America is not morally superior to Russia..


HR Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
So says Spence... At least he won't say it is.

Mike Pence Backs Trump’s Praise Of “Killer” Putin, Won’t Say America Is Morally Superior To Russia [VIDEO]
February 5, 2017 News, Politics

Mediaite reports:

During an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation, Vice President Mike Pence dodged several times when asked if he thought the United States was morally superior to Russia. Pence denied Sunday that President Donald Trump‘s comments in an upcoming interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly defending Putin and saying America wasn’t that innocent represented “morally equivalency.”

“What you heard there was a determination to attempt to deal with the world as it is,” Pence said. “Let’s start afresh with Putin, and start afresh with Russia.” “Do you think America is morally superior to Russia?” asked host John Dickerson. Pence gave a long response that avoided answering the question.

“What we have in this new president is someone who is willing to engage the world, including Russia, and saying where can we find common interests that will advance the security of the American people, the peace and prosperity of the world, and he is determined to come at that in a new and renewed way.”
The U.S.A isn't morally superior to many nations but Russia might be one of them. Stalin is personally responsible for killing more Russians than Americans have killed Native Indians. That's a lot of people in a very short amount of time for ol' Joey.
Has Obama or Putin killed more? Who dropped more bombs last year between those 2?
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So says Spence... At least he won't say it is.

Mike Pence Backs Trump’s Praise Of “Killer” Putin, Won’t Say America Is Morally Superior To Russia [VIDEO]
February 5, 2017 News, Politics

Mediaite reports:

During an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation, Vice President Mike Pence dodged several times when asked if he thought the United States was morally superior to Russia. Pence denied Sunday that President Donald Trump‘s comments in an upcoming interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly defending Putin and saying America wasn’t that innocent represented “morally equivalency.”

“What you heard there was a determination to attempt to deal with the world as it is,” Pence said. “Let’s start afresh with Putin, and start afresh with Russia.” “Do you think America is morally superior to Russia?” asked host John Dickerson. Pence gave a long response that avoided answering the question.

“What we have in this new president is someone who is willing to engage the world, including Russia, and saying where can we find common interests that will advance the security of the American people, the peace and prosperity of the world, and he is determined to come at that in a new and renewed way.”

How many civilians did we kill in that mistake of a war in Iraq? How many civilians have we killed all over the world that we call acceptable during drone attacks?

I don't know between us and Russia? But we've murdered a lot of innocent people.
So let's layout this GOP modus operandi.

* Lambast Obama for not agreeing with Romney saying Russia biggest geopolitical threat

In 4 years, Russian faction shoots down a civilian airliner, hacks US election and now Russia is morale equivalent.

Excuse my morals but go to hell...
So let's layout this GOP modus operandi.

* Lambast Obama for not agreeing with Romney saying Russia biggest geopolitical threat

In 4 years, Russian faction shoots down a civilian airliner, hacks US election and now Russia is morale equivalent.

Excuse my morals but go to hell...

Political party has nothing to do with it for me.

How many Gov'ts have we deposed in the last 70 years and placed our own brand of tyrant? How many elections have we f*cked with since WWII? In the 80's we shot down and Iranian airliner during the Iran/Iraq war........the Bay of Pigs......our actions in Central America......The Drug War..........

But to catch up with the last 8 years......The Arab Spring........the overthrow of Khadafi.........the flaming of the Syrian conflict(WE inflamed it).........Drone strikes on civilian populations. The bombing of Somalia, Sudan, Yemen.........

NO concrete proof has been presented that Russia hacked the election. Not only that, but it's mathematically impossible to hack the Electoral College.
Obama deserves to be lambasted for his spineless approach with Russia.
I don't think it's worth getting into an argument over who has more blood on their hands. I think we as Americans need to be honest with ourselves here, our military has done plenty of killing and been involved in plenty of nasty shit.
It takes a certain mindset to do what our military does, probably why only 1% "volunteer".
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It takes a certain mindset to do what our military does, probably why only 1% "volunteer".
That...and this. More this:

Einstein on militarism:

“ This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of the herd nature, the military system, which I abhor. That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed. This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism by order, senseless violence, and all the pestilent nonsense that does by the name of patriotism — how I hate them! War seems to me a mean, contemptible thing: I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business. And yet so high, in spite of everything, is my opinion of the human race that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago, had the sound sense of the nations not been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press.”

“…War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today…” — John F. Kennedy
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And it is the 1% that has the least to gain.....

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."

