American Primeval on Netflix

Jerome Silberman

HB Legend
Oct 30, 2009
Anyone watched this yet?

I'm fairly and purposely disconnected from a lot of media and hadn't heard about this release. I watched the first episode last night and it was a lot more intense than I had expected.

I'm hopeful there is a little more character development and was wondering if it's accurate at all regarding the real life characters.

Either way I can't imagine the LDS church is a big fan.
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My no pics brother lives in SLC. He already asked if I was watching yet. I have not, but it is on the list once I complete some other shows that are in the queue.

He reports similar on it being intense and really presenting just how brutal life back then was.
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I've seen the first two episodes. One a night is enough because of intensity and violence. FWIW, I read a book about the Mormons(can't remember the name) but it claimed that for them, it wasn't a sin to steal(and other crimes) from non-Mormons. Anyway, they were the original free staters, declaring themselves to be not under the jurisdiction of the USA.
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I've seen the first two episodes. One a night is enough because of intensity and violence. FWIW, I read a book about the Mormons(can't remember the name) but it claimed that for them, it wasn't a sin to steal(and other crimes) from non-Mormons. Anyway, they were the original free staters, declaring themselves to be not under the jurisdiction of the USA.

I've read as much as well. The LDS has teams of lawyers tasked with extracting as much wealth from the government as they can.

It's similar to the mindset that led those fundies in Mexico to choose to go to war with the local drug cartel a while back.