Again, Gilman?


Apr 6, 2015
As a Hawkeye wrestling fan and USA wrestling fan, very excited to see Gilman in the finals. Very exciting wrestling. Love him or hate him for his cockiness and style, sure - I can see both ways. But there's no choice between the two when he continues to say racist things. For those who haven't seen, in his video after the semis, he said "this is for my grandfather." which sounds really nice; I think - oh maybe he died recently or it's his birthday. And then he follows it up with "I don't want make this a political statement, but you can read between the lines." Well, by saying that he did make it a political statement, and his thinly veiled meaning is absolutely appalling. Was this his "revenge" for a war which had nothing to do with his opponent?

I tried to give him a pass for his "jap" comment, although I'm upset with the education some people get that don't realize that that has been a racial slur for the last 70 years. But it continues.
As a Hawkeye wrestling fan and USA wrestling fan, very excited to see Gilman in the finals. Very exciting wrestling. Love him or hate him for his cockiness and style, sure - I can see both ways. But there's no choice between the two when he continues to say racist things. For those who haven't seen, in his video after the semis, he said "this is for my grandfather." which sounds really nice; I think - oh maybe he died recently or it's his birthday. And then he follows it up with "I don't want make this a political statement, but you can read between the lines." Well, by saying that he did make it a political statement, and his thinly veiled meaning is absolutely appalling. Was this his "revenge" for a war which had nothing to do with his opponent?

I tried to give him a pass for his "jap" comment, although I'm upset with the education some people get that don't realize that that has been a racial slur for the last 70 years. But it continues.
f*** off
As a Hawkeye wrestling fan and USA wrestling fan, very excited to see Gilman in the finals. Very exciting wrestling. Love him or hate him for his cockiness and style, sure - I can see both ways. But there's no choice between the two when he continues to say racist things. For those who haven't seen, in his video after the semis, he said "this is for my grandfather." which sounds really nice; I think - oh maybe he died recently or it's his birthday. And then he follows it up with "I don't want make this a political statement, but you can read between the lines." Well, by saying that he did make it a political statement, and his thinly veiled meaning is absolutely appalling. Was this his "revenge" for a war which had nothing to do with his opponent?

I tried to give him a pass for his "jap" comment, although I'm upset with the education some people get that don't realize that that has been a racial slur for the last 70 years. But it continues.

You are trying too hard.
As a Hawkeye wrestling fan and USA wrestling fan, very excited to see Gilman in the finals. Very exciting wrestling. Love him or hate him for his cockiness and style, sure - I can see both ways. But there's no choice between the two when he continues to say racist things. For those who haven't seen, in his video after the semis, he said "this is for my grandfather." which sounds really nice; I think - oh maybe he died recently or it's his birthday. And then he follows it up with "I don't want make this a political statement, but you can read between the lines." Well, by saying that he did make it a political statement, and his thinly veiled meaning is absolutely appalling. Was this his "revenge" for a war which had nothing to do with his opponent?

I tried to give him a pass for his "jap" comment, although I'm upset with the education some people get that don't realize that that has been a racial slur for the last 70 years. But it continues.
Please feel free to GFY. Idiot.
His grandfather wouldn't have served in WWII.

If his grandfather is 90, he would have been 12 years old at the start of WWII. You're reading too much into it.
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His grandfather wouldn't have served in WWII.

If his grandfather is 90, he would have been 12 years old at the start of WWII. You're reading too much into it.
but he would have been old enough for Korea....which was his semi opponent. Jeez, he didn't say any bad words, just another butt-hurt butt looking for something to hurt her feelings.
Barry Davis, in an interview immediately after losing in the '84 Olympic final said in reference to his opponent, "He was a tough Jap." There is also a scoring maneuver that was/is commonly referred to as a Jap whizzer. Is it correct to use those terms, no, but it hardly rises to the level of disparaging a guy, insulting his character and calling him a racist. Putting the years of 1941-1945 aside, culturally speaking, it is not a moniker used to disparage, ridicule, or have the intent of demonstrating inferiority or one's superority over another. Intent is very important here with the term Jap. Post WWII the term has been used as an abbreviation. Similar to using the term Swede, Brit, or Finn or Aussie. Should someone have better awareness and hopefully choose not to use the term based on when and why the term originated? Yes, but to label someone a racist for using it is a giant leap.
You're a self righteous troll.
but he would have been old enough for Korea....which was his semi opponent. Jeez, he didn't say any bad words, just another butt-hurt butt looking for something to hurt her feelings.

Crap. You're right. and yeah, he was being political. But NOT racist. Dear lord.
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As a Hawkeye wrestling fan and USA wrestling fan, very excited to see Gilman in the finals. Very exciting wrestling. Love him or hate him for his cockiness and style, sure - I can see both ways. But there's no choice between the two when he continues to say racist things. For those who haven't seen, in his video after the semis, he said "this is for my grandfather." which sounds really nice; I think - oh maybe he died recently or it's his birthday. And then he follows it up with "I don't want make this a political statement, but you can read between the lines." Well, by saying that he did make it a political statement, and his thinly veiled meaning is absolutely appalling. Was this his "revenge" for a war which had nothing to do with his opponent?

I tried to give him a pass for his "jap" comment, although I'm upset with the education some people get that don't realize that that has been a racial slur for the last 70 years. But it continues.

Wait, your screen name is fELACIO? I am supposed to take you seriously?
His grandfather wouldn't have served in WWII.

