A question for astronomy experts...

The Tradition

HB King
Apr 23, 2002
If you're near-sighted (need glasses to see objects that are far away), do you look through a telescope with your glasses on or off? It would seem the telescope itself could be adjusted to "correct" your vision rendering your glasses unnecessary?
It works better with the glasses off.

Should I wear eyeglasses while observing?
diCicco_fDennis di Cicco
If you are near-or farsighted, with no other eye problems, definitely take them off. You’ll have to tweak the focus, but you’ll see objects in the telescope just as clearly as if you had 20:20
vision. By taking off your glasses you’ll avoid the “tunnel vision” effect often caused when glasses keep your eyeball too far from the eyepiece.
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You needed an “astronomy expert” to answer that?

Well, I know binoculars have eye cups that you flip the edges down so your glasses can rest against a flat surface. But it seemed odd that you'd need to wear the glasses at all. So, I figured with all the know-it-alls on GIAHORT, someone would have the answer.
It works better with the glasses off.

Should I wear eyeglasses while observing?
diCicco_fDennis di Cicco
If you are near-or farsighted, with no other eye problems, definitely take them off. You’ll have to tweak the focus, but you’ll see objects in the telescope just as clearly as if you had 20:20
vision. By taking off your glasses you’ll avoid the “tunnel vision” effect often caused when glasses keep your eyeball too far from the eyepiece.

U need to buy a telescope with your correct lens adjustment.

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