Anyone know any ladies as pervy as these two!?

How to Do It is Slate’s sex advice column. Have a question? Send it to Stoya and Rich here. It’s anonymous!

Dear How to Do It,

I recently told a couple friends about a moment I had with my boyfriend, and they said I was “beyond ridiculous” and they would have gone nuclear on a significant other for what I did. I don’t think it was so bad! So I come to you for perspective.

My boyfriend and I are in an open relationship—he’s OK with me having sex with other guys because he knows I am a horny monster constantly. Through many conversations, he’s made it clear it doesn’t bother him if I sleep with others, which I do usually once or twice a week. (He does not sleep with other people, but is free to, and we have a good sex life ourselves.) The other day, a sex-only friend I haven’t seen for a long time—and I have unreal chemistry with—texted me to say he was nearby and wanted to know if I could hang out for a bit. I told him to come over. The problem is that my boyfriend texted me a few minutes later and said he’d be home early from work, in about 10 minutes. Unreal-chemistry guy was basically on my street already. Dilemma! I called my boyfriend, told him the truth, and asked if he could give me 20 minutes. My boyfriend said OK, I did my thing with the other guy, and then told boyfriend the coast was clear. My boyfriend playfully rolled his eyes at me when he got home, I thanked him and said I wouldn’t make a habit of it, and we moved on.

When I told my friends about this in the context of a bigger conversation about our relationships, they thought it was a wild thing for me to do, and made me feel like I was behaving terribly toward my boyfriend. Was I? Was this especially inconsiderate or absurd of me? I will accept your ruling.

—One Minute!

Dear One Minute,

Give me a moment to pull out my judge costume and the “How to Do It”-engraved gavel. I rule that your actions were farcical, but not inconsiderate. I’ll explain.

Your second paragraph reads a bit like a sitcom, and I think a farcical is a better word than absurd. Consideration has to do with the individual person—in this case of your boyfriend, who isn’t bothered by your frequent sexual interactions with others. You presented him with the facts, and he agreed to your request. Afterward, he playfully rolled his eyes at you. You considered your actual boyfriend’s actual boundaries and what he’s said to you over the time you’ve known each other, and you made a choice that he gives no indication of being hurt by. Your friends have every right to expect their partners to consider their own boundaries, which are unique to them, and likely coming from a perspective of monogamy as the default. They may be projecting their boundaries onto your partner here.

It’s worth having a talk with your boyfriend to confirm that his eye roll was indeed playful. You might share with him that your friends are giving you criticism about it, and that you want to make sure you didn’t miss something on his end. It’s helpful to have check-in talks, and this seems like a good time to have one. It’ll validate or alleviate your concern, and you can address any issues from there.

It’s possible that your wild (yes, I would say wild) behavior is part of what your boyfriend loves about you. So, your friends wouldn’t want to date you, that’s why you’re friends and not lovers! Even with incredible time management skills, there’s a limit on how many partners you can engage with significantly. I have no doubt you’ll find enough partners who are unfazed by, or celebratory of, your sexual appetite.

Dear How to Do It,

Yay! I finally realized my ultimate fantasy of being gangbanged—and now I have some follow-up questions.

I’m a 34-year-old woman who’s always been kinky but never thought I could have a gangbang cause safety, and then got stuck in a series of vanilla relationships that had zero room for anything interesting (my last ex wouldn’t even touch my butt!) and then just got stuck cause pandemic/excuses/whatever. I now live in a liberal European city that has tons of swingers clubs and finally bit the bullet and went. I had an amazing time! I banged an actual troupe of firemen—I kid you not, and they even gave me a ride home in their ambulance. It was my best life.

So now I’m sore and happy but wondering about aftercare and planning for the future. Are there creams or oils I can use on my battered bits? I’m sore and it feels a little out of balance down there, but nothing alarming. Everyone used condoms without needing to be told. We didn’t do anal, but I’d be into that next time—how should I prepare? Can I safely DP (a huge fantasy) in a context like that or should I save that for when it’s just me and two dudes I know and trust? I’m afraid that it looks hot but is actually the Olympics and probably not easy to do comfortably.

