Judge to backers of Jan. 6 rioter: Don’t condone political violence

The Capitol was closed on January 6 to the public so there was no people on a guided tour.
And yet there's hours of video of people peacefully walking through WITH ESCORTS, cops/security opening doors and holding them open (Interior not the beached doors) etc. I could see for those people not really thinking they were committing acts of treason or insurrection. Did I say that they didn't commit ANY crime? Did I say they shouldn't have known better?

There were no "official" guided tours but there's plenty of video to confirm not everyone there was a violent insurrectionist who should be put to death.
And yet there's hours of video of people peacefully walking through WITH ESCORTS, cops/security opening doors and holding them open (Interior not the beached doors) etc. I could see for those people not really thinking they were committing acts of treason or insurrection. Did I say that they didn't commit ANY crime? Did I say they shouldn't have known better?

There were no "official" guided tours but there's plenty of video to confirm not everyone there was a violent insurrectionist who should be put to death.

The Capitol was closed on Jan 6. Case closed.
And yet there's hours of video of people peacefully walking through WITH ESCORTS, cops/security opening doors and holding them open (Interior not the beached doors) etc. I could see for those people not really thinking they were committing acts of treason or insurrection. Did I say that they didn't commit ANY crime? Did I say they shouldn't have known better?

There were no "official" guided tours but there's plenty of video to confirm not everyone there was a violent insurrectionist who should be put to death.
Yeah, nobody should be put to death, but you are either lying about the opening doors and escorts, or you are stupid AF.
Yeah, nobody should be put to death, but you are either lying about the opening doors and escorts, or you are stupid AF.
I'm not lying about anything. Have you seen ANY of the security footage that was released but not on the 6 O'Clock news? There were hundreds if not thousands being led around and through the building in escort fashion. People literally walking inside the ropes and obeying authority's directions. They did open interior doors, they did lead people around.

Those people still deserve some jail time, still deserve to pay major fines, and community service hours because there's no way for them not to know they were doing something wrong.
I'm not lying about anything. Have you seen ANY of the security footage that was released but not on the 6 O'Clock news? There were hundreds if not thousands being led around and through the building in escort fashion. People literally walking inside the ropes and obeying authority's directions. They did open interior doors, they did lead people around.

Those people still deserve some jail time, still deserve to pay major fines, and community service hours because there's no way for them not to know they were doing something wrong.
You must have weird dreams. Stop making crap up. You are a big part of the problem, Cletus. You are a gullible rube in a cult. Do better.
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You must have weird dreams. Stop making crap up. You are a big kart if the problem.m, Cletus. You are a gullible rube in a cult. Do better.
I'm sorry your favorite "news" source has let you down again. You can interpret what I'm saying anyway you like, but I have in no way given the J6ers a pass. There were violent extremists who should be made an example of. They might even represent the majority of the people there.

All I've said is not EVERYONE who was there, was there to over-throw the government. there to commit treason, or even realized in the moment how wrong their actions were; but they still should be punished.
i'm ok with one. honestly not sure who viking guy is, but if he had a weapon in the capitol, that's a no-brainer 5 at least without even wondering what the sentencing guidelines would provide.
Look at the Viking’s flag. It’s a freaking spear.

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I'm sorry your favorite "news" source has let you down again. You can interpret what I'm saying anyway you like, but I have in no way given the J6ers a pass. There were violent extremists who should be made an example of. They might even represent the majority of the people there.

All I've said is not EVERYONE who was there, was there to over-throw the government. there to commit treason, or even realized in the moment how wrong their actions were; but they still should be punished.
Somebody better tell MTG, she's all worked up that their plan wasn't successful that day.
Implied threats from the bench to the spouse and family of the person he is sentencing on free speech.

Judge is way outside his charter.

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