Alex Olah on Saturday...

Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
I wonder if he is going to be allowed to play football again?
I'll be there to help the refs make the correct calls.
Originally posted by soybean:
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
I wonder if he is going to be allowed to play football again?
I'll be there to help the refs make the correct calls.
That makes me feel much better!!!
In their game against Michigan I could not believe how much he was getting away with. He would shove guys in the back and jump on their backs to get rebounds. The on the offensive end, he would use the "hook" all the time.

I hope the hawks get physical with him and shut him down. But its NW, they will probably shoot lights out from3pt land like they did a few years ago.
Sick a pissed off Woody on him, use your 5 fouls Woody to the best of your ability! I expect to see some throw downs with them being tangled together, etc that we see with Woody often haha, love how physical he gets.
The B1G must really want Northwestern to go .500 or better, so they can get an NIT bid. Then they could continue with their Chris Collins love fest and how much he has turned that program around. The B1G is not going to allow Collins to fail at NW.

This post was edited on 3/6 10:21 AM by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life
I have to laugh at the thought some on here have that the Big actually controls the refs and who gets the calls. Some older coaches may have learned how to control the thinking of a few refs but nothing that the official knows he does. The imagination of some fans is remarkable.
Originally posted by illhawkdvv:

I have to laugh at the thought some on here have that the Big actually controls the refs and who gets the calls. Some older coaches may have learned how to control the thinking of a few refs but nothing that the official knows he does. The imagination of some fans is remarkable.
Yum....that Chicago TV market. If only Northwestern were successful.

But, we all know that where money is involved there has never been anything fixed in anyway.

In the meantime, to make money now, we've got all 14 Big Ten teams playing this weekend and March Madness is starting to kick in. Let's schedule Iowa and Northwestern first and get that junk out of the way.....
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
The B1G must really want Northwestern to go .500 or better, so they can get an NIT bid. Then they could continue with their Chris Collins love fest and how much he has turned that program around. The B1G is not going to allow Collins to fail at NW.

This post was edited on 3/6 10:21 AM by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life
I know you're deep into secret conspiracies and I'm interested so please explain how this one works.

Are the officials assigned to NW games clandestinely summoned to a remote location for a meeting with high-level B10 administrators dispatched by Delaney where they are instructed, on threat of serious personal harm, to deliberately make calls which favor Northwestern? Am I close?
Originally posted by illhawkdvv:

I have to laugh at the thought some on here have that the Big actually controls the refs and who gets the calls. Some older coaches may have learned how to control the thinking of a few refs but nothing that the official knows he does. The imagination of some fans is remarkable.
I believe you have a refereeing background. If not, then can just ignore the following.

I've been discussing an issue in which some coaches are believed to be teaching their players to play a more physical style than the rules allow, but because of the coach's intimidating nature and the sheer volume of physical encounters during the game the refs eventually stop calling fouls against said team. Also, this teaching of the physical play and perceived intimidation of officials should be considered "cheating."

My questions to you are: do refs actually get "intimidated" by coaches, and/or get worn down by physical play and simply decline to call fouls as the game progresses? Do you consider coaches who teach a physical style of play such as constant hand-checking, hard fouls, etc. and who also argue vehemently frequently during a game to be "cheaters?"

We're talking about high level, Big Ten, SEC, ACC type refs, not the refs at a high school game.
Just saw this on the internet!

"the officials assigned to NW games clandestinely summoned to a remote location for a meeting with high-level B10 administrators dispatched by Delaney where they are instructed, on threat of serious personal harm, to deliberately make calls which favor Northwestern.
Who thinks Collins would stay at NWestern if he becomes successful?

Why would the BIG help him be successful if they love him so much? Wouldn't helping him then make him leave? Why would they want him to leave if they love him?

If A=B=C then A=C
Originally posted by nu2u:
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
The B1G must really want Northwestern to go .500 or better, so they can get an NIT bid. Then they could continue with their Chris Collins love fest and how much he has turned that program around. The B1G is not going to allow Collins to fail at NW.

This post was edited on 3/6 10:21 AM by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life
I know you're deep into secret conspiracies and I'm interested so please explain how this one works.

Are the officials assigned to NW games clandestinely summoned to a remote location for a meeting with high-level B10 administrators dispatched by Delaney where they are instructed, on threat of serious personal harm, to deliberately make calls which favor Northwestern? Am I close?
I've seen it enough over the years to believe a different set of rules applies to certain teams/coaches like Wisconsin, MSU, etc..

I believe the sports media (ESPN, BTN, etc) and the B1G conference want Chris Collins to succeed at NW. So yes I believe they get a lot of calls in their favor. Make no mistake, the whole Collins/Duke factor sells.
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:

Originally posted by nu2u:

Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
The B1G must really want Northwestern to go .500 or better, so they can get an NIT bid. Then they could continue with their Chris Collins love fest and how much he has turned that program around. The B1G is not going to allow Collins to fail at NW.

This post was edited on 3/6 10:21 AM by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life
I know you're deep into secret conspiracies and I'm interested so please explain how this one works.

Are the officials assigned to NW games clandestinely summoned to a remote location for a meeting with high-level B10 administrators dispatched by Delaney where they are instructed, on threat of serious personal harm, to deliberately make calls which favor Northwestern? Am I close?
I've seen it enough over the years to believe a different set of rules applies to certain teams/coaches like Wisconsin, MSU, etc..

