A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us.

You're operating under the middle school delusion that the only thing that counts as "science" is the rigid "scientific method"involving hands-on experimentation with physical matter. That's simply incorrect. Modeling is a long-established and critical aspect of scientific investigation and experimentation. To deny that is ignorant, at best. I won't give you anything to establish that fact as I don't want to "appeal to authority" but you can google scientific modeling (yeah, it's literally called that for a reason) and educate yourself.
Oxymoron's are an actual think you know.
Biden should declare a National Emergency to combat the climate crisis.

Maybe wait to see how the 2 infrastructure bills fare. But no longer than that. End of August at the latest.
This is hilarious. Maybe Biden can declare a national emergency for China and India to combat this crisis. They are the ones building hundreds of coal fired plants with no emissions controls. Plants in America have had precipitators since the 70's and in the past 15 years have retrofitted with Lime Slurry Scrubbers, fabric filters, SNCR systems, ACI systems etc.. China and India don't use any of those technologies. Why do you think the people in China have been wearing masks for nearly 2 decades when outside? Also, there are companies in America holding competitions to achieve viable alternatives to use for carbon capture.
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It is nice to see you bring your top-level intellect to the table.

What do you think about Michael Mann's latest book and appearances on news media?

On the one hand, he's a reputable climate scientist who's been at the forefront of the debate for a decade or 2. And he regularly debunks denier arguments and lies. On the other he's painting a anti-doomist picture that I fear will just make the deniers' job easier.

Here's one thing he's said several times on TV (paraphrasing): If we stop putting carbon in the atmosphere, the world will immediately stop warming. Surely that's wrong, isn't it? The C02 we've already released will continue to raise temps for a while, even if we stop elevating the levels. At least that's my understanding.

I'd like to hear you and @fsu1jreed and @tarheelbybirth (and anone else) weigh in on this.
What do you think about Michael Mann's latest book and appearances on news media?

Here's one thing he's said several times on TV (paraphrasing): If we stop putting carbon in the atmosphere, the world will immediately stop warming. Surely that's wrong, isn't it? The C02 we've already released will continue to raise temps for a while, even if we stop elevating the levels. At least that's my understanding.

I'd like to hear you and @fsu1jreed and @tarheelbybirth (and anone else) weigh in on this.
If that's what he said, it would be wrong. Global temps are chasing the CO2 that's already in the atmosphere until they reach a new equilibrium. Stop putting CO2 in the atmosphere today and the rise would slow but it wouldn't stop. Then there are feedback mechanisms already kicking in like the exposure of more dark ocean surfaces in the Arctic to the sun and the release of GHGs from melting permafrost. I'm not sure how to account for that affect but the climate models could map it. Bottom line - we won't stop and it's unlikely we even slow very much.

The future - and the not-so-distant future - are very bleak. If Thwaites glacier lets go catastrophically we could be looking at 3 feet of sea level rise by 2100 - just from Thwaites. And that collapse would expose the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet to warmer seawater. That goes and for all practical purposes every coastal city in the world is uninhabitable - that's 10 feet on top of what Thwaites would add. It could happen much faster than we think.
If that's what he said, it would be wrong. Global temps are chasing the CO2 that's already in the atmosphere until they reach a new equilibrium. Stop putting CO2 in the atmosphere today and the rise would slow but it wouldn't stop. Then there are feedback mechanisms already kicking in like the exposure of more dark ocean surfaces in the Arctic to the sun and the release of GHGs from melting permafrost. I'm not sure how to account for that affect but the climate models could map it. Bottom line - we won't stop and it's unlikely we even slow very much.

The future - and the not-so-distant future - are very bleak. If Thwaites glacier lets go catastrophically we could be looking at 3 feet of sea level rise by 2100 - just from Thwaites. And that collapse would expose the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet to warmer seawater. That goes and for all practical purposes every coastal city in the world is uninhabitable - that's 10 feet on top of what Thwaites would add. It could happen much faster than we think.

Yep; it took 50+ years to get things warming like they are already.

The only way to reverse this quickly is to remove gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere. The Earth is not "at equilibrium" with the CO2 already emitted, so it will continue to heat for decades, or longer.

We need to get to net-negative emissions to stop it more quickly.
I just want to know if I can expect a snowpacolypse in South Texas every year now. We've had snow 3x in the last three years. I need to plan ahead (of the morons).
Wake up people - America could go back to candles, horse and buggies, etc and it wouldn't offset the pollution that Russia, China, and about 12 other industrialized nations pump into the atmosphere and waterways. Those countries laugh at us for handcuffing ourselves from using coal and fossil fuels while they pollute away.
Wake up people - America could go back to candles, horse and buggies, etc and it wouldn't offset the pollution that Russia, China, and about 12 other industrialized nations pump into the atmosphere and waterways. Those countries laugh at us for handcuffing ourselves from using coal and fossil fuels while they pollute away.

"Because Timmy peed in the pool........WE ALL NEED TO PEE IN THE POOL!!!!"
I doubt it is what he said; it is what someone else misinterpreted.
I heard him say something like that twice on shows like Meet the Press. Each time I thought I must have misheard him, or that he misspoke. But that's my best recollection.

I tried googling for an exact quote but all I found was him saying that warming would stop in a couple of decades.

