About that appeal . . .

Sure, sure. Is it Soros or some other Jewish string puller of the Deep State?

Please inform us oh wise one that has figured it all out. Waiting with bated breath . . .
Whoaaaa broo nacho..... easy on the anti jew speak..... that one hits close to home doesn't it?

Why don't you go ahead and bate and then we can talk.

The system is designed to.protect itself, Joe will only be around as long as he is useful to.prptect the system.
Video tape would really help. With some people. A little bit. Maybe black voters. Hard to believe anything changes any minds about Trump at this point.
Sure, sure. Is it Soros or some other Jewish string puller of the Deep State?

Please inform us oh wise one that has figured it all out. Waiting with bated breath . . .
Speaking of George — did you get your lib check this month? It's usually here by the final day, but I haven't seen it. He better pay up for all the work we do on here.
What is the guy in the video, and Torbee by posting it, suggesting here?
I’ll tell you directly - it’s HILARIOUS that a multi-convicted crook who has repeatedly called judges biased because of their race and background is now reliant on a black appellate judge to save his racist ass.

Where I come from it’s called “karma” 😂
Oooo... is that what the gentlemen in the beginning was going, introducing us?

See because I clearly thought he was....... well, why don't you tell me.what it was he was doing.


It’s an easy question. Didn’t you say the deck was stacked against Trump - not because of the N word - but rather because they are black females?
Speaking of George — did you get your lib check this month? It's usually here by the final day, but I haven't seen it. He better pay up for all the work we do on here.

Mother farmer still hasn’t sent me last months abortion check. Bout ready to send Moose and Rocco out now.
I’ll tell you directly - it’s HILARIOUS that a multi-convicted crook who has repeatedly called judges biased because of their race and background is now reliant on a black appellate judge to save his racist ass.

Where I come from it’s called “karma” 😂
Wisconsin? 😀

Because where I come from, Davenport Iowa, we call that getting set up.
Whoaaaa broo nacho..... easy on the anti jew speak..... that one hits close to home doesn't it?

Why don't you go ahead and bate and then we can talk.

The system is designed to.protect itself, Joe will only be around as long as he is useful to.prptect the system.

I’ll tell you directly - it’s HILARIOUS that a multi-convicted crook who has repeatedly called judges biased because of their race and background is now reliant on a black appellate judge to save his racist ass.

Where I come from it’s called “karma” 😂

Meh, it will eventually proceed to higher courts.
Doesn't Trump need grounds for an appeal? Being a victim for 9 years straight doesn't seem like it will cut the mustard.
Tough week for that “N word” news to break for the old boy 😂

He’ll appeal the verdict to the First Judicial Department of New York’s Appellate Division, and if that fails, he can then appeal to New York’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. That’s the court that just made Harvey Weinstein a free man.
He’ll appeal the verdict to the First Judicial Department of New York’s Appellate Division, and if that fails, he can then appeal to New York’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. That’s the court that just made Harvey Weinstein a free man.
so clearly they aren't totally against guys like trump
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Dementia Joe, who cannot count on his fingers or toes w/o playing 40-dimensional chess here w/ the NYS justice system

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Tough week for that “N word” news to break for the old boy 😂

Nick Offerman Giggles GIF
For sure - the Biden crime family certainly was behind this chicanery!
if that N video was indeed timed to coincide with the appeals court lineup, have to tip my hat. it warms the cockles of my heart to know that true brilliance still resides in america
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