If his grandfather is 90, he would have been 12 years old at the start of WWII. You're reading too much into it.
but he would have been old enough for Korea....which was his semi opponent. Jeez, he didn't say any bad words, just another butt-hurt butt looking for something to hurt her feelings.

this....he was talking about the North Korean....I'm pretty sure in the current political climate the significance of our athlete competing against a North Korean cant help but be heightened
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ha! whoops. didn't mean to stir the pot that bad. My apologies. Don't get me wrong, I've been a huge Gilman fan for years. Just think it's important to stand up for certain things. Different opinions on things, and that's okay.
As a Hawkeye wrestling fan and USA wrestling fan, very excited to see Gilman in the finals. Very exciting wrestling. Love him or hate him for his cockiness and style, sure - I can see both ways. But there's no choice between the two when he continues to say racist things. For those who haven't seen, in his video after the semis, he said "this is for my grandfather." which sounds really nice; I think - oh maybe he died recently or it's his birthday. And then he follows it up with "I don't want make this a political statement, but you can read between the lines." Well, by saying that he did make it a political statement, and his thinly veiled meaning is absolutely appalling. Was this his "revenge" for a war which had nothing to do with his opponent?

I tried to give him a pass for his "jap" comment, although I'm upset with the education some people get that don't realize that that has been a racial slur for the last 70 years. But it continues.
Calling a Jap a Jap is racist? If I called a German a Kraut would that be racist? What would I be called if I called a raccoon a coon? Beer time.
this....he was talking about the North Korean....I'm pretty sure in the current political climate the significance of our athlete competing against a North Korean cant help but be heightened
It was obvious to me that his comment was about the current political climate, not at all what some people are trying to insinuate

Gilman wrestled great, I was hoping he would pull off the victory for team USA but you should all be very proud of him as Iowa fans for sure!!

I guarantee no one in North Korea will be watching Gilman beat their However I bet if Gilman lost it would have been a required watch for entire country. I can't help but wonder if that wrestler will get punished somehow for losing to the American? Crazy Times in a crazy country.....anyway Congrats on the great performance by Gilman!!
ha! whoops. didn't mean to stir the pot that bad. My apologies. Don't get me wrong, I've been a huge Gilman fan for years. Just think it's important to stand up for certain things. Different opinions on things, and that's okay.

What exactly is it you feel you're sticking up for.

Being mad at someone who felt pride in beating an individual from a country who his grandfather fought against and currently wants to nuke us?

Geez, thank you for your service.
As a Hawkeye wrestling fan and USA wrestling fan, very excited to see Gilman in the finals. Very exciting wrestling. Love him or hate him for his cockiness and style, sure - I can see both ways. But there's no choice between the two when he continues to say racist things. For those who haven't seen, in his video after the semis, he said "this is for my grandfather." which sounds really nice; I think - oh maybe he died recently or it's his birthday. And then he follows it up with "I don't want make this a political statement, but you can read between the lines." Well, by saying that he did make it a political statement, and his thinly veiled meaning is absolutely appalling. Was this his "revenge" for a war which had nothing to do with his opponent?

I tried to give him a pass for his "jap" comment, although I'm upset with the education some people get that don't realize that that has been a racial slur for the last 70 years. But it continues.

Rarely heard from, Eliaco professes his love for hawkeye wrestling and decides to weigh in on Gilman with misinterpretation and dirt.

My troll detector is beeping loudly. You're a PSU fan, right?

Rarely heard from, Eliaco professes his love for hawkeye wrestling and decides to weigh in on Gilman with misinterpretation and dirt.

My troll detector is beeping loudly. You're a PSU fan, right?

He certainly blows...
His grandfather wouldn't have served in WWII.

If his grandfather is 90, he would have been 12 years old at the start of WWII. You're reading too much into it.

The TS is a troll no doubt, but your math is bad. A 90 year old could be 18 or 19 in 1945 and absolutely could be in WWII. In fact I know several guys in their early 90's (90 probably the youngest) who served. My grandfather served in WWII in the pacific at age 16. If you read anything about WWII, you know the Japanese were brutal. Typically did not take prisoners. Obviously a 90 year old would not have been on the Bataan Death March, but could have been something similar. So it's not a stretch for some 90+ year old Pacific vets to harbor ill feelings towards Japanese. I don't know what Gilman said, but who cares? If it was a Russian or an Iranian, and he said he wanted to win one for the USA, would TS be happy? Or would he still be butthurt?
I used to yell "Jap" when an opponent was pushing with a collar tie or had a lazy undertook in. It takes too long to yell Sasahara. In wrestling it pays homage to him. Also, I don't know any North Koreans who have been offended that.
As a Hawkeye wrestling fan and USA wrestling fan, very excited to see Gilman in the finals. Very exciting wrestling. Love him or hate him for his cockiness and style, sure - I can see both ways. But there's no choice between the two when he continues to say racist things. For those who haven't seen, in his video after the semis, he said "this is for my grandfather." which sounds really nice; I think - oh maybe he died recently or it's his birthday. And then he follows it up with "I don't want make this a political statement, but you can read between the lines." Well, by saying that he did make it a political statement, and his thinly veiled meaning is absolutely appalling. Was this his "revenge" for a war which had nothing to do with his opponent?

I tried to give him a pass for his "jap" comment, although I'm upset with the education some people get that don't realize that that has been a racial slur for the last 70 years. But it continues.
How about you GFY and GTFO?
ha! whoops. didn't mean to stir the pot that bad. My apologies. Don't get me wrong, I've been a huge Gilman fan for years. Just think it's important to stand up for certain things. Different opinions on things, and that's okay.

Unless they don't fall in line with yours at which point, you'll be sure to take it to some form of social media with hyperbolic outrage.
Take your SJW BS and hit the bricks. Isn't there some crazy left wing board you can take your schtick to? Berkeley's looking for another idiot right now. Try that
He's just a troll, but we don't want nazi whack-jobs here either, partner. Take your torch and head back south with the extreme right-wing rants. Let's keep this place about the sports.