A Look Behind the Curtain of the Licklighter Years

Lick actually had a top notch recruiter on staff. He's now Michigans top guy under Belein. I sat at spiece fieldhouse watching Trey Burke go off with him and he said he'd have been a hawkeye if they hadn't been fired. Month later he and Trey were headed to Michigan. He said Coach Lick just wore down after the second year in Iowa. Had no clue Alford's roster had so many personal problems.

not sure about top notch... recruiting starts with the head man...also not sure about Alford's roster having personal problems...seems Anthony Tucker (Lick& staffs recruit) had plenty of personal problems.
punk is defined as a worthless person (often used as a general term of abuse).

What could possibly make someone say John was/is a punk. Good student, starter on a state champ HS team I think. Had no discipline problems at any point in his life, at least to the extent anyone here knows about. He milked every drop of his less than considerable talent when he was on the floor for his total of 81 minutes of PT.

Actually, when you think about what would it say about a kid if he didn't speak up when hundreds, maybe thousands of people were trashing, albeit with mostly good cause, his father? John's willingness to do so is both understandable and frankly a little courageous and more than a little admirable.

I've seen the tip of the iceberg as to the kinds of things that are said about public figures, in my case a rather minor and fleeting public figure. Heard every kind of lie and distortion about myself without caring. You say something bad about my family and I will light you up like the 4th of effing Juuuuuuly! I'd like to think that is a general rule of manhood.