How do you deal with radical and politically extreme friends and family members?


HR All-American
Jan 27, 2023
Have any of you encountered this situation? How did you deal?

We live in an age of political extremism on the right wing. Politics is the new religion and many Americans are very devout.

I had an old acquaintance from high school that moved from California to Idaho. We kept in touch via email. Over the last few years, his emails got more and more extreme. This past spring, he was emailing me about how Biden sexually abused his daughter so I emailed my friend stating I think it would be better if we stopped communicating and we haven't spoken with each other since.

My younger brother has also become very extreme and right wing the past 3 years. It's so strange because he never was interested in politics and all of a sudden became MAGA at age 35, although he's not a huge fan of Trump. Two years ago, he sent a group text about how there was vast voter fraud in the 2020 election and I got in a 2 hour debate showing the 60 lawsuits that failed to show voter fraud. It didn't convince him.

This morning, he was sending texts to family with walls of text about how Biden is a "pedophile communist" and the USA is "over."

Total madness.

I learned a year ago that arguing is pointless and I can't change anyone's mind about anything.

So, I basically think I can only "tolerate" or "detach" from extreme friends and family members. I don't know what else to do.

What about you?
I’ve done it. Luckily, no close family members have gone off the deep end.

I walked away from a 50 year friendship. We agreed on Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama, for sure, then, he went off the rails.
I think you may want to look in a mirror as far as the rails are concerned.

Seriously, it's not that hard to talk about anything other than politics IRL
Their slant on politics taints everything else. I no longer trust his judgement. I no longer feel like he is the generous and compassionate man that I knew previously.
Based on a high number of your posts here I'd argue that you're probably not the generous or compassionate person he thought you were either. Sword cuts both ways, but I don't know the guy so I'm not going out of my way to defend him. Just imagine this may be a pot and kettle moment.
Ummm…just role your eyes and move on. Not hard….

Have any of you encountered this situation? How did you deal?

We live in an age of political extremism on the right wing. Politics is the new religion and many Americans are very devout.

I had an old acquaintance from high school that moved from California to Idaho. We kept in touch via email. Over the last few years, his emails got more and more extreme. This past spring, he was emailing me about how Biden sexually abused his daughter so I emailed my friend stating I think it would be better if we stopped communicating and we haven't spoken with each other since.

My younger brother has also become very extreme and right wing the past 3 years. It's so strange because he never was interested in politics and all of a sudden became MAGA at age 35, although he's not a huge fan of Trump. Two years ago, he sent a group text about how there was vast voter fraud in the 2020 election and I got in a 2 hour debate showing the 60 lawsuits that failed to show voter fraud. It didn't convince him.

This morning, he was sending texts to family with walls of text about how Biden is a "pedophile communist" and the USA is "over."

Total madness.

I learned a year ago that arguing is pointless and I can't change anyone's mind about anything.

So, I basically think I can only "tolerate" or "detach" from extreme friends and family members. I don't know what else to do.

What about you?
I suggest that you each read a book of the other's choosing, that you each think is a convincing presentation of your position. Could be on a specific topic (immigration, politics, climate change, economics or whatever).

And then each of you has to promise to read a meaningful chunk, keeping your mind as open as possible. Maybe a 50 page minimum.

The idea is that each of you will figure the other guy will either be persuaded, or at least start to question.

Might not happen, but if you each honor the 50-pages-with-open-mind agreement, at least you might have a better feel for where the other is coming from, and may see other ways to bridge the divide.

For example, if I could get a climate denier to read one of many books on climate change, I might choose The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells.
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Yep the far left, which makes up about 5% of the party, are nuts.
I always worry when reasonable liberals make concessions like this. Who are you thinking of? And given that you can find some loonies in both parties, what makes the ones you are thinking about "far left"?

I ask this because I'm used to people applying the "far left" and "extremist" labels to those of us who favor Medicare for All, or think that Climate Change is a genuine crisis. Whereas to me, those positions are simply good policy and sensible science.

What do you mean by the "far left" who "are nuts"?
Based on a high number of your posts here I'd argue that you're probably not the generous or compassionate person he thought you were either. Sword cuts both ways, but I don't know the guy so I'm not going out of my way to defend him. Just imagine this may be a pot and kettle moment.
Ummmmm…. He’s the one who wants to shoot Mexicans, not me.

Lol, he’s also a hypocrite. He aborted his second child because it tested positive for Downs Syndrome.
I usually go with "respectful disengagement".

