Album Covers

1) Controversial cover art. Blind Faith’s cover art featured a topless 11-year-old. The art was shot by famed rock photographer Bob Seidemann (a personal friend and former flatmate of Eric Clapton).

2) Pay me with a horse! The cover model for the album originally asked to be paid with a horse (remember she was 11). She got paid £40 instead.

3) Child slaves. Blind Faith’s album cover drew so much attention, it even generated crazy rumors. Some said the girl on the album cover was Baker’s daughter or “was a groupie kept as a slave by the band.”

4) Naming the band. The album cover was commissioned before the band Blind Faith even had its name. Turns out, Seidemann named the artwork on the cover “Blind Faith.” Clapton liked that name so much he bestowed it on the band.

5) The fruit of the tree. Decades after he finished the album cover, Seidemann explained exactly what he was trying to do in an advertising circular:

“I could not get my hands on the image until out of the mist a concept began to emerge. To symbolize the achievement of human creativity and its expression through technology a space ship was the material object. To carry this new spore into the universe, innocence would be the ideal bearer, a young girl, a girl as young as Shakespeare’s Juliet. The space ship would be the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the girl, the fruit of the tree of life.

“The space ship could be made by Mick Milligan, a jeweller at the Royal College of Art. The girl was another matter. If she were too old it would be cheesecake, too young and it would be nothing. The beginning of the transition from girl to woman, that is what I was after. That temporal point, that singular flare of radiant innocence. Where is that girl?”

6) US-specific cover. Bowing to public pressure in the US, a new album cover was shot that featured members of the band:

I have to say I like the original album cover better. What about you?
Not so much, no. But that's probably because I'm not into 11-year-old girls who are just starting to grow their tits.
I don't understand the idea that you have to be into 11-year-old girls to appreciate art that involves one. Sure, some people will like it for dubious reasons, but liking it doesn't make anyone a sick fvck.
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I don't understand the idea that you have to be into 11-year-old girls to appreciate art that involves one. Sure, some people will like it for dubious reasons, but liking it doesn't make anyone a sick fvck.
Do you buy the photographer's explanation that is symbolizes "the achievement of human creativity" and that the plane represents the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the girl represents the fruit of the tree of life?

Because I think that's a load of shit.
Do you buy the photographer's explanation that is symbolizes "the achievement of human creativity" and that the plane represents the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the girl represents the fruit of the tree of life?

Because I think that's a load of shit.
Who cares what you think? But, sure, why would I reject the artist's stated intent? Might be BS, but isn't obviously BS.
Do you buy the photographer's explanation that is symbolizes "the achievement of human creativity" and that the plane represents the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the girl represents the fruit of the tree of life?

Because I think that's a load of shit.
Just because you're repressed and believe most people must be pervs because you're always on-the-verge yourself, doesn't mean most people really are.

it never ceases to amaze me how people convince themselves that pictures of people without clothes are referred to as "dirty" pictures, or nasty, naughty, etc.. When you associate perversion with something, then it becomes perverted.
Just because you're repressed and believe most people must be pervs because you're always on-the-verge yourself, doesn't mean most people really are.

it never ceases to amaze me how people convince themselves that pictures of people without clothes are referred to as "dirty" pictures, or nasty, naughty, etc.. When you associate perversion with something, then it becomes perverted.
So apparently you and WWJD are impressed by the artistic merit of a topless 11-year-old girl holding a toy airplane (no phallic symbolism at all there, btw).

Good for both of you, but I'm not.
So apparently you and WWJD are impressed by the artistic merit of a topless 11-year-old girl holding a toy airplane (no phallic symbolism at all there, btw).

Good for both of you, but I'm not.
I'm not really impressed. I'm simply not offended. No one was harmed. Find a time machine and go back and hang with the Puritans.

P.S. I never associated that toy airplane as a phallic symbol at all... never. And, I've been aware of that album cover for, probably, 30 years or so. The music is amazing. The cover just looks "artistic." I've never had any real opinion about it at all. I listen to the music. I don't try to malign something or presume that there's perversion somewhere that it's not.
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I'm not really impressed. I'm simply not offended. No one was harmed. Find a time machine and go back and hang with the Puritans.

P.S. I never associated that toy airplane as a phallic symbol at all... never. And, I've been aware of that album cover for, probably, 30 years or so. The music is amazing. The cover just looks "artistic." I've never had any real opinion about it at all. I listen to the music. I don't try to malign something or presume that there's perversion somewhere that it's not.
I don't see any artistic value to it. It's a topless pre-teen girl holding a toy airplane. And I don't buy the photographer's explanation about the fruit of the tree of life and the achievement of human creativity.

It's a topless pre-teen girl holding a toy airplane. I'd have more respect for the guy if he just admitted that he was trying to use shock value to sell albums.

You're absolutely right, though, that the music was great.
Or, for @TJ8869

The Walmart version:

I appreciate your concern but it's not necessary. Presumably that woman was legal age.

But, again, I see little or no artistic merit. The Black Crowes simply lifted the cover photo from the July 1976 Bicentennial issue of Hustler magazine. I award them zero points for creativity.
I appreciate your concern but it's not necessary. Presumably that woman was legal age.

But, again, I see little or no artistic merit. The Black Crowes simply lifted the cover photo from the July 1976 Bicentennial issue of Hustler magazine. I award them zero points for creativity.
They weren't looking for "points" from a repressed old man, I'm sure.
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On the topic of album covers that borrow an old idea, here's one that I actually like. Norah Jones recreated the movie photo from Russ Meyer's "Mudhoney" film for her "Little Broken Hearts" album. I think it looks kinda cool:

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Okay... that's all you need to say. Everything else is just conjecture. And, even "I don't see any artistic value" is merely opinion.
I'm entitled to my opinion just like you're entitled to your opinion. The only difference is that you're the one being a dick about it.
lol... yeah, that's it. It's all me!
Pretty much yes, actually. You're the one who decided to fire off a string of personal insults. I said I didn't see any artistic merit to the photo and that I thought the photographer's highfalutin explanation for why he decided to take a picture of a topless 11-year-old girl holding a toy airplane was a load of shit.

And from that alone you decided that I'm a repressed old man who is "always on the verge" of being a perv.

Basically you're being an asshole in this thread. So if that was your goal then congratulations.
Perhaps if you just said you didn't get it and moved on things would be different. Instead you have bitched and bitched about your opinion of the artists motives. Just because you don't get it or like it doesn't mean he was lying about his artistic motivations.
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Perhaps if you just said you didn't get it and moved on things would be different. Instead you have bitched and bitched about your opinion of the artists motives. Just because you don't get it or like it doesn't mean he was lying about his artistic motivations.
"Bitched and bitched"? Lol, no. I made my point and then only brought it up again when assholes like Ram and WWJD chose to insult me for stating my opinion. If it wasn't for their ad hominem attacks I would have mentioned the photo exactly one time.

I do, however, think it's adorable that you guys honestly believe the photographer was making a statement about the achievement of human creativity and that the toy plane represents the fruit of the tree of knowedge and the topless girl represents the fruit of the tree of life.

I'm probably just an idiot for thinking that the real motivation behind the photo was 'Hey, I bet if we put a topless 11-year-old girl on the cover we would stir up some controversy and sell a lot of records'.