Another girl and her little brother beat by youths

Chuck C

HR Legend
Mar 6, 2011
This video has gone viral today. It shows a teenaged white girl and her little brother walking through the park when they were attacked. The girl repeatedly asks what she did. It's hard to hear but one of the guys in the pack says "you white, you in our park bitch." The girl filming laughs saying the girl that got beat pissed herself. The girl and her brother try to walk away but she is jumped again, her little brother tries to help her and he gets punched and slammed to the concrete.

I'm waiting for Jessie and Al to chime in about this hate crime.

On the flip side, liveleak and 4chan went into action posting the attacking girl's address, name, phone number and other personal information on the web.

Ok fellas, I'll handle this one:

This makes my blood boil and I would be happy if the attackers were shot dead. These pieces of shit have no business being in our society. Throwing that little boy to the cement?! What a coward bitch. I hope there is an arrest at minimum.
Originally posted by Tom Paris:

This makes my blood boil and I would be happy if the attackers were shot dead. These pieces of shit have no business being in our society. Throwing that little boy to the cement?! What a coward bitch. I hope there is an arrest at minimum.
Of course this is the correct reaction... but some white people in Oklahoma chanted some stuff about blacks and the media has no excess capacity for the painful stories like this. Broken culture is broken, but do not try to tell this to posters that would rather bury their heads in the sand.

You guys are stupid black people can't be racist and this is clearly a result of profiling.
Here is a link to her Instagram page that somebody posted. Man, they are letting her have it. Same thing on her Facebook and YouTube accounts. It was reported earlier on 4chan that somebody had already threw a brick through the window where she lives.

I can't believe the stupidity of these people to first off do something like this but then upload it to the internet?

I think not beating the ##$ out of these idiots would be tough to do if I actually witnessed this first hand. Hitting the girl for no reason is bad enough, the moment they involve that kid, who can't be older than 7 is flat out ridiculous.

I have to admit, this REALLY angered me to watch this. It appears as if the public is going to handle this. As pointed out before is seems to already be happening.
Absolutely love the little brother jumping in and trying to fight off his sister's attacker. Took stones to do that, and I admire him for it. Maybe that little thug ho should try again in about 10 years when little bro isn't so little anymore ... see what happens then.

Any update on this?
Where are the usual suspects on this board that chime in with their excuses?

Example: This always happened, but with the internet it just gets reported more.

Example: You know, for every story you can find, there are many more whites beating up on blacks.

Example: This video of Oklahoma frat boys is just as bad!!! Oh noes!

LOL... many people here want to bury their heads in the sand...
I guess the perps didn't get the memo about anti-bullying.

Thug life.

The community may "take care of it" with more violence, but that will only further deepen the hatred in the hearts of the black skank in the white baseball jersey and the tool shooting the video.

If the perps are minors, send them to juvie.

If they are 18 or older, they should find out why "Orange is the new black".
I'm just going to make a wild guess and say the person with the camera weighs at least 225 and stands no taller than 5'4".
I don't have kids, however if that was my niece and nephew, whom are around that age, I would have went to their houses and beat them to near death. If the parents came to their defense, the same fate. A bullets to good for those losers.
I have 9 and 4 year old daughters.......if that happened to them, It would be tire iron time on anyone involved in something like that. These kids have no idea how easily these types of altercations can go really, really bad.....and then they're in jail for 35 (or worse) years for murder....for what?

I'm glad I live where I do.
Had a physical reaction watching that. Just too many people in this country with too much time on their hands and no morals.
Originally posted by Tom Paris:

Any follow up info to the public handling this would be appreciated.
A local Fox affiliate, The Daily Mail and a bunch of small Conservative sites are it so far.

Article says they are underage, so I would assume a slap on the wrist is coming. Those kids are headed for a coffin or prison soon enough. Kids like that will contribute nothing to society but the violence they have already shown. Next time this hap p end someone could lose their life. If the public took this matter into their own hands and put her in a grave tomorrow you wouldn't hear any outcry from me.
You can bet the news editor had his/her fingers on this story. Plenty of description what each party was wearing, but not one reference about the race of either the victims, the suspects, the person filming the vents or the crowd that followed along.
Chicken $h&t reporting.

I have a bad feeling things could explode in many of the inner cities around the country when the weather gets hot this summer.

Constant protesting went on at Ferguson all fall & winter and has now been rekindled heading into spring. There is misplaced outrage and anger brewing all over the place. Law abiding citizens are also pretty fed up this situation keeps getting worse. Something gotta give.
Originally posted by belezabro:
Had a physical reaction watching that. Just too many people in this country with too much time on their hands and no morals.
I did too. I have a 12 year old son and an 8 year old daughter. Made me sick to my stomach. There was literally nothing that the girl and her brother could do once they were targeted. If the victim would have fought back, the entire gang would have jumped them and it would have been worse.
These are cowards - little boys and girls trying to be tough. If somebody fought back they'd wet their diapers.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:

The Indianapolis Star has picked it up due to it being local, but nothing more than that.

At least the human debris has been arrested.
It is absolutely infuriating that race is not mentioned once in that article. The assailants made it clear they were attacking the girl due to her being white. The double standard is loud and clear in this country. Those that claim to want equality will never achieve that if they continue to only focus on a story when a minority is "wronged".
Originally posted by belezabro:

It is absolutely infuriating that race is not mentioned once in that article. The assailants made it clear they were attacking the girl due to her being white. The double standard is loud and clear in this country. Those that claim to want equality will never achieve that if they continue to only focus on a story when a minority is "wronged".

APPLAUSE.GIF Great so see people that get it. Too bad there are a lot of others on this board who don't get this simple point.