[April 28] Andrew Brown Jr. shooting: Judge blocks release of police body camera footage

20 seconds of a single body cam was provided to the family and defense with faces obscured. So, you're OK with this?

The trial "may" produce more. May. If the evidence is damning, I wouldn't count on it. They sent an army to serve an arrest warrant. Strange.
What’s the criminal history on the subject of the warrant? I’m sure you would be good to go it alone next time?
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Yes continues to be a street level dealer selling small quantities. But the police could use the man power to arrest mid level and higher distributors to interrupt the supply chain. That’s more difficult than arresting the low hanging fruit of dealers selling a gram, but more effective
Maybe they need to arrest him to find out who his suppliers are.
I'm not sure how releasing the video will affect the investigation. That said, my main problem is the judge said "at least 30 days". I think he should have set a more strict time limit, even if it's 30 days. The investigation shouldn't take that long under the circumstances. That's part of the beauty of video.

Just waiting until the price of plywood drops.
Yes continues to be a street level dealer selling small quantities. But the police could use the man power to arrest mid level and higher distributors to interrupt the supply chain. That’s more difficult than arresting the low hanging fruit of dealers selling a gram, but more effective
You arrest the small fish to get to the big fish. Everyone knows that.
What’s the criminal history on the subject of the warrant? I’m sure you would be good to go it alone next time?

Let it go? He was shot 5 times...once in the head. Does that sound like an attempt to arrest? Did they try to block his vehicle? Did they shoot his tires to prevent escape? 7 or 8 officers.

Did you see the video of the officers arriving to serve the warrant? There were several in the back of a Sherriff's or Police pickup carrying guns. Another car followed that vehicle. It will be interesting when the Feds get involved and break this down.

Courts decide the fate of those accused of crimes. Not possesses.