AOC with a shot across the bow early today

Student loan "cancellation"?

Like all the companies who've loaned out billions of dollars will just cancel them? That would be... unusual.

As someone who took out, and has been paying back, student loans - I think everyone ought to be responsible for paying back the money they borrowed. I certainly don't want to become responsible for paying everyone's loans back through my taxes.

Now, if they want to work to figure out a way to make college affordable (or at least less unaffordable), then I'd be on board with that.
This is kind of how the rhetoric works, though. Talk of student loan debt "cancellation" opens the door for measures of "forgiveness" which opens the door for measures such as you appear interested in seeing.

Basically what AOC and Sanders and the "radical" Left is saying, when you read past the scary big-font stuff, is college and post-high school education/training to be affordable similarly to fifty years ago.

Now, like you, I took out a loan and paid it back, so this type of thing sort of "victimizes" me, but I don't care. If we're going to compete in the near- and long-term, then we need to compete. Right now? We're losing, and bad.
2) the biggest factor in rising costs is decreased state funding. I’m a little wary of the fed govt essentially bailing out the states when the states will still have way too much influence over universities simply because they contribute 4-7% of their operating budget.
Not to mention bloated administrations. "We gotta reorg. We need at least as many assistant and associate directors as rank and file."
This is kind of how the rhetoric works, though. Talk of student loan debt "cancellation" opens the door for measures of "forgiveness" which opens the door for measures such as you appear interested in seeing.

Basically what AOC and Sanders and the "radical" Left is saying, when you read past the scary big-font stuff, is college and post-high school education/training to be affordable similarly to fifty years ago.

Now, like you, I took out a loan and paid it back, so this type of thing sort of "victimizes" me, but I don't care. If we're going to compete in the near- and long-term, then we need to compete. Right now? We're losing, and bad.

No, that's not what they are saying. They are saying what they are actually saying. They want college to be "free", and they want it to be retroactive for those who have loans, and screw the people who paid for college.
Thanks. I'm quite sure it's taken a minimum of 5 years off my life expectancy. I've done nothing but ski, snow shoe and spend time with my family since then. Back at work this morning (sorta)

C'mon AOC...gimme that $$$
You don't have to answer, but, what are your plans for the degree? I have an idea how old you are, and you are above the age of the typical law school grad. Utilize the degree in your current employment, something new? One of our neighbors was an engineer for Deere, and after age 40 he got a law degree and does patent work for them now. Deere picked up the cost as I recall, because he promised to work for them for a number of years. Win / win for them both. Have a guy on their engineering side doing patent work and you don't need to have an engineer explaining something to a lawyer, or the reverse. Plus, a lot of that stuff is highly proprietary.
No, that's not what they are saying. They are saying what they are actually saying. They want college to be "free", and they want it to be retroactive for those who have loans, and screw the people who paid for college.
Lol. Okay. Read Sanders' platform. Research the thinking behind it. And stick to your sad victimhood, kiddo. JFC stop being such an ignorant snowflake. We're screwed as a country if this is the prevailing mentality, this "but meeeeeeeee, what about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!??!!"
You don't have to answer, but, what are your plans for the degree? I have an idea how old you are, and you are above the age of the typical law school grad. Utilize the degree in your current employment, something new? One of our neighbors was an engineer for Deere, and after age 40 he got a law degree and does patent work for them now. Deere picked up the cost as I recall, because he promised to work for them for a number of years. Win / win for them both. Have a guy on their engineering side doing patent work and you don't need to have an engineer explaining something to a lawyer, or the reverse. Plus, a lot of that stuff is highly proprietary.

Born in '74 and I need to slow down a bit. I'm quite above the age of the typical graduate student but it was nice looking at the pretty 25 year olds in my classes. I may have been older than a couple of my instructors, including a very attractive 32 yr old. There were a couple people older than I was in my classes, but by far, most of the students were ages 23-35.

I've been living at a frenetic pace for some time now, so it would be a good time to slow down and work one job instead of 2 or 3. Yea, I'm in the life sciences industry and plan on going into Ethics/Compliance since I'm well suited to the business side of things and that's what I've done. That can be done from the confines of my home office with some travel. I probably won't really retire until I'm about 70. I've also been with the U.S. Gov't for a few years as well and there are ample opportunities there. Proprietary information is the lifeblood of any organization and I spent a bit of time working on competitive intelligence stuff. Fascinating.
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There is no such thing as a tax on corporations. Any tax increase will be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices on goods and services.

