AI can predict person’s politics by their looks, whether they smile in pics: study


HR Legend
Dec 23, 2007
The tech found right-wing politicians were more likely to have happy facial expressions in photos while people pictured with neutral facial expressions were more likely to identify as left-wing, the study said.

The research found female politicians who were more attractive were more likely conservative


Faces of both men and women who appeared happier were also more likely to be right-wing, while neutral facial expressions meant the politicians were more likely members of left-wing parties. The study added that though it was more rare, women who showed contempt on their faces were more likely left-leaning.

Seems legit...


When I see the self-satisfied smirks on the faces of people like Boebert, MTG, Trump, etc. I am often reminded of the phrase “ignorance is bliss.” So I am not surprised to think that left wing politicians are more likely to have a thoughtful expression than a shit eating grin. Nor am I surprised that right wingers are more likely to be smitten by attractive women when supporting a female candidate for office.
And unattractive. I mean just look at some of those abortion marches.
There is some irony to seeing a 300 pound woman screaming to the world thar she's on a "sex strike" if she loses her "right" to an abortion.
Smiling does not mean a person is happy. They are very often put on to create a facade of happiness or make them less threatening.
Spoken like a truly unhappy person
Republicans are shallow. The women need to be attractive and the men need to put out the sales pitch vibe.
Republicans are so shallow that the men won't date women with dicks. So close minded when compared to the democrats and their willingness to compromise on things like that.
The right will vote people like Boebert in because they are hot. Con politicians are better at fake smiling.
Laughs in AOC
In fairness, the top picture is when she found out the Steele Dossier would be disseminated over the MSM for the next 18 months.

The bottom picture was taken after a BigMac and large Diet Coke.
Swing and a miss

Right wing humor strikes again
Smiling does not mean a person is happy. They are very often put on to create a facade of happiness or make them less threatening. It is very much culturally influenced behavior in many cases.
Exactly. Performative. Superficial. But a csb for opee. Gotta give it to him, this is good stuff!
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Shallow, vacuous, and not serious. Nails conservatives PERFECTLY.


You listed six things. Even if we give you a pass on the automatic transmission blunder, you also incorrectly listed the "modern toilet" and "thermostat" as black inventions. 66% accuracy is D- work my dude. Better luck next time.