ANOTHER whistleblower, you say....???

Joes Place

HR King
Aug 28, 2003

Well the first one fell flat on his face, so.... if at first you don't succeed, try try again, right?
told you so... this would be dead by Monday. I was right again!! already trying to invent new angles on a Monday!! ha ha

Pelosi literally went out on a tour, came to Austin. an impeachment tour, tried to sell it!! the whistleblower's lawyer's website is asking for "donations to the cause"!! these guys have failed bigtime. it was a joke from the beginning and it died over the weekend.
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this all stems from the CIA changing its rules to say a whistle blower no longer needs first person knowledge to become a whistle blower. So now it's all based on heresy. Curious about that change just when the dems needed more dirt. More proof of the deep state at work

Curious how that is "post-hoc", as well.

Did the CIA and "Dems" own a Time Machine here, or something?
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this all stems from the CIA changing its rules to say a whistle blower no longer needs first person knowledge to become a whistle blower. So now it's all based on heresy. Curious about that change just when the dems needed more dirt. More proof of the deep state at work

  1. belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.

    Must have been all about religion.;)
this all stems from the CIA changing its rules to say a whistle blower no longer needs first person knowledge to become a whistle blower. So now it's all based on heresy. Curious about that change just when the dems needed more dirt. More proof of the deep state at work

The CIA didn’t change any rules, quit drinking the conspiracy kool aid or it will melt your brain.
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this all stems from the CIA changing its rules to say a whistle blower no longer needs first person knowledge to become a whistle blower. So now it's all based on heresy. Curious about that change just when the dems needed more dirt. More proof of the deep state at work
You do realize the "hearsay" has been coo-berated with the WH's own "transcript" of the phone call? What you call deep state, I call checks and balances. Where is your outrage at a President trying to extort a foreign ally?