I know Branstad and he is a wonderful person and loves the state of Iowa completely. (BULLSHIT) He has done a fine job managing the state over the years. We have very few complaints living in Iowa. Live in other states as I have and compare the standard of living.
I have met Chet Culver and can say he's a nice person but a complete and total buffoon. He was an embarrassment as our Governor.
Voters need to look at the big picture rather than having special interests. A politician cannot make everyone happy. As many times as Branstad has been elected and if you are unhappy with him I think you need to evaluate your criteria as you are out of sinc with the rest of Iowa.
He's a worthless human being as far as I'm concerned. The only people in Iowa he cares about are himself and his big money donors. He doesn't give a $hit about anyone else in the state.
Just look at his record with public education, mental health services, and the fiasco of the state medicaid system.
How about his appointment of Bruce Rastetter to the BoR? As if that wasn't good enough he shook up the board enough so Rastetter could be president.
Or his appointment of Brent Rastetter to the state’s environmental oversight panel. He just happens to own a business that is regulated under clean water laws overseen by that same commission.
Or his appointment of Teresa Wahlert as head of Iowa Workforce Development, described as a 'reign of terror' by a state senator?
Or how about his urging the Iowa Workers’ Compensation Commissioner Chris Godfrey to resign? Mr. Godfey had a six-year term that was meant to shelter the position from political interference. When Mr. Godfrey refused to resign Branstad's administration then reduced his salary from $109,000 to $73,259 a year, the lowest possible for his pay grade. Branstad said he "...was encouraged to force out Mr. Godfrey by the Iowa Association of Business and Industry..." Interestingly enough, the association’s president denied asking for Mr. Godfrey’s removal. The only reason Branstad wanted him to resign is because Godfrey is gay.
Or how about the fact that he receives >$50,000 in retirement benefits from his time served as governor
in addition to his salary of ~$130,000.
Iowa has the 3rd worst roads & bridges in the country. He'd rather give corporations tax breaks than bother to pay for infrastructure.
Extensive crony capitalism, founding member of ALEC, refusing requests of public records, hush money, no-hire lists, anti-environmental policies, the list goes on and on.
Nobody will ever convince me Branstad cares one whit about the state of Iowa.