I was quite lucky in that i never really had any professors who humiliated people at GW. A few highlights...
1. Ralph Clark Nash - basically invented government contracts law as a disclipline, for contracts and govcon. Very much a Yoda-like figure, except much taller.
2. David Seidelson - an old school torts lawyer who seemed to wear the same thing every day, whose variation on socratic was to just sort of gently lead you by the nose where he wanted you to go; once a guy mused that maybe the litigant didn't have a great lawyer, and "Sidebar" snickered, said "let's give him the best lawyer in the world," and kept him up on his feet for 3 days
3. Peter Raven Hansen - dull but fantastic on admin law and national security stuff; probably the most brutal and atypical putdown when a young lady said she "just felt like her answer was right" and he responded "give that response in your law firm and they'll say 'that's great, now can you go unjam the copier?'"
4. Bob Park, a genteel and kind southerner with a heavy florida drawl who never would tell a student they said something stupid but would instead simply reply "yes..." and move on. Had a great conlaw teaching technique for abstract matters, where he'd bring his young kids to class and you had to explain things like judicial review to them. One day we were covering 14A alienage discrimination, and the next day Prof Park came in and told us that we did an excellent job with the kids, but that he was mildly disturbed when his son charlie asked him over dinner the night before "but daddy, the one thing I don't understand is why we have to give these aliens jobs when we don't even know if they're human?"