was posted of multiple females. A visionary among us came up with a theory on why it seemed some of us had horrible if not bizarre taste in women. It is really about 50/50 I think after a poll was done, that half of us (the correct Method 2 ("M2") half) ranked the females like handing out ribbons for hotness. The cretin half of us (Method 1 ("M1")) didn't rank the women at all but instead held a draft of sorts. So for the picture below, I rank from left to right 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. That would be M2. The collie-molesting M1s would hold a draft and "rank" those same girls as 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. And I just realized that this is a freak photo where it comes out the same each method.

So for a better example, for the photo below: if the hottest is on the middle, the second hottest is on the far right, and the least hot is the one of the left, then M2 would be: 3, 1, 2 while M1 would be: 2, 3, 1.

Do it with a pic where at least a couple are 2s or 3s at best and the others are 9s. Makes it much simpler for people to grasp.
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It's been linked here but once upon a time there were numerous rank 'em threads where a pic was posted of multiple females. A visionary among us came up with a theory on why it seemed some of us had horrible if not bizarre taste in women. It is really about 50/50 I think after a poll was done, that half of us (the correct Method 2 ("M2") half) ranked the females like handing out ribbons for hotness. The cretin half of us (Method 1 ("M1")) didn't rank the women at all but instead held a draft of sorts. So for the picture below, I rank from left to right 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. That would be M2. The collie-molesting M1s would hold a draft and "rank" those same girls as 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. And I just realized that this is a freak photo where it comes out the same each method.

So for a better example, for the photo below: if the hottest is on the middle, the second hottest is on the far right, and the least hot is the one of the left, then M2 would be: 3, 1, 2 while M1 would be: 2, 3, 1.


Did you really say M2 is better? Fight bar
Have we taken a road trip lately?

With these, we would pic a message board of another team and just post there like it was business as usual.
M1 is so dumb.

Also, you have probably already figured it out, but NorthernHawkeye and IowaHawkeyeFBNBball4Life are the most universally despised posters here and have no friends. They relieve their anger at the world by starting pointless threads where they receive negative attention for their stupidity.
Have we taken a road trip lately?

With these, we would pic a message board of another team and just post there like it was business as usual.
And that's how we Locker Roomers heard of your land of Glory and made our migration across the long barren seas of the internet after being cast aside like peasants from the dictator known as .Com.

So unless you want more Cretins like us, you might want to avoid those.

I do remember your first attempted invasion of the Locker Room. We held our own well if I do recall. lol

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