Also, I don’t want to be single forever—are there men who will want to marry a woman like me? Can they overcome the Madonna/whore complex? I want to be a wife and mother but this is also who I am, my perverted side has always been there and isn’t going anywhere. I’m ready to let her be free but scared too.

—Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Dear KKBB,

I am so happy for you.

For your soreness, I reached out to Dr. Stacy De-Lin, associate medical director at Planned Parenthood of New York City. She steered you away from coconut oil, saying it “won’t do much and some folks may be allergic or sensitive.” She does have several recommendations: “If there are any raw areas of open skin, a ‘sitz bath,’ a warm bath with a small amount of epsom salts, can be enormously helpful by bringing blood flow to the area to relax the muscles and to help to promote wound healing. For treating swelling, a bag of frozen peas, with a towel between the peas and your sensitive vulva, can help. Ibuprofen can help to reduce pain and swelling too.“

De-Lin has some advice for during the act, as well: “Having vaginal irritation and swelling might be a sign that you’re not using enough lubricant during intercourse. Be generous with the lube for future encounters, and be sure to always listen to your body: if it starts to hurt, then stop.”

As for double penetration, I recommend a less rowdy setting than the center of a gangbang at a club. Ideally you encounter a pair of people who already know they enjoy focusing on a woman together, and have had some practice with double penetration. Maybe you know another woman who has been DP’d in your town who can give a recommendation? If that doesn’t happen soon enough for you, look for two who get along and aren’t squeamish about touching other people’s testicles. It’s easiest to do a sort of body sandwich, with you in the middle, on something flat and wider than the people involved. The person on the bottom, or the “anchor,” should be OK with being squished, and able to stay hard without a lot of thrusting. Once you’ve got both dicks inside you, and they find a rhythm, both should be able to thrust. The less you wiggle, the easier it’ll be for them to stay in place.

And not only are there men who will want to marry you, there are men who will absolutely get off on helping you arrange these kinds of sexual scenarios and cheer you through them. You might meet these guys at the sex club, through a dating app, or by happenstance while you’re doing other things. In the meantime, you might consider what kinds of relationship structures are interesting to you. Give these concepts a web search: swinging, female led relationships, cuckholdry, vixen/stag, and polyamory. If any of those appeal to you, you might focus your dating efforts in areas that attract people who also want that framework, which could be a different sex club or a fully clothed community munch. If you’re on an app, you can include what you’re after in your bio. Enjoy!
sometimes being single is not so bad
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A. "Know" any women as pervy as them? No.......


B. The first gal seems to be the most "normal" of the bunch so far............and I have met a few women like that in my travels.
So you've checked?
Just the basic small-town fishing techniques:

- Winking at women at the farmers market expertly sorting through the "longer" vegetables.
- DMing the women posting on the neighborhood/school forums after midnight.
- Calling the local pizza places to see if any single women have called in orders requesting "extra anchovies".
- Hanging out at the feed store looking for women buying riding equipment, but that I know don't have horses.
- Scanning NextDoor for people complaining about their neighbors having more than three cars parked outside their house after 9pm.

So far, nothing.
Just the basic small-town fishing techniques:

- Winking at women at the farmers market expertly sorting through the "longer" vegetables.
- DMing the women posting on the neighborhood/school forums after midnight.
- Calling the local pizza places to see if any single women have called in orders requesting "extra anchovies".
- Hanging out at the feed store looking for women buying riding equipment, but that I know don't have horses.
- Scanning NextDoor for people complaining about their neighbors having more than three cars parked outside their house after 9pm.

So far, nothing.
Perhaps you should start one and make sure to include pics of your wife.
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Man, it must be Pervy Lady Thursday or something at Slate!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Dear How to Do It,

I will not sugarcoat this: I have been masturbating to photos of my cousin, who’s a few years younger than me. I saw him for the first time in years over the holidays and he’s simply an extremely attractive young man now. We don’t have a close familial relationship—he lives three states away—and I have no intention of acting on this. I should probably just unfollow him on Instagram, but is there anything wrong with what I’m doing? Is this abnormal?

— Too Close for Comfort?

