It doesn't take a scientist to figure out the points made in the critiques make a whole lot of sense.
It may not take an actual scientist, but it does take someone with a decent background in science to thoroughly understand much of the material. Also, there's been untold number of times that we thought some unknown problem, theorem, etc. worked this way because it "made sense", TILL we gathered the data (through technological advances, etc.) and found out it operated another totally different way that totally went against what would "make sense." Humans are fallible (e.g. conformation bias, cognitive dissonance), which is why it's BEST to let the data tell us what is going on.
If not, then offer a counter. As always anyone's completely free to counter, yet nobody has made an attempt. Why? Could it possibly be because the information in the critique makes so much sense that, well, it can't be countered? The fact that nobody has attempted to counter the points made to this point is extremely damning to this fraudulent study Joe posted. If what I say here is complete rubbish, then put those critiques in their place and COUNTER THE INFO.
Counter what exactly that no one has even made an attempt at (which I call BS to start off with)?
And let me explain something to you...........before we can counter any critique, we have to make sure (for starters):
- The data used it is actually correct
- That it's methodologically sound
- That it's conclusions are backed up by the results
- That the references back up it's contention
- etc.
And guess what, you and your ilk throughout this thread(s) have a VERY long history of posting questionable websites that post questionable, if not straight up falsified "research, data, etc." Once we start breaking them down they almost always have one or more of those problems (in fact I can't remember one that didn't) and once we get to that point we don't have to counter said critique, because said critique has no scientific standing.
You guys remind me of some of my Democrat/Republican Facebook friends that post some political meme (without really researching it, of course) and then when I show them that it's completely incorrect they say, "well, the point still stands" or something stupid like truly baffles me.