I believe the sports media (ESPN, BTN, etc) and the B1G conference want Chris Collins to succeed at NW. So yes I believe they get a lot of calls in their favor. Make no mistake, the whole Collins/Duke factor sells.
you sneaky little bastard - you still won't divulge by what manner the officials have been made to capitulate.
Originally posted by illhawkdvv:

I have to laugh at the thought some on here have that the Big actually controls the refs and who gets the calls. Some older coaches may have learned how to control the thinking of a few refs but nothing that the official knows he does. The imagination of some fans is remarkable.
I have to laugh at the thought some on here have that the Big Ten actually doesn't control the refs and who gets the calls. Some older coaches have learned how to control the thinking of refs and have been getting away with it for years. The imagination of some fans is remarkable......
Deal with it.
From a trusted source! Will the refs call the game in Northwestern's favor tomorrow?

"........the officials have been made to capitulate"


Well, I've been having fun. But just to show that I try to keep an open mind. It has occurred to me that maybe my long held belief that the MSU's, Wisconsins...the "cream" of the league, get the benefit of the calls...

Well, MAYBE I have it wrong.

Maybe Big Ten refs just tend to swallow their whistles. Maybe that is how the Big Ten thinks basketball should be played? It would explain how teams with big thug type centers seem to get no calls. Explanation, in Big Ten Basketball thug ball IS a no call!

But then, why do smaller teams have guys that constantly get in foul trouble?

Folks, there is something screwy. We can toss out the old, "Fans of every team complain", but that has all the merit of tossing black paint on the whole thing and claiming it's nighttime.

Why do the people that readily see something is screwy have to explain it. We have no more answers but that we believe our own eyes.
I'll repost what I said earlier about the NW game:

Nah it'll end up being a close game again and probably play out similar to the Illinois game minus Collins acting like an asshole the entire game trying to get in the refs' ears.

Demps will hit at least 5 garbage threes, mostly contested, and Olah will hack our guys at least 18 times and get called for 3 fouls max. There will also be at least two white Northwestern players with goofy, unpronounceable last names who hit a couple uncontested threes on us.

Other than that, Iowa should be fine.
Originally posted by HawkImania1:
Who thinks Collins would stay at NWestern if he becomes successful?

Why would the BIG help him be successful if they love him so much? Wouldn't helping him then make him leave? Why would they want him to leave if they love him?

If A=B=C then A=C
Think Collins at N'Western and Wojo at Marquette both are hoping they can field some good teams before Coach K retires so they can come in and get that job. Almost like they are auditioning for it now. Johnny Dawkins at Stanford could have been a candidate but he has had only 1 tourney team (last year may have had 1 other).

But if Collins could ever take N'Western to the tourney for first time ever think would secure him the Duke job. Just my opinion they will want to hire one of his former disciples to be his successor.
Originally posted by nu2u:
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:

Originally posted by nu2u:

Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
The B1G must really want Northwestern to go .500 or better, so they can get an NIT bid. Then they could continue with their Chris Collins love fest and how much he has turned that program around. The B1G is not going to allow Collins to fail at NW.

This post was edited on 3/6 10:21 AM by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life
I know you're deep into secret conspiracies and I'm interested so please explain how this one works.

Are the officials assigned to NW games clandestinely summoned to a remote location for a meeting with high-level B10 administrators dispatched by Delaney where they are instructed, on threat of serious personal harm, to deliberately make calls which favor Northwestern? Am I close?
I've seen it enough over the years to believe a different set of rules applies to certain teams/coaches like Wisconsin, MSU, etc..

I believe the sports media (ESPN, BTN, etc) and the B1G conference want Chris Collins to succeed at NW. So yes I believe they get a lot of calls in their favor. Make no mistake, the whole Collins/Duke factor sells.
you sneaky little bastard - you still won't divulge by what manner the officials have been made to capitulate.
Not that I believe it: But I have no Idea what video the officials get to scout. Maybe they get cut ups like position groups get in football. Maybe those clips show some schools doing things the wrong way but others are consistently shown doing them right. Maybe that sticks in the officials subconscious.
Maybe when the officials are graded their grades are lower when they have given certain teams more fouls. Maybe Collins, Ryan and Izzo all know how to influence officials from the bench.

Now do I believe that is what occurs. No. Do I believe it would be possible to influence how officials call things, absolutely.

(I do think that wisconsin is just well coached and they don't foul that much, plus they generally have a lot of upperclassmen. Whereas I think MSU gets away with a ton of crap because officials simply refuse to call them all)
Originally posted by nu2u:
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
The B1G must really want Northwestern to go .500 or better, so they can get an NIT bid. Then they could continue with their Chris Collins love fest and how much he has turned that program around. The B1G is not going to allow Collins to fail at NW.

This post was edited on 3/6 10:21 AM by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life
I know you're deep into secret conspiracies and I'm interested so please explain how this one works.

Are the officials assigned to NW games clandestinely summoned to a remote location for a meeting with high-level B10 administrators dispatched by Delaney where they are instructed, on threat of serious personal harm, to deliberately make calls which favor Northwestern? Am I close?
The zebras are clandestinely instructed to favor Northwestern so they can finally be relevant and tap the Chicago market. Ya goof.
Just curious. How many folks that have posted on this thread watched the MSU vs Purdue game?

I watched it. Anyone else?
Originally posted by Guidotheguide:
Football or Basketball? Looked the same to me.
LOL!!! That was going to be my point! If it isn't out and out's that some coaches have figured out that occasionally they get refs that allow too much physical play, and they exploit it better than others.

I don't know. All I know is that game was unreal.
I have already described it as rugby-like in terms of how rough the play was. And the amount of screaming and finger pointing at refs the MSU Joe Pesci look alike coach gets away with is a crime. And there were times when that little rat was so far out on the court that it would have been EASY to run between him and the out of bounds line. No warnings. Can the Big 10 office explain this?