My family all visited my house for Easter this year. When my siblings left, my parents had stayed afterwards to spend the night. My mom, who is a conservative battle axe, started in on trans-women athletes over evening coffee. I politely said that we just finished a nice family Easter Sunday together, and please no politics. She kept going and I said "no, please, no". She stopped but was very upset and went upstairs to our guest room to sulk. She got over it, and I'm glad I put a stop to it.

Note, your polite requests for disengagement may not always be well-received.
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How d
Have any of you encountered this situation? How did you deal?

We live in an age of political extremism on the right wing. Politics is the new religion and many Americans are very devout.

I had an old acquaintance from high school that moved from California to Idaho. We kept in touch via email. Over the last few years, his emails got more and more extreme. This past spring, he was emailing me about how Biden sexually abused his daughter so I emailed my friend stating I think it would be better if we stopped communicating and we haven't spoken with each other since.

My younger brother has also become very extreme and right wing the past 3 years. It's so strange because he never was interested in politics and all of a sudden became MAGA at age 35, although he's not a huge fan of Trump. Two years ago, he sent a group text about how there was vast voter fraud in the 2020 election and I got in a 2 hour debate showing the 60 lawsuits that failed to show voter fraud. It didn't convince him.

This morning, he was sending texts to family with walls of text about how Biden is a "pedophile communist" and the USA is "over."

Total madness.

I learned a year ago that arguing is pointless and I can't change anyone's mind about anything.

So, I basically think I can only "tolerate" or "detach" from extreme friends and family members. I don't know what else to do.

What about you?
How do I deal with them? Talk about friend and family stuff.
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Ummmmm…. He’s the one who wants to shoot Mexicans, not me.

Lol, he’s also a hypocrite. He aborted his second child because it tested positive for Downs Syndrome.
What do you mean he wants to shoot Mexicans? Does he want our southern border defended at gun point from illegal migrants because that's something else entirely from what you framed it as if so.

As for aborting a child with downs it is very sad, but I am pro choice in this matter. I think it's important to state how sad of an action it is but sometimes it makes sense based on the situation of the living. I imagine there are a massive number of hypocrites out there who would denounce this until they were in the position to make that choice.
They are NOW
But the most prominent white supremacist in the US endorsed joe biden? The nazis in Florida are vocally pro biden. I think you're confused, comrade.
You don’t have to see or associate with them just because they’re family. A good chunk of my family went off on immigrants around 5 years ago, not connecting the dots that my wife is an immigrant. I got up, grabbed the kids, and never spoke to them again. Their loss

That reaction seems a bit extreme, IMHO.

How were your family relationships before that?
That reaction seems a bit extreme, IMHO.

How were your family relationships before that?

I don't think it's extreme when you start associating immigrants with disease, crime, etc. They certainly never associated immigrants with that when their kids opened the birthday and Christmas gifts that we gave or sent.

Our relationships were fine, they just lost their minds when Trump got in office - strange one on one comments like are you with us? and turning their garages into shrines to Trump. I'm not the kind of person that's going to talk politics with family but it was relentless
What do you mean he wants to shoot Mexicans? Does he want our southern border defended at gun point from illegal migrants because that's something else entirely from what you framed it as if so.

As for aborting a child with downs it is very sad, but I am pro choice in this matter. I think it's important to state how sad of an action it is but sometimes it makes sense based on the situation of the living. I imagine there are a massive number of hypocrites out there who would denounce this until they were in the position to make that choice.

But the most prominent white supremacist in the US endorsed joe biden? The nazis in Florida are vocally pro biden. I think you're confused, comrade.
Lol, he wants a wall and whatever number of troops it takes to kill anyone who may dare to try to breach it.

He believes that undocumented people should be deported, and if they try to come back a second time, they should be executed. He also believes that If an accident happens involving an undocumented person, the other party is automatically free of any accountability or blame. Even police shootings.

He aborted his child because he didn’t want to face a lifetime of inconvenience and responsibility. Her life was not in danger. Now he votes for and verbally promotes politicians that would deny them that right, even if she were on the hospital bed, dying.
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Hey, today's KKK is nothing like the one you father grew up with. We've got midnight basketball, bake sales on Friday, Sunday pancake breakfasts, using only Mrs. Butterworth's, no aunt Jemima, ( or should we be serving aunt Jemima, I'm not sure ), we have our annual Koats for Kids drive coming up, smores for the kids at every cross burning, very inclusive...

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