ADMINS: Please Pin This Want of Bee List

Have seen this one several times the latest re IOWA women's game with Purdue. "They still have a NCAA birth."
Just read this on another forum....

"you wouldn't understand the kind of motervation that drives me in my life"

Is it a certifiable WOB?
Originally posted by hawkeyez:
Just read this on another forum....

"you wouldn't understand the kind of motervation that drives me in my life"

Is it a certifiable WOB?

I would say so. Not a great one, but it fits.
Here's a foreign contribution for you. From the abstracts at the SPIE conference (Photonics West) in January this year:

Room: Hilton Hotel: Plaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tues. 1:40 to 3:30 pm
Power in Microscale and Physical Transducers
Conference Chair: Srinivas A. Tadigadapa,
The Pennsylvania State Univ.

1:40 pm: Template-based massively parallel assembly for microchip solid state cooling application (Invited Paper), Rajashree Baskaran, Intel
Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [6885-15]

2:10 pm: Thermopower measurement of freestanding nanowires using a MEMS workbench, Nicolas B. Duarte, Hugo Romero, Peter C. Eklund, Srinivas A. Tadigadapa, The Pennsylvania State Univ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [6885-16]

2:30 pm: Circuit requirement for MEMS-based mechanical-to-electrical power conversion, Hoseong Kim, Haejung Kim, Seongmook Khang, Chung-Ang Univ. (South Korea); Yoonpyo Lee, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [6885-17]

2:50 pm: A active giant magneto-resistive-sensor with current interface for anti-rock break system on vehicle, Se Hoon Kim, Sekwang Park, Kyungpook National Univ. (South Korea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [6885-18]

I can understand the PRINT???

See page 180 (very large pdf)
Originally posted by markfromj:
Originally posted by zogby:
What part of what you cited was he wrong about?
How the same person can be credited with creating the title, "The Audacity of Hope" and yet speak with so little hope is be on me.

Can we get a WOB ruling here?
Billy Packer just commented on how the Florida State basketball team has "fought through some diversity."
Originally posted by MarionHawkeye:
Originally posted by markfromj:
Originally posted by zogby:
What part of what you cited was he wrong about?
How the same person can be credited with creating the title, "The Audacity of Hope" and yet speak with so little hope is be on me.

Can we get a WOB ruling here?

Please note that "that is be on me" is on the list of approved-to-use-to-pay-homage-to-previous-clueless-use WOBs, and is therefore not subject to WOB mocking.
Originally posted by BrewHawk:
Going to the doctor for your prostrate exam?

This one is a bit dicey, as some exams are indeed done in a prostrate position. Still, I think prostate is most likely intended, thus WOB status is granted.
Re: Tracy McGrady runs with "Escape goat"

A uy I worked with loved traveling between St Louis and the flordia town where his kids moved to - Some town called Pepsi Cola (he did say that was where a lot of Pepsi was produced).
Re: Tracy McGrady runs with "Escape goat"

Another great wob from a recent post on the off topic forum. The poster thought death meant you couldn't hear.
From the wrestling board: [certain wrestler is] a weak chink in the chain. Qualify?
Here's one from Mark I. on KXIC--800 (the NCAA finals radio broadcast): Speaking of fans, he said: "Wrestling is a tight-niche sport." (Don't misunderstand, I'm just having fun; I love MI's commentary.)
Originally posted by medicine_man:
Originally posted by DougE88:
Does it get any better than french benefits? That is ridiculously funny.
Big lack toast and tolerant fan personally.

I have a hard time believing "Lack toast and tolerant" wasn't intentional. Anyone know the context?
once had a boss at BCBS-NC who used ALL of the following:

mythology (methodology)
appendum (addendum)
proprietory (proprietary)
appical (applicable)
mandantory (mandatory)
subsiderary (subsidiary)
sequestion (sequestration)
overzeelious (overzealous)
flustrated (flustered + frustrated, I guess?)
excape (escape)
adverse psychology (reverse psychology)
pro formula (pro forma)
ursup (usurp)

He also frequently said "if worse comes to shove" ... a bizarre combination of the phrases: If push comes to shove & If worse comes to worst.

My favorite memory of him: He once stood before a group of hundreds of hospital CEO's and Controllers at a meeting and made repeated references to payment "mythologies" for "indignant" (indigent) patients
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Found this one in the Lounge today.

"His profile says he ran a 4.6 in HS thats fast enough to be a BT WR. I'm not playing the he's athletic because he's black card. I know thats what your thinking so dont denie it. He was a very good basketball player and was a very good baseball player in hs so he's obviously pretty darn athletic."

Think that qualifies.
This post was edited on 8/17 7:45 AM by ghoopin
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but I saw one where someone said "wait-to-go" instead of "way to go"
Originally posted by herky86:
Yeah, people just need to leave him alone. People need to stop living bi curiously through celebrities lives and find better things to do with their own.
Doesn't get much better.
This post was edited on 12/2 2:41 PM by tarheelbybirth
Originally posted by Glez:
I heard on a radio show that the Cap one will announce the match up before the BCS selection show on fox. So another wards we would know where Iowa is going before the show starts, if they have PSU in the cap one then we would be in the BCS or vise versa. I could be wrong but thats the way I understood it from the Bob Bruce radio show when he was interviewing a so called expert on the BCS.
My friend's grandma thinks Gatorade is pronounced "Gator 8." Even worse, she forgets the number eight and refers to the sports drink as GATOR 9

This post was edited on 6/24 1:15 AM by Ferentzlickliter