Another illegal kills the innocent

If only Republicans were as concerned with other crimes as they are with crimes committed by illegals. I mean, like Presidential candidates.
It’s funny because it’s true but you could say the same about the democrats and the presidents son being a criminal. I wonder why this country has so many criminals both legal and illegal.
Remember when Trump closed up the border much more aggressively and then every news organization called him racist and a child-cager. Those were the days.

You also got this fake outrage/caring picture out of it.
I think it was the whole separating kids from their families thing. Or should they still be doing that?
These types of situations were bound to bound to happen with this many people entering the country. All they have to do is commit crimes at the same rate as people born here and you're going to see a lot of violent incidents.
It’s funny because it’s true but you could say the same about the democrats and the presidents son being a criminal. I wonder why this country has so many criminals both legal and illegal.
WTF are you talking about? There was a crime, he was charged, and he was convicted. For something that I'm not sure if you can find anyone else in the country who was actually charged with as a stand alone crime, btw. But even so, unless you are talking about how Hunter has been relentlessly investigated and the best they could come up with was lying on a form where as Trumps kids haven't been investigated for one second despite gaining millions for unexplained reasons from foreign governments. Almost like they were being paid for some services that may have been provided earlier...
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Or maybe if Biden wins and the Republicans don’t feel they have to cater to Trumps every whim a bipartisan border bill can actually be voted on.
You realize Biden did nothing for 3.5 years. He did nothing and realized it’s a pain point so finally decided to do something in election year after the BS bill was voted down. This is all on Biden, no one else. He reversed Trump policy and that’s why we are in the cluster we are.
WTF are you talking about? There was a crime, he was charged, and he was convicted. For something that I'm not sure if you can find anyone else in the country who was actually charged with as a stand alone crime, btw. But even so, unless you are talking about how Hunter has been relentlessly investigated and the best they could come up with was lying on a form where as Trumps kids haven't been investigated for one second despite gaining millions for unexplained reasons from foreign governments. Almost like they were being paid for some services that may have been provided earlier...
You really believe only the republicans have criminals in politics. Are you that dunce?
You really believe only the republicans have criminals in politics. Are you that dunce?
I have no idea what comment you are responding to but this doesn't even come close to a response that makes any sense with what I wrote.

But to respond to your random tangent, it's not that there aren't any Democrats that commit crimes, it's that Democrats actually hold their own accountable for their actions. The Democrats have a Senator being charged right now. You don't see any Democrats going to any place with a TV complaining about it isn't fair and it's rigged and the DoJ has been weaponized against them.
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If only Republicans were as concerned with other crimes as they are with crimes committed by illegals. I mean, like Presidential candidates.
You want people to be more concerned with sketchy bookkeeping to cover up a romantic liaison than the rape and murder of children by those here illegally?
You want people to be more concerned with sketchy bookkeeping to cover up a romantic liaison than the rape and murder of children by those here illegally?
I was more concerned about putting all of our nation's secrets and intelligence up for sale on the open market for anyone who wants it, but that's bad too. But I also don't like rape or murder of children period, not just the ones done by illegals. Maybe we can do something about people shooting up schools and public spaces.
So you don't want to answer my question? I suppose it conflicts with your narrative.

The party who supposedly values all life seems to only care more when it is taken by someone with skin darker than theirs.
Don’t be obtuse. The point is…Americans are being killed by illegal migrants that shouldn’t even be in this country.
Don’t be obtuse. The point is…Americans are being killed by illegal migrants that shouldn’t even be in this country.
Yeah, that's awful. But what about Americans killing other Americans that have a right to be here? Is that ok?
WTF is it with these illegals and all the child raping?,.. Is this a common activity elsewhere in the world?,.. If so, seal the border now.
Can we just do some quick justice with a .357 magnum?

I really don’t want TAXPAYER dollars keeping these two scumbags in prison for the rest of their lives.

Best case scenario is Mexico or wherever they are from execute them.