You are horrendous at quoting.
Ok, somebody who subscribes the following point of view, please chime in:
They always attack where guns aren't allowed, if we got rid of those places there would be less shootings.
Ok, so a few questions:
1) Do you believe this is why/how they choose their targets? For example, it was brought up about even the S. Carolina church. Do you think he chose a church because of gun laws? Alternatively, a student at a school does it at school, and you think, again, it is because of gun laws?
May not be the only reason, but certainly plays a part. Hence the answers to #2.
2) Where is a place that they would cower and refuse to attack? Presumably a place full of guns, which would be.....where? An NRA convention? So, in this hypothetical would this be an Anti-Gun person using a gun to shoot Pro-Gun people?
How about the white house, a cop shop, gun show, firing range, gun shop? From the news it would be a MI person shooting innocent, law-abiding people.
3) Picking any one of these "no gun" locations, if you removed "no guns" how many people would actually be armed? Using the S. Carolina church, or even the Oregon JUCO, how many of those attendees would actually be strapped? 3.5) And isn't it likely those people would be armed anyways? I mean, you don't get searched prior to entering a movie theater, if a gun-wearer was attending he wouldn't leave it in the car, right? At least nobody I know would.
I don't carry in places that have those signs, I know others as well that abide by the laws. So if myself and those I know would carry into say our church - there would be 20+ carrying. Good chance a shooter isn't going to get us all, but i would feel pretty safe (knowing these guys\gals and how they train) if something did happen.
Serious questions btw.
People have tried to "shoot up" the white house, as well as other highly regulated places. And yes, certainly, our highly trained defense personnel have put an end to that threat fairly quickly. Certainly staging military at all buildings would reduce the threat, at insane costs.
Armed - on site personnel quieted the threat quickly. Not saying that all that CC are well trained but that is an onus upon those that choose to carry. Why would one not become proficient if trying to defend oneself? This could be a "rule" put in place (options).
But you talk about gun shows, firing ranges, gun shops, but you have to imagine what the purpose of doing so would be. Why would they choose there? Disgruntled employee? Marksman given the boot? Maybe. But if they were making a "statement", then it would stand to reason they are anti-gun.............and then your scenario would be that an anti-gun person is using a gun against pro-gun people. Do you see the disconnect I'm having with that?
Why choose there - lots of people... I believe the "mass shootings" are mostly derived from going "postal" so disgruntled or MI plays a part. Or their statement is that they are BS crazy and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. Was the guy that killed Chris Kyle anti-gun? That was on a range.
So you would, in fact, carry in church if there wasn't a sign? THAT is what stopped you from carrying? I just find that hard to believe. I'd like some more input from other armed posters.
I would carry in a heart beat in church. I adhere to the rules laid out (unlike some) there are signs in Iowa City that are Gun Free and I adhere to those, my office doesn't allow weapons, I adhere to those. Why does it shock you that people follow the rules?
So you agree that using a church as an example of proving this trend is a false one?
Not seeing where you are getting that.
Interesting that you are willing to further limit gun carrying, and require more hoops to jump through.
Not at all what I said - I stated I follow the rules and I believe that everyone should train, not required. I am not a bible thumping in your face with my rights type of person. Now try taking my weapons and that will change.
I'm not sure what else you are trying to say. I don't see you making the case that these sites are somehow chosen because of lack of guns. You seem to agree that it is mostly disgruntled people/MI choosing to do so for non-gun-related reasons.
Not sure what you are saying - I pointed out areas that don't get targeted because of folks that carry...Yes folks are (IMHO) crazy for shooting anyone let alone more than one, but they are careful enough to pick the path of least resistance.
I'll just leave it that - thanks for honest questions though.