Dealing with family can sometimes be tough. Both of my sisters are extremely religious; my wife and I are not. I still love them, and fortunately they've learned that I have zero interest in discussing religion with them. Our dad was much the same as me; difference was, for a while he'd try to have reasonable discussions with them on a topic that is primarily driven by emotion. I chose a different tactic; I'd simply walk away even if they were in mid-sentence. A few times in places where I couldn't walk (restaurant, dinner table) I'd turn my back to them & let them decide if they wanted to continue to talk to the back of my head or change the subject. Eventually they got the point.
Over the last couple of years, the younger of my two sisters has gotten more political, though not verbally; she'll get on her husband if he starts talking politics. However, she frequently makes political statements with her attire. We usually do a big family trip to the beach over either Memorial or Labor Day weekend; for a couple of years she'd wear a pair of Desantis flip-flops, and make it a point to leave them prominently displayed by the shade tent. When she'd go into the water, I'd make it a point to spill some beer on them & cover them with sand (the beer worked great, because the sand would stick to them).
This year, instead of the beach we just had everyone over to our lake place. On Saturday, she was sporting one of those gender-warrior t-shirts that says "GOD MADE" then has below it the symbols for Man/Woman that are used on bathroom signs. It was particularly bothersome to me because we have a family member (the 19 year-old child of one of my nephews) who has recently transitioned from male to female. My sister won't refer to the child by the new chosen name/gender (went from Fred to Chloe), instead referring to the kid as "their youngest child." Fortunately, none of that branch of the family was there on that day, and at least my sister had the sense to not wear it on Sunday when several of them would be in attendance.
She's my sister, and I love her - but she's a bit nuts.