A vote for Biden is a vote for Elder Abuse

How about that graph. Or is this one a non-credible source?

Can we agree that it is a problem and a much more significant one under the current admin?
I said you didn't read the first article you posted, and you followed it up by posting a totally different article. That does not make sense.

The border has always been a problem. I've stated that on here so many damn times. It's a problem that neither side TRULY has a desire to fix. If the Republicans fix it, then they lose like 50% of the shit they campaign on every election cycle.
I said you didn't read the first article you posted, and you followed it up by posting a totally different article. That does not make sense.

The border has always been a problem. I've stated that on here so many damn times. It's a problem that neither side TRULY has a desire to fix. If the Republicans fix it, then they lose like 50% of the shit they campaign on every election cycle.
They have no real 'national interest' desire to fix it. Everyone knows that. They just want a sharp stick to poke at Choir Boy Joe.
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I said you didn't read the first article you posted, and you followed it up by posting a totally different article. That does not make sense.

The border has always been a problem. I've stated that on here so many damn times. It's a problem that neither side TRULY has a desire to fix. If the Republicans fix it, then they lose like 50% of the shit they campaign on every election cycle.
I agree with your original premise that both sides have their reasons for not wanting to fix it. However, we have moved from this being a manageable problem with some positives, to a problem that has multiplied and creates huge negatives for the country. We won't have a country left in a few more years, just a common economic zone.
Just imagine if Joe had committed to being a one term President.

Save democracy and turn over the reigns. Pick a viable heir apparent as VP.

This election would be vastly different IMO.

As it is, it's gonna be a nail biter.
Sure would be nice to have someone else other than Kamala in the on deck circle. :(
I'd like to hear your rationale about Trump and a team of potential criminal yes-men would be better than either Biden or Harris with their team around them.
Actually that question isn't hard to answer. Americans did better under trump than Biden, and that's really the bottom line. If it weren't for COVID, Biden wouldn't have any negative talking points against Trump's economy, and things had actually recovered fairly well by the time trump left office, particularly in states like Florida who didn't lock down.

Biden's counterpoint COULD be "COVID really set the country back, and we understand it's tough and we're going to make it better by..." But it isn't. He's all "Bidenomics" has been great and everyone is so much better off. But average Americans, particularly the middle/working class know they're not better off on daily expenses, and it all happened on Biden's watch. The argument of course is that COVID happened in Trump's watch, but everyone knows the response of lockdowns, school closings, etc. was the doing of democrats. I doubt the posts have been deleted on this site of left wingers saying people should be arrested for not wearing masks, or not being vaccinated.

Trump's crimes are embarrassing in nature, but Biden has most certainly pedaled influence in order to generate massive wealth, whether he's ever held accountable or not.

"Criminal Trump and his band of bad actors" is really the only talking point Dems have right now, and it's classic "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" kind of stuff, but they really have no choice.

All that aside, I do believe Trump's Unlikeability ultimately rules the day and Biden wins...or any other Dem for that matter.
hey all you Biden/Leftist sheep who attacked me. 🖕🏻🖕🏻

It was Fun being vindicated in real time on National TV.

Holy shit, I didn't know that Biden was old until you pointed it out! This is groundbreaking stuff. You should talk about it all the time!

Still think I should not *checks his notes* accurately observe and report on the mental acumen of our Commander in Chief? It’s not an easy thing, breaking through mass delusion.
No, I think you should beat that dead horse until it's way more dead. Your words matter and your message is important. You're making a difference, buster! We're all super proud of you.

I think my words and view on Biden matter a little more this morning when millions of people came to the same conclusion I did months ago. Ya condescending prick.