--Goering at the Nuremberg Trials
The USA is morally superior to think otherwise is foolish.
Earth: 248 armed conflicts after WW2; US started 201 (81%), killing 30 million so far. Arrests are when now?
Posted on May 17, 2014 by Carl Herman
hat tip: Washington’s Blog and David Swanson

People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country. The data confirm this conclusion:

The categories of crime for armed attacks outside US treaty limits of law are:

  1. Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit),
  2. likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.
Americans can demand arrests of its “leaders” for such Emperor’s New Clothes-like obvious crimes, refuse any orders to unlawful wars, and participate as they see best with like-minded allies.

One option with three talking points is the 2014 Worldwide Wave of Action (and here), begun on the April 4 anniversary of Martin King’s assassination by the US government (civil court trial verdict) and completing ~July 4 (Martin’ 2-minute plea to you).

Purpose of this operation:

The good news is that victory, when it comes, will come in a relative instant. We have solutions ready to roll:

3 policy proposals after we win: Unfu*k the world, Employ existing solutions, Explore breakthroughs

After we win: 3 education policy proposals: Truth/facts, Love/community, Lifelong virtue
"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."

--Goering at the Nuremberg Trials

Only if you listen to the bullshit, Nat.
"Started" is subject. We usually interject, but if started makes people feel better than use it. The world looks to the US to end conflicts or step in at every whip stitch when humanity has lost itself, again the US soldiers does things many others have nightmares of or pays 10.00 to see in the theater.

War is ugly.
Earth: 248 armed conflicts after WW2; US started 201 (81%), killing 30 million so far. Arrests are when now?
Posted on May 17, 2014 by Carl Herman
hat tip: Washington’s Blog and David Swanson

People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country. The data confirm this conclusion:

The categories of crime for armed attacks outside US treaty limits of law are:

  1. Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit),
  2. likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.
Americans can demand arrests of its “leaders” for such Emperor’s New Clothes-like obvious crimes, refuse any orders to unlawful wars, and participate as they see best with like-minded allies.

One option with three talking points is the 2014 Worldwide Wave of Action (and here), begun on the April 4 anniversary of Martin King’s assassination by the US government (civil court trial verdict) and completing ~July 4 (Martin’ 2-minute plea to you).

Purpose of this operation:

The good news is that victory, when it comes, will come in a relative instant. We have solutions ready to roll:

3 policy proposals after we win: Unfu*k the world, Employ existing solutions, Explore breakthroughs

After we win: 3 education policy proposals: Truth/facts, Love/community, Lifelong virtue

I'm pretty sure there have been a lot more than 47 armed conflicts not started by the US since 1945.

Would like to see that list on how we got to 201 and the rest of the world is only at 47.
First Arab Israeli War
Indochina War
The 1956 War
The Six Day War
Yom Kippur War
War in Algeria
Between 1945 and 1968 British armed forces fought in 12 conflicts, mostly in former Empire, without the United States
Between 1945 and 1968 French armed forces fought in 6 conflicts, mostly in former Empire, without the United States
Civil War in Northern Ireland
Angolan War of Independence
Portuguese Guiana War of Independence
Mozambique War of Independence
Portuguese Invasion of Guinea
Soviet Intervention in Azerbaijan
Chinese-Soviet Border Conflict
Soviet Suppression of Hungarian Revolt
Soviet Intervention in Prague
Greek Civil War
First Cyprus War
Second Cyprus War
Yemeni Civil War
Palestinian-Lebanon Clashes
Iraqi Iranian Border Clashes
Iran-Iraq War
Jordan-Syrian Border Clash
Kashmir Dispute
Indian Occupation of Hyderabad
Indian-Chinese Border Clash
Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
Indo-Pakistani War of 1999 {could actually apply these to several conflicts but because they are so well known I included them}

48 wars after 1945 not directly involving the United States. There are another 170 pages outlining wars the United States did not directly participate in.
So says Spence... At least he won't say it is.

Mike Pence Backs Trump’s Praise Of “Killer” Putin, Won’t Say America Is Morally Superior To Russia [VIDEO]
February 5, 2017 News, Politics

Mediaite reports:

During an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation, Vice President Mike Pence dodged several times when asked if he thought the United States was morally superior to Russia. Pence denied Sunday that President Donald Trump‘s comments in an upcoming interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly defending Putin and saying America wasn’t that innocent represented “morally equivalency.”

“What you heard there was a determination to attempt to deal with the world as it is,” Pence said. “Let’s start afresh with Putin, and start afresh with Russia.” “Do you think America is morally superior to Russia?” asked host John Dickerson. Pence gave a long response that avoided answering the question.

“What we have in this new president is someone who is willing to engage the world, including Russia, and saying where can we find common interests that will advance the security of the American people, the peace and prosperity of the world, and he is determined to come at that in a new and renewed way.”
He's right, we've been invading, occupying and killing since WW1.