Now go back to sleep!Fell asleep during Sunday afternoon basketball blowout and had a dream that Cook looked healthy, Moss has continued to find his shot, walk-ons got minutes, and we had WEEEEZEEE for THREE MORE YEARS???
Please don’t wake me up.
Great game Hawks!!!
Ahaha, lately I've been having such strange dreams that I really get scared. For a long time I could not understand what this means and what is the reason, but over time I began to read a lot of information about this and it turned out that it was in my mind and in what I think before going to bed. In fact, this is very interesting and I advise you to read more about it. For example, lately I started dreaming about crocodiles and it was very strange, but then I found a full explanation at and this gave me answers to many questions.You will have to wake up and go to work tomorrow or Tuesday.
Too many hits to the noggin, for "The round mound of rebound"...