Dear Too Close,

Justin Lehmiller, social psychologist and host of the Sex and Psychology Podcast, has data on incestual desire: “It is unusual/uncommon for people to fantasize frequently about their relatives. In the survey I conducted for [my book] Tell Me What You Want, I found that just 3 percent of my sample said incest was something they fantasize about often.” As for whether your masturbation material is wrong, he notes, “That said, it is common for people to fantasize about things that are taboo more generally—and it’s often the case that people with taboo fantasies have no desire to ever act on them because they know it would be wrong or they are afraid of the consequences. So if you fantasize about something taboo that you know you would never do in real life, you’re certainly not alone.”

So, the specifics of your situation may be abnormal, but fantasizing about things you won’t do is pretty prevalent, even when those things are taboo for good reason.

In the event that you’re distressed by your erotic enthusiasm, Lehmiller suggests speaking with a certified sex therapist. The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists has a directory of therapists on their website, as does the Kink Aware Professionals Network. Lehmiller adds, “It may also be helpful to avoid triggers of the fantasy to reduce distress (in this case, unfollowing or muting the individual if their posts tend to trigger fantasies) and to expand one’s erotic repertoire. Research shows that it is difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of a fantasy that you do not want to have, but it is possible to learn or cultivate new sexual interests to focus on that you find to be more acceptable.”

Dear How to Do It,

I saw my girlfriend of six months being orally pleasured by her neutered male dog. She doesn’t know I saw her. I don’t know what to make of this. We both come from fairly conservative backgrounds and have limited sexual experience. I can’t imagine discussing this with her. But I can’t get the image out of my head. I really like this woman, and one side of me wants to say it’s no big deal, just another way to masturbate. But this is bestiality, right? Isn’t it technically illegal, or at least immoral? I keep wondering what she’s thinking while we have sex, and my appetite for oral is nil now. This is sad because we had been communicating well about sex (a first for me). I can’t talk about it with friends like I usually world. So I ask you, how weird is this? What would you do?

—Puppy Love

Dear Puppy Love,

What you describe, doggone it, is bestiality. Any sexual activity with an animal that is invited or facilitated by a human is bestiality. (Rover taking it upon himself to hump your leg doesn’t quite qualify.) It is illegal in most states, though somewhat counterintuitively, possession of pornography that features bestiality is legal in nearly every state. Look but don’t touch, says the law. The prevailing understanding is that because animals, which are sentient beings, cannot consent to sex, having it with them is unethical. As far as I can tell, studies have not been performed on the traumatic effects of bestiality on animals (so, sex researchers who may be reading, there’s a topic for you to pursue), but it’s generally a good rule of thumb to assume the worst and not have sex with animals.

I understand your desire to write this off, and I think “Bestiality: Just Another Way to Masturbate” would be a catchy, if untrue, slogan for an animal lovers’ lobby. While I suppose it is conceivable that one could enjoy the feeling of a dog’s tongue without being attracted to the dog it is attached to, per se, it’s not like your girlfriend was on a desert island with no vibrator and a Labrador. Getting eaten out by a dog is a choice. (I’d also be at least a little insulted that she opted for a dog’s tongue instead of mine if I were you.) In fact, if she were sexually attracted to the dog, the troubling thing would be less her urge than the execution of it. It’s one thing to have fantasies, and it’s quite another thing to enact them. Zoophilia is not an uncommon fetish, though I wouldn’t say it’s widely practiced. (You can decide whether that fits your definition of “weird.”)

Her behavior is well within the reasonable boundaries of deal-breakers. Is this someone you want as a sex partner? A life partner? Wanna share your girlfriend with a dog? That seems, uh, rough. You’re only six months into things. Be happy that you discovered this now, while it’s still early.

Very disturbing. Not sure which is worse,the crime or that you felt the need to post it . 🤮🤮
Someone brought this up earlier, but I’m now convinced men wrote these in attempt to show their significant other that these are good ideas
Just the basic small-town fishing techniques:

- Winking at women at the farmers market expertly sorting through the "longer" vegetables.
- DMing the women posting on the neighborhood/school forums after midnight.
- Calling the local pizza places to see if any single women have called in orders requesting "extra anchovies".
- Hanging out at the feed store looking for women buying riding equipment, but that I know don't have horses.
- Scanning NextDoor for people complaining about their neighbors having more than three cars parked outside their house after 9pm.

So far, nothing.
There's an APP for that!


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