Anyone else hear Colin Cowherd repeatedly ripping Iowa on national show?

Originally posted by SoDakHawk:
I've listened to Cowherd, Rome, Patrick, Mike & Mike, etc. I do it all day. That's what happens when you work in an office. My personal favorite is Jim Rome. Usually puts on a fresh show with a variety of topics and guests with a dose of comedy. He's gotten more stale as he's gotten older, show used to be more edgy but I attribute to him being more corporate now and having to protect his brand.

Anyway, what is getting lost here, for those of us who have listened to these shows for years, is that Cowherd used to have a lot of respect for the Iowa program. Used to point Iowa out as one of the good programs in the Big Ten. Used to say we were a tough program that would compete and win. Now he has no problem ripping on us because everything he is saying is true. It was true when he praised the Iowa program, and it's true now that he is ripping on it.
So then what are the true things he is saying that has caused him to lose respect for the Iowa football program?

You seem to know. Just askin'.....
Cowherd is a fence walker. If it benefits his side of the story he's all in. No one is allowed to challenge his viewpoint on air. If they attempt he hangs up on them or starts with the "knuckle draggers or booger eaters and the all to often used mouth breather slams on the people who he just hung up on. Class Act.
Originally posted by EvilMonkeyInTheCloset:
Originally posted by SoDakHawk:
I've listened to Cowherd, Rome, Patrick, Mike & Mike, etc. I do it all day. That's what happens when you work in an office. My personal favorite is Jim Rome. Usually puts on a fresh show with a variety of topics and guests with a dose of comedy. He's gotten more stale as he's gotten older, show used to be more edgy but I attribute to him being more corporate now and having to protect his brand.

Anyway, what is getting lost here, for those of us who have listened to these shows for years, is that Cowherd used to have a lot of respect for the Iowa program. Used to point Iowa out as one of the good programs in the Big Ten. Used to say we were a tough program that would compete and win. Now he has no problem ripping on us because everything he is saying is true. It was true when he praised the Iowa program, and it's true now that he is ripping on it.
So then what are the true things he is saying that has caused him to lose respect for the Iowa football program?

You seem to know. Just askin'.....
Fwiw, I should also mention that Cowherd was ripping on Iowa as far back as the 2008 and 2009 seasons.

He could not wait for Iowa to lose their first game in 2009 and constantly argued with Kirk Herbstreit on his radio show about how good that team really was in comparison to their weekly ranking.

Just sayin...
Wow. The level of patheticness on this board is right on par with the patheticness of this football programs perception. Instead of attacking Colin Cowherd if you don't like him, why don't people just admit that this is just another example of how pathetic our perception is nationwide. We are now the poster team 4 slow, outdated big 10 football and you guys are fine with this???? It goes FAR beyond Cowherd, you don't even have to know that much about sports to recognize what a bad product we have going on. If you don't think this stuff sways recruits you just need to step away from your keyboard and put your head back in that nice warm hole you dug for yourself....idiots.

He's right, this proposed rule is totally pathetic, why would you ever want to limit the competition and make it less appealing for recruits to come to the Big Ten?????? Then again we have a coach who doesn't really like to compete on the recruiting trail either (other than w MAC teams) so this fits just in line with his usual mindset. Ever notice that the programs with good recruiting are the ones that tend to embrace the national media and dont think they are above it? They don't turn down opportunities to promote their program on a national level. Not that a recruit needs much more than to see our archaic style of play, how we lose most close games, and how our fat cat coach embraces the mediocrity with the media to not come here.

There is a reason we finish in the fifties out of 64 power 5 teams in recruiting and this is just another example. Some of you losers know as little about marketing and branding as you do about football.

And is there anything more pathetic than a Nebraska fan hanging out on the Iowa boards? Nu2u, I can see why you would want to surround yourself with your fellow losers but only Nebraska fans live in the past more than Iowa fans. Another fan of a program that has watched their talent level drastically erode probably wouldn't understand why you need to get your brand out there at every opportunity.

You won't see Nick Saban turning down opportunities to promote his brand on a national level and he doesn't even need to. The good news is that I don't even know if the Colin Cowherd show is on in Iowa so it didn't affect the groundswell of awesome Iowa recruits we got this year

Garbage recruiting leads to garbage results but keep enjoying the product hayseeds! Some of you deserve these 5-8 losses every year if you don't see how this is a huge problem.
I hope by the time you get out of middle school, you'll have learned "patheticness" isn't a word. Stay in school.
Of all the insight there you focus on him attempting to make an odd word past tense. You may be in middle school yourself pepe. If any national guy says something positive it would be spread far and wide around here but someone who gets paid to talk about sports says our coach cant keep up (paraphrasing relax) and he is immediately discounted as a fool. He is not the fool. (Im not speaking of you pepe im speaking in broad strokes about the people who cant acknowledge a bad product)

This post was edited on 3/3 9:05 PM by HAWK-N-402 (4)

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