But "tax reductions and rebates" don't go to consumers, they go to "stock buybacks" and "executive bonuses".

Now, if we taxed the isht out of those things - keeping lower corporate earnings taxes, but jacking up taxes on BOTH the corporation directly for bonuses for people earning >$300k AND on those receiving those bonuses, you'd see greater financial incentives to reinvest into the businesses.
That money rolled right into the economy. Giving multi millionaires and corporations tax relief did nothing to prime the economy. It simply concentrated wealth.

That was a FEATURE of the plan. Couple that with Mitch McConnell's "unlimited political spending", and you can connect the dots on "the plan" here.
Lol. Okay. Read Sanders' platform. Research the thinking behind it. And stick to your sad victimhood, kiddo. JFC stop being such an ignorant snowflake. We're screwed as a country if this is the prevailing mentality, this "but meeeeeeeee, what about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!??!!"

Really? I would think the "what about me" whining should apply more to those who don't want to take responsibility for the debt the voluntarily signed up for. Trying to make responsible people into villains might be a nice narrative. You are actually advocating make people pay twice - once for themselves, and once again for others.
I’ve never understood the AOC fascination or hate, but geez. This is exactly the kind of tweet that gets the moderates/independents questioning their votes. And puts unnecessary pressure on Biden.

Biden could destroy the GOP over the next two years with a moderate governing approach. All this in your face stuff will do is ensure that GOP takes the House in 2022 and that Biden/Harris is a one-term administration.
I’ve never understood the AOC fascination or hate, but geez. This is exactly the kind of tweet that gets the moderates/independents questioning their votes. And puts unnecessary pressure on Biden.

Biden could destroy the GOP over the next two years with a moderate governing approach. All this in your face stuff will do is ensure that GOP takes the House in 2022 and that Biden/Harris is a one-term administration.

Exactly right. The 'in your face' stuff is so Trump-like. Let's hope there are more people out there like you, who can call both sides out for being that way.
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How many times do I need to say it? Maybe I haven’t repeatedly posted it on this board, but I’ve been saying this for the past 40+ years.

Paul Ryan tried to put forward a responsible budget once. Dems made a video of him pushing an old lady in a wheelchair off a Cliff and called him Hitler.

I remember during that one week there was “Austerity” talk. When it was mentioned that that it might be a good idea to add only 9.9% instead of 10% to a budget increase, ciggy posted 900 articles about how dangerous the “cuts” were.

The funny thing was that they were cuts to police forces. And Joe Biden talked about how a woman would be raped easier because the cops couldn’t get there in time. Now they want to defund the police themselves. True story.
This is kind of how the rhetoric works, though. Talk of student loan debt "cancellation" opens the door for measures of "forgiveness" which opens the door for measures such as you appear interested in seeing.

Basically what AOC and Sanders and the "radical" Left is saying, when you read past the scary big-font stuff, is college and post-high school education/training to be affordable similarly to fifty years ago.

Now, like you, I took out a loan and paid it back, so this type of thing sort of "victimizes" me, but I don't care. If we're going to compete in the near- and long-term, then we need to compete. Right now? We're losing, and bad.

LOL...big scary font. I love how Dems always have to explain what the nutbags they love “really mean”. As if there isn’t infinite time and staffer help to formulate and share their own thoughts.

“Kill all the puppies!” What that really means is that we need to make sure we add money to the infrastructure budget to help create jobs. Don’t get distracted by the words actually used.
I’ve never understood the AOC fascination or hate, but geez. This is exactly the kind of tweet that gets the moderates/independents questioning their votes. And puts unnecessary pressure on Biden.

Biden could destroy the GOP over the next two years with a moderate governing approach. All this in your face stuff will do is ensure that GOP takes the House in 2022 and that Biden/Harris is a one-term administration.

Given that it looks like the dems just got the senate, and that she's been a pusher of stuff like this forever -- this is her career -- it's pretty meh.

I don't think the dems have the inclination nor the political will power to see through the 'revolution' that the Bernie/AOC wing sometimes speaks of.

But that doesn't mean you can't chip away at some of these issues.

My frustration with the dems is that I've not seen much in specifics generated, the bernie/aoc rhetoric -- while exciting the young progressive wing -- comprises most of what you hear when you hear anything at all about these issues.

I'd like more specifics. I think Warren was the closest to that, but she failed to narrow down her set of interests and ended up with a giant wish list of about progressive ask imaginable. And that freaked out too many voters.

