Hopefully he has no kids.First of all did he really say this?
Secondly does he have any kids?
Hopefully he has no kids.First of all did he really say this?
Secondly does he have any kids?
Anyone know what happened to the OP?
I frequently see reference to the Tates being freed as some kind of owning the libs moment. Reading up on the guy, I can see why the MAGAs like him.
I always enjoyed @SGGT’s posts. I think he had heart issues so I hope it’s not related.I have wondered too. He dipped out on election day.
I actually was wondering last night what happened to him. He hasn’t posted here since November 5th, can’t say I blame him.I always enjoyed @SGGT’s posts. I think he had heart issues so I hope it’s not related.
They left FloriDuh? It looks like they are saying they will leave but I don't see any confirmation that they actually exited the state and the US.
Andrew Tate FLEES US After Florida Opens Investigation
Tate brothers leave Florida amid James Uthmeier criminal probe
The Governor and Attorney General want the controversial duo gone.floridapolitics.com
Get yourself a girlfriend and force her to do webcams. Never give her access to computer accounts or the money, or she will try to leave.The normalization of human trafficking under this power structure would have me worried if I had a daughter. Then again most people that are human trafficked are done so by family. A really money making opportunity for maga scum.
So much for the Sound of Freedom they were so energized by.
No surprise there, Dana White is a world renowned douche and scumbag.
Get yourself a girlfriend and force her to do webcams. Never give her access to computer accounts or the money, or she will try to leave.
Tristan Tate’s advice on how to make money.
Wife beater being a fan of the Tate’s isn’t shocking at all.No surprise there, Dana White is a world renowned douche and scumbag.