A Southwest flight attendant suspected human trafficking. It was just a mixed-race family flying to a funeral

She was harmed. She does deserve damages. Imagine if I googled your name and the first thing that popped up was, "child trafficking".
I agree she was harmed. Do you think they can prove it was racial? It sounds like there were other factors that caused the flight attendant to suspect what she suspected.
Couldn't stuff like this be handled more concisely by just offering up a reasonable sum of cash up front. Say 50-100k. Apologize as a company and move on. Seems like a legit mistake that put her through a bunch of unnecessary crap. That said, I don't think she should be set for life because of this hassle.
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Meh the lady got discriminated against but most likely not due to racism. It seems like a big nothing burger but everyone needs their payday
You keep saying this in thread after thread. This is our system. She was harmed. You seem rather glib, so I'll ask again, what would your reaction be if you were falsely accused of something, and years from now whenever your name was entered into a search engine the words, "child trafficker", were the first to pop up? How would that negatively affect your life? Would you find employment difficult? Would you be ostracized socially?
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Meh the lady got discriminated against but most likely not due to racism. It seems like a big nothing burger but everyone needs their payday
If she was harmed and she was discriminated against (you do not challenge this at all), is it just cool for the company, so some harm, no foul? What kind of stick (other than this kind of lawsuit) is there for the company that does it? If there’s no stick, then companies just keep doing what they do.
You keep saying this in thread after thread. This is our system. She was harmed. You seem rather glib, so I'll ask again, what would your reaction be if you were falsely accused of something, and years from now whenever your name was entered into a search engine the words, "child trafficker", were the first to pop up? How would that negatively affect your life? Would you find employment difficult? Would you be ostracized socially?
Thread after thread? Not sure I follow.

And “child trafficker” would be more like “falsely accused woman” would be more likely to pop up. Plus wouldn’t have to worry about shit since she gonna get paid so employment probably not gonna be an issue
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You keep saying this in thread after thread. This is our system. She was harmed. You seem rather glib, so I'll ask again, what would your reaction be if you were falsely accused of something, and years from now whenever your name was entered into a search engine the words, "child trafficker", were the first to pop up? How would that negatively affect your life? Would you find employment difficult? Would you be ostracized socially?

The problem with that is if we are going to aggressively pursue child traffickers with the whole "see something/say something" motto there are bound to be a lot of people the police end up talking to who are completely innocent.

So either we're going to have to tell flight attendants no matter what it's none of your business or we're going to have some get it wrong and police ask some questions of some innocent people.

Her damages IMO where small if any. Unless the police embarrassed her by not professionally asking her to join them in a private room or something, all she had was a little lost time. I didn't see where they locked her up or anything and they said they determined quickly they were fine.
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If she was harmed and she was discriminated against (you do not challenge this at all), is it just cool for the company, so some harm, no foul? What kind of stick (other than this kind of lawsuit) is there for the company that does it? If there’s no stick, then companies just keep doing what they do.

Just seems like there were “non-racial” good intentions behind the accusation. While still wrong I figure a public apology or some free flights might ease some pain. Just hope this doesn’t lead to people not doing/saying something because they may be wrong
I'll ask again, what would your reaction be if you were falsely accused of something, and years from now whenever your name was entered into a search engine the words, "child trafficker", were the first to pop up? How would that negatively affect your life? Would you find employment difficult? Would you be ostracized socially?
The only reason this is now something that pops up in search engines is because she chose to run directly to the press and try to turn this into a viral news story. If she had simply accepted their apology and went on with her life then no one would have ever known this happened.

And why would this impact potential employment in any way? Every article about this incident makes it clear that she was mistakenly suspected of possible trafficking, only to be quickly cleared of any wrongdoing. In what universe is a potential employer going to hold that against her?

If anything, I would be more concerned about her actions after the incident. I wouldn’t be too keen on hiring someone with a litigious disposition.
There are some things that just can't be done, and one of them is to publicly accuse someone of doing something despicable to a child.

All of those so-called "signs" of trafficking have innocent and even common explanations. People in mixed race families will likely be more sensitive to people making hurtful assumptions.

I disagree with the notion that it's OK to inconvenience and publicly humiliate a few innocent people, without any real evidence, in order to potentially catch a trafficker. Profiling is wrong.
She was harmed. She does deserve damages. Imagine if I googled your name and the first thing that popped up was, "child trafficking".
I assume she was the one that went to the media in the first place? Can’t imagine SW ran to yahoo like “look at our huge f*ck up”
The only reason this is now something that pops up in search engines is because she chose to run directly to the press and try to turn this into a viral news story. If she had simply accepted their apology and went on with her life then no one would have ever known this happened.