He did not include that caveat in what I saw, but even that sounds wrong.
"Because Timmy peed in the pool........WE ALL NEED TO PEE IN THE POOL!!!!"
Apples and Oranges comparison on your part - Wanting the U.S. to go all green to combat global warming and then expecting things to change as the rest of the industrialized nations do little to nothing is like trying to lower the level of Lake Superior using a bucket. You fools need to wake up and realize you are being played (Paris Climate (Scam) Deal).
Apples and Oranges comparison on your part - Wanting the U.S. to go all green to combat global warming and then expecting things to change as the rest of the industrialized nations do little to nothing is like trying to lower the level of Lake Superior using a bucket. You fools need to wake up and realize you are being played (Paris Climate (Scam) Deal).
One of the FEW things I agreed with the Trump admin on--the U.S. part of the Paris Climate Agreement was pretty $hitty.
We are currently living in the time on planet earth that both poles are ice covered and we are not currently in an ice age. Be happy we are in a warming cycle and not a cooling cycle.

Yes, I do believe man is accelerating the cycles.
Wake up people - America could go back to candles, horse and buggies, etc and it wouldn't offset the pollution that Russia, China, and about 12 other industrialized nations pump into the atmosphere and waterways. Those countries laugh at us for handcuffing ourselves from using coal and fossil fuels while they pollute away.
It's amazing how this childish response keeps getting trotted out.

There's no reason for me to give up murdering, raping and robbing. Because even if I completely stop, other people will murder, rape and rob.

Yes, but not only will we have stopped our own wrong-doing, but then we're in a position to act against those shirkers.

How have you stayed off my ignore list this long?
One of the FEW things I agreed with the Trump admin on--the U.S. part of the Paris Climate Agreement was pretty $hitty.
Shame on you for supporting HROT's latest dishonest poster.

The whole point of Paris was that it was a collective agreement. Trump, Turkeybutt and now you are arguing that we should dishonor ourselves and break our word because we think other parties to the agreement will be dishonorable and break their word.
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Apples and Oranges comparison on your part - Wanting the U.S. to go all green to combat global warming and then expecting things to change as the rest of the industrialized nations do little to nothing is like trying to lower the level of Lake Superior using a bucket. You fools need to wake up and realize you are being played (Paris Climate (Scam) Deal).
So what's YOUR solution? The country that gets out in front on green energy will be the Saudi Arabia of green in the future. OR we all go down and it doesn't matter. The ONLY way your take makes any sense is if you deny there's an issue with adding 45+ bilion tons of CO2/year to the atmosphere. Is that what you think?
So what's YOUR solution? The country that gets out in front on green energy will be the Saudi Arabia of green in the future. OR we all go down and it doesn't matter. The ONLY way your take makes any sense is if you deny there's an issue with adding 45+ bilion tons of CO2/year to the atmosphere. Is that what you think?
We can't fix this alone and every solution that has been brought forward puts it all on our shoulders.
We can't fix this alone and every solution that has been brought forward puts it all on our shoulders.
So we shouldn't lead? We're responsible for the CO2 that has us where we are now. We're 5% of the world population and we were using more than 25% of the world's energy. The warming that HAS occurred is on us. We better find a way to support our lifestyle with green energy and sell THAT to the rest of the world because we can't tell them, "Yeah, we burned the shit out of fossil fuels when we knew what the consequences would be but you're just gonna have to remain in the third world." They'll just tell us to fvck off...and we will deserve it.
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So we shouldn't lead? We're responsible for the CO2 that has us where we are now. We're 5% of the world population and we were using more than 25% of the world's energy. The warming that HAS occurred is on us. We better find a way to support our lifestyle with green energy and sell THAT to the rest of the world because we can't tell them, "Yeah, we burned the shit out of fossil fuels when we knew what the consequences would be but you're just gonna have to remain in the third world." They'll just tell us to fvck off...and we will deserve it.
Global Warming is highly overrated - just fill the tank and check the oil is what I tell the station attendant
WTF are you talking about? In a history of idiotic posts, that makes the top ten. Kudos.
Pretty fascinating stuff. The Smithsonian channel has some great information/videos. We are currently in a rare transition period where both poles are ice covered (we are warming from an ice age). Often times when this has happened in the past one pole has melted much faster than the other. Thats "wtf im talking about" check it out.

Be happy we are warming and not cooling.
Pretty fascinating stuff. The Smithsonian channel has some great information/videos. We are currently in a rare transition period where both poles are ice covered (we are warming from an ice age). Often times when this has happened in the past one pole has melted much faster than the other. Thats "wtf im talking about" check it out.
Lol, Smithsonian channel is #fakenewz
We are currently in a rare transition period where both poles are ice covered (we are warming from an ice age).

We are not "warming from an ice age" anymore. We are past the Milankovitch cycle peak, and should be gradually cooling over the next 100,000+ years

Instead, we are continuing to warm, despite the Milankovitch trend that should be the opposite.

It's like tapping the brakes on your car, and it starts lurching forward, accelerating. And you push down harder and it keeps going faster.
Pretty fascinating stuff. The Smithsonian channel has some great information/videos. We are currently in a rare transition period where both poles are ice covered (we are warming from an ice age). Often times when this has happened in the past one pole has melted much faster than the other. Thats "wtf im talking about" check it out.

Be happy we are warming and not cooling.
Well, all the natural climate forcers - most importantly, the Milankovitch Cycle - are actually in a cooling mode. Absent humans we'd be in an ice age in a few tens of thousands of years.

Here's NASA: Earth is currently in an interglacial period (a period of milder climate between Ice Ages). If there were no human influences on climate, scientists say Earth’s current orbital positions within the Milankovitch cycles predict our planet should be cooling, not warming, continuing a long-term cooling trend that began 6,000 years ago.

So we're actually not in a warming cycle. The Earth should be very slowly cooling.
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