Hopefully they'll tighten things up a bit and find a few top priority solutions they can push a bit.
Weird how you only post about it when Democrats are in power.

Do you guys track individual posters here to make sure they they have A history of saying certain things? I don’t remember too many poster‘s specific positions on things from a month ago, let alone 1, 2 or 5 years ago. Do you use Excel to log this data?

I do know this. Most conservatives here do care about the debt and want a balanced budget. Unfortunately our elected officials, both sides, don’t care enough about it make it happen. Yet we all keep rehiring them every 4 years.
Priorities I'd like to see a Biden administration & Congress address (in no particular order):

Restructuring the student loan marketplace (1-3% max interest APR) and allow refinancing at these lower rates for existing student loan balances.

An improved ACA/healthcare law with a public option for those who want to get into the program but options for private coverage, essentially a hybrid system similar to some European systems.

Changes in our federal tax structure including lowering the now far too high estate tax exemption, moving capital gains tax rates closer to ordinary income tax rates and raising the marginal rate of taxation on income in excess of $400,000.

Solidifying SS/FICA's financial stability by eliminating the limitations on income that will be subject to SS/FICA taxation.

Invest in renewable energy alternatives and if needed, help to subsidize the needed infrastructure to make EVs a more reasonable and practical alternative for consumers.

Reform our LE/prison/legal-judicial systems. Punish and imprison violent and dangerous offenders, look for alternative systems to deal with non-violent offenders and focus reform programs on those individuals. Eliminate for-profit prisons.

LEGALIZE WEED and take it off the Controlled Substances list, control and tax it like we do with our other "sinful" substances. research it medically and let's quit acting like a bunch of ninnies in regards to its use and efficacy.

That's a start anyway IMO.
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Do you guys track individual posters here to make sure they they have A history of saying certain things? I don’t remember too many poster‘s specific positions on things from a month ago, let alone 1, 2 or 5 years ago. Do you use Excel to log this data?

I do know this. Most conservatives here do care about the debt and want a balanced budget. Unfortunately our elected officials, both sides, don’t care enough about it make it happen. Yet we all keep rehiring them every 4 years.
They almost never post about things - just like Republicans in Congress don't talk about things - when they are in power. As soon as a Democrat gets office, then those issues become important to them. Hypocrisy.
They almost never post about things - just like Republicans in Congress don't talk about things - when they are in power. As soon as a Democrat gets office, then those issues become important to them. Hypocrisy.

How can you tell? Chishawk, Kenneth Griffin, Bonney, and Cigaretteman spam the board so much that it's next to impossible to get a word in edgewise.

Threads that interest you may not interest conservatives, and vice versa. I probably only look at 20% of the threads here.
Restructuring the student loan marketplace (1-3% max interest APR) and allow refinancing at these lower rates for existing student loan balances.
I'd agree to this PROVIDED it is the educational INSTITUTIONS subsidizing the lower interest rates (relative to some formula of their tuition rates, outstanding graduated student balances, etc, for how much each institution is responsible for it) and NOT public taxpayers funding it.

Your school has $70,000 a semester tuition rates, vs. a smaller public school that is $10,000 a semester? Kewl. You are "in" for 7x more liability and subsidy of the student loan rates.

Your school is really large, and has graduated tens of thousands of students who cumulatively hold $1B in loan debt, vs a community college that has $1M in equivalent student debt? Kewl, you are "in" for 1000x the cost.

Make this a combined market-based approach. Not simply "more government" and taxpayer subsidies.
Another controversial option would be for people to go to community college for their first two years, finish their bachelors at a lower priced in-state public school and have a part time job.

For some real out of the box thinking people could get government paid college by serving in the military first and going to college on the GI Bill,
Really? I would think the "what about me" whining should apply more to those who don't want to take responsibility for the debt the voluntarily signed up for. Trying to make responsible people into villains might be a nice narrative. You are actually advocating make people pay twice - once for themselves, and once again for others.

Exactly. ^^ It is stunning to see what some consider logical thinking these days.
How can you tell? Chishawk, Kenneth Griffin, Bonney, and Cigaretteman spam the board so much that it's next to impossible to get a word in edgewise.

Threads that interest you may not interest conservatives, and vice versa. I probably only look at 20% of the threads here.
Hence why at least two of those posters are on ignore.
Mostly agree here, the main problem is the cost of college, fix that and the student loan issue works itself out in 15 to 20 years.
And, like healthcare, we don’t fix it by placing another layer of government pencil pushers between the provider and the user.
Fail. Not in the union.