And why would this impact potential employment in any way? Every article about this incident makes it clear that she was mistakenly suspected of possible trafficking, only to be quickly cleared of any wrongdoing. In what universe is a potential employer going to hold that against her?

If anything, I would be more concerned about her actions after the incident. I wouldn’t be too keen on hiring someone with a litigious disposition.
Got it. Blame the victim.
I assume she was the one that went to the media in the first place? Can’t imagine SW ran to yahoo like “look at our huge f*ck up”

And running to the media REDUCES your negotiation strategy.

When negotiating a settlement, the defense wants two things: a FAIR settlement and CONFIDENTIALITY.

Well, running to the media erases the confidentiality part, so no need to pay extra.... that horse is already out of the barn.
No, it wasn’t. They privately questioned her, quickly realized she hadn’t done anything wrong, and then apologized and let her go on her way. She chose to make the story public.
ding ding ding. SouthWest didn't hold a press conference. She needed her "I'm a victim" moment and the end result will be she gets paid and future flight attendants will be very hesitant to act, if at all.
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If she hadn’t chosen to make this a news story, no one would know about it. That’s a rock-solid, indisputable fact.
LOL, you started a thread about about a Walmart clerk dissing you over motor oil and a filter. If they’d called the cops on you to report a suspected child trafficker you’d have let that go?
ding ding ding. SouthWest didn't hold a press conference. She needed her "I'm a victim" moment and the end result will be she gets paid and future flight attendants will be very hesitant to act, if at all.
I’m sure you’d have laughed it off.
LOL, you started a thread about about a Walmart clerk dissing you over motor oil and a filter. If they’d called the cops on you to report a suspected child trafficker you’d have let that go?
Yes, because posting anonymously about life's trivial little happenings is the same thing? It's HROT, that's what we do here. We kick soccer balls into our neighbor's yards and share how it pisses them off. passes the time.

There's a lot that could have happened differently in this case. I can certainly understand why the mom is pissed. I'd have been pissed too, but I'd like to believe that eventually cooler heads would prevail and the mother would come to understand the flight attendants perspective and that the child's wellbeing was being looked after; a minority child's wellbeing at that.

We say "if you see something, say something" but then sue anyone who does. These lawsuits discourage anyone from speaking up when they see something suspicious.

Also, I'm curious how this 10 year old has already had "charged encounters with police." With the behavior described by the flight attendant coupled with this makes a person wonder the environment the child is in.

That's my opinion...and like buttholes, we've all got 'em.
No, it wasn’t. They privately questioned her, quickly realized she hadn’t done anything wrong, and then apologized and let her go on her way. She chose to make the story public.
Um, the police stopped her and led her away.
Yes, because posting anonymously about life's trivial little happenings is the same thing? It's HROT, that's what we do here. We kick soccer balls into our neighbor's yards and share how it pisses them off. passes the time.

There's a lot that could have happened differently in this case. I can certainly understand why the mom is pissed. I'd have been pissed too, but I'd like to believe that eventually cooler heads would prevail and the mother would come to understand the flight attendants perspective and that the child's wellbeing was being looked after; a minority child's wellbeing at that.

We say "if you see something, say something" but then sue anyone who does. These lawsuits discourage anyone from speaking up when they see something suspicious.

Also, I'm curious how this 10 year old has already had "charged encounters with police." With the behavior described by the flight attendant coupled with this makes a person wonder the environment the child is in.

That's my opinion...and like buttholes, we've all got 'em.
No, the well being of that child wasn't being looked after. That child witnessed her mom being led off and questioned by police.
Um, that still doesn’t come close to your claim that they publicly accused her of child sex trafficking.
Let me know the next time you will be in a public place with a family member so I can have the police lead you away for questioning. Let's see how you feel about that. I'm also guessing you aren't a minority.
Let me know the next time you will be in a public place with a family member so I can have the police lead you away for questioning. Let's see how you feel about that. I'm also guessing you aren't a minority.
No one else on that plane knew her or even knew her name. No one else on that plane had any idea why the police wanted to talk to her. She said herself that when she first saw the officers she feared there had been another death in the family.

No one who saw her being led away had any idea why and probably wouldn’t have given it another thought if she hadn’t run straight to the media.

Your claim that they publicly accused her of child sex trafficking is just simply false.
How anyone could have a problem with this is beyond stupid. Everyone did their job and she went on her way after a few minutes. Hell her luggage probably wasn't even on the carousel yet when she went to pick it up.
So money will make the pain go away?
You should look up the word punitive in the dictionary.

Here's a hint: punitive and punishment both start with the prefix puni. There's yer top tip of the day.