So then what are the true things he is saying that has caused him to lose respect for the Iowa football program?Originally posted by SoDakHawk:
I've listened to Cowherd, Rome, Patrick, Mike & Mike, etc. I do it all day. That's what happens when you work in an office. My personal favorite is Jim Rome. Usually puts on a fresh show with a variety of topics and guests with a dose of comedy. He's gotten more stale as he's gotten older, show used to be more edgy but I attribute to him being more corporate now and having to protect his brand.
Anyway, what is getting lost here, for those of us who have listened to these shows for years, is that Cowherd used to have a lot of respect for the Iowa program. Used to point Iowa out as one of the good programs in the Big Ten. Used to say we were a tough program that would compete and win. Now he has no problem ripping on us because everything he is saying is true. It was true when he praised the Iowa program, and it's true now that he is ripping on it.
You seem to know. Just askin'.....