Anyone else have family members who text incomplete or jumbled messages?

Feb 9, 2013
I swear…my mom uses voice text and doesn’t correct it or shorthands everything and it takes three texts to decipher the original text. Or doesn’t answer the question at all.
My younger brother is the three word max texter. Like pulling teeth
My Dad butt dialed me while dropping a deuce. Thought he was having a heart attack until I heard the flush.

I’ll take bad texting over that.


toilet GIF
My oldest daughter is terrible. She texted me tmrwr a few days ago. I told her to spell it all the way out, or go with the established tmr abbreviation.
My oldest daughter is terrible. She texted me tmrwr a few days ago. I told her to spell it all the way out, or go with the established tmr abbreviation.
Well is your daughter like a four?? You’d say no pics if she was screwable, apparently not. She probably a nasty big ole woman.