AOC contradicts Biden, says economy in 'crisis' during union workers speech.

Seems to me these rising costs are a first time (to this degree) for many folks. For example, used car prices jumped nearly 40% after 2020.

That's just it, I'm not even talking about a special anniversary night, just a typical, average date night movie. Our Anniversary dinner was at Perry's Steak House and that was a little over $200. What about parents who want to take their family of four out for lunch after Church? I swung through Chick-Fil-A after soccer practice Thursday night one salad, kids meal and an order of grilled nuggets and fries (no drinks) was $30. I went up to our local grocery store on Monday. I picked up ingredients for ONE meal, tortellini and meatballs, and tossed in 3 bottles of prime and a Red's breakfast burrito for the next morning. That's it. My total was $44.30.

Again, I can afford these things, so it's not detrimental to my financial stability, but I see these rising prices on everything from used cars, to groceries to entertainment, but the good ole minimum wage holds strong.

EDIT: My buddy paid cash for a pool the late spring of 2020. He paid around $70K. In early 2022 I contacted his exact builder and asked for a quote for the exact pool. He said around $100K.
Dam Biden made the price of pools go up 25%. When will the suffering end.
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Damn Biden made the price of pools go up 25%.

if you scroll up, my initial comment was in general and not tied to politics...simply "everything is FRACKING expensive". That was my contribution to the thread. "Get off my lawn" was taken.
How many people in their 20's do you really think are trying to buy a house?

What's hilarious is you think this just became a problem NOW. This was a problem 10 years ago. Did you have an ARM or something and just now realized this was a freaking problem?

Which is why I said it doesn't seem much worse to me than it has been previously. I'm accustomed to this being a problem.
Hoosier....there's a MAJOR difference in paying a 2.75% interest rate and a 8% rate that we see now on a 30yr loan.
In what way?

I can't say that my experience of the economy is significantly better or worse than it has been previously.
United States consumer bankruptcy filings and credit card debt are at their highest levels in over 20 years. It is the worst time in US history to buy a house or vehicle. Oh - and this all happened while no one was paying back student loans; those kick in next month. You don't think that is a problem?
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Hoosier....there's a MAJOR difference in paying a 2.75% interest rate and a 8% rate that we see now on a 30yr loan.

I'm aware of that but the price of homes generally priced younger people out. Now it's that AND the interest rate.

Interestingly enough while home prices might have gone down slightly they have not collapsed despite the high interest rates.
I'm aware of that but the price of homes generally priced younger people out. Now it's that AND the interest rate.

Interestingly enough while home prices might have gone down slightly they have not collapsed despite the high interest rates.'d think think prices would go off a cliff but they haven't.
United States consumer bankruptcy filings and credit card debt are at their highest levels in over 20 years. It is the worst time in US history to buy a house or vehicle. Oh - and this all happened while no one was paying back student loans; those kick in next month. You don't think that is a problem?

Would certainly like to know what the cause of the bankruptcy filings are since unemployment is low.
  • Haha
Reactions: okcpokefan12'd think think prices would go off a cliff but they haven't.

Which means people or companies are still buying homes.

I for the record would like them to go down because I'd like to get into a bigger house. But as I said before this is a problem that has been going on for a long time. Which is why I don't see the economy as better or worse than it was before.
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Would certainly like to know what the cause of the bankruptcy filings are since unemployment is low.
- Consumer savings is worse now than it was prior to Covid
- Rates are 3x what they were in 2020
- Goods are 20% higher

When those same Americans with depleted savings accounts are forced to start repaying student loan debt next month defaults on home and auto loans are going to skyrocket; it has already started.
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Which means people or companies are still buying homes.

I for the record would like them to go down because I'd like to get into a bigger house. But as I said before this is a problem that has been going on for a long time. Which is why I don't see the economy as better or worse than it was before.
If my daughters neighborhood is any indication....3 homes on her street bought by a company that's renting them out. New housing development.

There's still folks coming down here laying down cash for homes.
- Consumer savings is worse now than it was prior to Covid
- Rates are 3x what they were in 2020
- Goods are 20% higher

When those same Americans with depleted savings accounts are forced to start repaying student loan debt next month defaults on home and auto loans are going to skyrocket; it has already started.
And all it takes is one or two "bumps in the night" and people can accumulate quite the debt.

