--Alternate Uniforms Released--

If only alt uniforms could call plays and block and catch well-thrown passes and contain a mobile QB, I'd be more impressed.

But if you HAVE to do it, then at least these are not the embarrassments that most alt unis are in both college and the NFL. I'm not sure how or why this whole uniform thing started, but I wouldn't mind seeing it end sooner rather than later.

As for recruits, they like a lot of things, but that doesn't mean schools should offer those things.

Anyway, too bad KF can't unveil an alternate offense at least once a year. Now THAT might actually accomplish something.
The font on the 4 is really weird. Other than that I really like these, from an outsiders point of view.

what did you think about your uniforms vs Penn State? personally i did not like them; the helmet was really strange; i just like being able to turn the TV on and immediately recognizing teams; i guess i am old school

sometimes i think w/ these alternative uniforms they try too hard and the end product is pretty out there
Like 'em a lot. Best yet.

I've been saying for years that Iowa needs to go all-black unis once a year. Loving the last 2 alt unis!
what did you think about your uniforms vs Penn State? personally i did not like them; the helmet was really strange; i just like being able to turn the TV on and immediately recognizing teams; i guess i am old school

sometimes i think w/ these alternative uniforms they try too hard and the end product is pretty out there
I loved the dark helmets with the red Buckeye stickers. I wouldn't want them every game, but once a year I think they're really sharp. The shoes I similarly loved and would like to see regularly.

The jerseys and pants...meh. I would have outlined the names/numbers in red and I think they would have really had something cool, but as are they were just blah.
I'm not sure why everyone mocks these. I guess a lot of people didn't pay attention to the press at the time. These weren't "alternate" uniforms in the modern sense. They were tribute uniforms paying homage to the 1942-1944 US Navy Pre-Flight team that played at Kinnick Stadium and utilized U of Iowa facilities.

If you’re going to honor the Navy, you have to do better alt unis than the year do themselves
If only alt uniforms could call plays and block and catch well-thrown passes and contain a mobile QB, I'd be more impressed.

But if you HAVE to do it, then at least these are not the embarrassments that most alt unis are in both college and the NFL. I'm not sure how or why this whole uniform thing started, but I wouldn't mind seeing it end sooner rather than later.

As for recruits, they like a lot of things, but that doesn't mean schools should offer those things.

Anyway, too bad KF can't unveil an alternate offense at least once a year. Now THAT might actually accomplish something.
Are you ok man?
I'm fine, thanks. I just prefer watching exciting, winning football over fashion shows. Stay well.
I'm fine, thanks. I just prefer watching exciting, winning football over fashion shows. Stay well.
Iowa football is a fashion show and not exciting or winning? What a peculiar characterization. I'm glad you're ok because it seems like you're miserable.
Love em! Getting pumped for a huge showdown already! I think we can beat OSU on Saturday, I mean we’ve already beat one top 15 school and almost beat another! Then it’s on to beat bucky! GO HAWKS!!!
1) Neither is white officially. We have two primary colors, black and gold (color ID: PMS 116 C). All others are secondary colors. Deal with it.
2) Probably the only weak spot of the uniforms, but not bad at all.
3) Helmet design is great.
4) Says who?
5) We're not Bama. Good job of picking maybe the only school around who probably won't do an alternate uniform. Pretty much every other school, including most of the bluebloods do them.

Relax, they are not replacing the uniforms you'll see 92% of the season.

Great job on these by those in charge. Light years ahead of where the alternates were just a few years ago. These look great.
Agree on Bama but even then I coulda swore I remember Bama haha some alternate back in like 2012 or something like that is was very minor differences if I remember
Edit: just noticed someone found them above
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I gotta admit, those are damn fine alts. I do wish the Tiger Hawk was on both sides though...just hope I can tell players' numbers on TV.

But these are about a thousand % better than most Oregon and Maryland abortions they trot out. OSU last weekend...meh, helmets were nice but otherwise, not so much.

And definitely a million times better than that horrid uni Florida trotted out a couple weeks back. I thought I had seen it all until I got a glimpse of those on the field. I would have fired McElwein for rubber stamping that alone.
I gotta admit, those are damn fine alts. I do wish the Tiger Hawk was on both sides though...just hope I can tell players' numbers on TV.

But these are about a thousand % better than most Oregon and Maryland abortions they trot out. OSU last weekend...meh, helmets were nice but otherwise, not so much.

And definitely a million times better than that horrid uni Florida trotted out a couple weeks back. I thought I had seen it all until I got a glimpse of those on the field. I would have fired McElwein for rubber stamping that alone.
I think the alternates often try to either pay homage to the history of the program while maintaining a sleek modern look which doesn't mesh often. The other is to be attention grabbing for viewers and recruits. You gotta be edgy ya know, except more times than not they look like a Frankenstein collection that no sane fan would fork over any money to wear.
I'm fine, thanks. I just prefer watching exciting, winning football over fashion shows. Stay well.
You chose the wrong program history if that's what you're looking for.......

That's like suddenly becoming a Cleveland Browns fan and demanding them to become like the Patriots or else.......

The Browns aren't going anywhere. Stop forcing your expectations onto people/programs/things you can't control.

P.S. Btw, Iowa and fashion show is like pairing "Vikings" with "Super Bowl champions".................but you keep wanting for the sake of wanting. Get back to us when it pays off.
You chose the wrong program history if that's what you're looking for.......

That's like suddenly becoming a Cleveland Browns fan and demanding them to become like the Patriots or else.......

The Browns aren't going anywhere. Stop forcing your expectations onto people/programs/things you can't control.

P.S. Btw, Iowa and fashion show is like pairing "Vikings" with "Super Bowl champions".................but you keep wanting for the sake of wanting. Get back to us when it pays off.
Ahhh cmon why not the Bills lol
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PR department blew this. Should have said nothing. Come out in warm ups with something plain or their current uni's.
Go in and change and let the video board show them coming down the tunnel with these on. Place would have went ape shit crazy.
And miss out on the buzz going around social media with this? Get the brand out there.

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