Here are a few examples for our house hold "bumps" in a 12 month period:
Water Heater 1 - $2,350
*Water Heater 2 - $672.95
Wrangler Oil Cooler - 1,385.61
Grand Cherokee A/C rebuild & rocker arm replacement - $3,918.53
TOTAL = $8,327.09 (I paid cash for all repairs)

*I had Covid for the first water heater and paid to have it replaced. I said hell no on the 2nd one and replaced it myself

This also doesn't take into account, I'm actually pretty handy and in addition to the 2nd water heater, fixed my washing machine and did a brake job on Grand Cherokee during that same period. What do people do who don't know the difference in SAE and metric?
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Prices are staying high because no one is selling. Half the country has an interest rate below 4%, why would they move outside of divorce or major life change?
My wife wants to move a bit north of here. Here's the simple breakdown I gave her.

We owe $288K on our home with a mortgage at 2.85%. We could sell our home between $500-525K. The neighborhood she's been looking at averages around $700K for about 600-800 sq ft less at around 6.5%. You guys can do the math from there.
The ECONOMY, measured by charts and data, is probably "fine".

But that is no comfort to millions of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck. Positive unemployment figures don't mean anything when you are working at BK.

This country's economic system is designed to reward the strong, smart and fortunate. Unfortunately the weak, not-as-smart and unlucky are roadkill.
The ECONOMY, measured by charts and data, is probably "fine".

But that is no comfort to millions of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck. Positive unemployment figures don't mean anything when you are working at BK.

This country's economic system is designed to reward the strong, smart and fortunate. Unfortunately the weak, not-as-smart and unlucky are roadkill.
It's funny, or coincidental, not funny, but the wife and I were talking about low-paying jobs, "grunt work", etc. the other night.

Someone has to do it [crap jobs], regardless of the income, regardless of societal constructs, right? I told her, it's odd, but we never see anyone vacuuming the corridors on the Starship Enterprise, but seriously, someone has to clean the restroom after Kirk destroys it. ...and that's supposedly an advanced, future version of our society w/o money.

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It's funny, or coincidental, not funny, but the wife and I were talking about low-paying jobs, "grunt work", etc. the other night.

Someone has to do it [crap jobs], regardless of the income, regardless of societal constructs, right? I told her, it's odd, but we never see anyone vacuuming the corridors on the Starship Enterprise, but seriously, someone has to clean the restroom after Kirk destroys it. ...and that's supposedly an advanced, future version of our society w/o money.


Think of all the independent contractors that were on the second Death Star when it blew up. Some dude just showing up to work to install the facets and is killed by the rebels. Sad...
I am confused how this could occur. I thought that AOC and the far leftists were in control of Biden. How is it that they are contradicting each other?
It's funny, or coincidental, not funny, but the wife and I were talking about low-paying jobs, "grunt work", etc. the other night.

Someone has to do it [crap jobs], regardless of the income, regardless of societal constructs, right? I told her, it's odd, but we never see anyone vacuuming the corridors on the Starship Enterprise, but seriously, someone has to clean the restroom after Kirk destroys it. ...and that's supposedly an advanced, future version of our society w/o money.

When I was pretty young, I was with my parents in CR and we drove by a big plant on the SW side of town. I asked my folks when they did there and I was told they made cream separators.

The naive fortunate son of a reasonable well to do family asked, "Who would want to grow up to work in a cream separator plant?" I didn't get a straight answer, of course .... but duh. After that the light bulb came on. People didn't just get to pick their careers.

But if a job is important enough to be done, it should be paid. Especially if the executives, the board and the shareholders are making a lot of money.

The famous saying is, "A rising tide lifts all boats." Well, not in America.
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It's funny, or coincidental, not funny, but the wife and I were talking about low-paying jobs, "grunt work", etc. the other night.

Someone has to do it [crap jobs], regardless of the income, regardless of societal constructs, right? I told her, it's odd, but we never see anyone vacuuming the corridors on the Starship Enterprise, but seriously, someone has to clean the restroom after Kirk destroys it. ...and that's supposedly an advanced, future version of our society w/o money.

p.s. That's a great picture!
But as I said before this is a problem that has been going on for a long time. Which is why I don't see the economy as better or worse than it was before.
Three years of declining real wages is the best description for Bidenomics.

2017 was the last time we had a deficit <1 trillion dollars.
A few days left in this Federal fiscal year, but we've already increased the debt 2.2 trillion this go around.
The White House's own budget docs predict (page 135) a deficit no smaller than 1.5 trillion for the rest of the decade.
Here's the debt we've added each year since 2018:


The cause of inflation remains.

"We can guarantee cash payments from here on out, what we cannot guarantee is the purchasing power of that cash." -Alan Greenspan during remarks on Social Security, Feb 16, 2005

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