Are Cruz and Rubio scared of Trump?

Huey Grey

HB King
Jan 15, 2013
They're both losing to him badly. They're both on the verge of losing the nomination. So why are Cruz and Rubio still scared to go after Trump? Certainly they have enough ammunition against this guy. And Trump isn't taking it easy on them. So why the easy treatment? Are they scared that Trump will go after them even more?
Well you sure seem to be scared of Marco, Huey.
True. But unlike Marco, I'm at least willing to hit him directly. Rubes won't even mention Trump by name. Most of the time, he'll lob an attack his way, but stop short of actually calling Trump out by name. Seems wimpish, IMO.
You can't make a person vote for a certain candidate unless you are dead and from Chicago.
True. But unlike Marco, I'm at least willing to hit him directly. Rubes won't even mention Trump by name. Most of the time, he'll lob an attack his way, but stop short of actually calling Trump out by name. Seems wimpish, IMO.

Oh, so Marco is using the same tactics as the Pope.
On a serious note I think Rubio is waiting for the field to winnow before he goes negative on Trump. Either that or those 2 have an agreement to get rid of Cruz before the gloves come off. Or Rubio gets the Illuminatis OK to go after Trump.
Ted Cruz got caught playing a dirty trick against Dr. Ben
Carson on the night of the Iowa Caucus He spread rumors
that Carson was getting out of the Presidential campaign and
implied it would be useless to vote for Carson Ted Cruz has
yet to get really dirty with Donald Trump

Marco Rubio prides himself as taking the high road in this
campaign. He is the humble and righteous son of a
bartender and maid who speaks no evil, sees no evil,
and does no evil..
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Ted Cruz got caught playing a dirty trick against Dr. Ben
Carson on the night of the Iowa Caucus He spread rumors
that Carson was getting out of the Presidential campaign and
implied it would be useless to vote for Carson Ted Cruz has
yet to get really dirty with Donald Trump

Marco Rubio prides himself as taking the high road in this
campaign. He is the humble and righteous son of a
bartender and maid who speaks no evil, sees no evil,
and does no evil..
This is the narrative. Too bad it's just a myth. Rubio only cares about the high road when it comes to Republican. When it comes to Democrats, he's more than willing to spew mud and outright lies. Just yesterday he was talking about how Benghazi proves that Hillary is unqualified to be President. And this is on the heels of his ridiculous assertion that Obama is an evil genius intent on systematically destroying the country. The substance of his attack points are tin foil hat theories. He's really no better than Trump in this respect.
Cruz already told gave you the answer - New York City values.
Not sure what this means? But I do know that if you're way behind and still refuse to go after the guy owning you, especially after he bashes you and your parents, then perhaps you don't have what it takes to be President.
Not sure what this means? But I do know that if you're way behind and still refuse to go after the guy owning you, especially after he bashes you and your parents, then perhaps you don't have what it takes to be President.
First, the New York City values was a tongue in cheek statement.

Second, your OP could just as easily apply to Bernie and his lack of pushing on Hillary's believability issue.
First, the New York City values was a tongue in cheek statement.

Second, your OP could just as easily apply to Bernie and his lack of pushing on Hillary's believability issue.
Bernie has gone after Hillary. Have you watched the debates or heard what he says in his speeches? He just doesn't use the ridiculous conspiracy theories the right uses against her. You really think Bernie would lower himself to bring up Benghazi or emails?
Bernie has gone after Hillary. Have you watched the debates or heard what he says in his speeches? He just doesn't use the ridiculous conspiracy theories the right uses against her. You really think Bernie would lower himself to bring up Benghazi or emails?
Her believability issue is greater than just the conspiracy theories.

Bernie has gone after Hillary about as much as Cruz and Rubio have attacked Trump IMHO.
Her believability issue is greater than just the conspiracy theories.

Bernie has gone after Hillary about as much as Cruz and Rubio have attacked Trump IMHO.
Then you haven't been paying much attention to this election. Bernie has had no problem going after Hillary. He's been attacking her relentlessly for her connections to Wall Street, her use of Super Pacs, her stance of Social Security, and has even gotten into twitter battles with her.

I don't see Rubio doing much of any of this. Trump's attack against Rubio being ineligible for President is a great example. Rubio had the perfect chance to lay into Trump over whatever he wanted. The media was practically begging Marco to do this. But what does he do? Rubes punts and says he won't dignify it with an answer.

Marco is weak. He is scared of Trump and doesn't want to taunt the schoolyard bully into a fight. If Marco is too scared to take on a blowhard like Trump, how's he going to react to a real bully like Putin?
Then you haven't been paying much attention to this election. Bernie has had no problem going after Hillary. He's been attacking her relentlessly for her connections to Wall Street, her use of Super Pacs, her stance of Social Security, and has even gotten into twitter battles with her.

I don't see Rubio doing much of any of this. Trump's attack against Rubio being ineligible for President is a great example. Rubio had the perfect chance to lay into Trump over whatever he wanted. The media was practically begging Marco to do this. But what does he do? Rubes punts and says he won't dignify it with an answer.

Marco is weak. He is scared of Trump and doesn't want to taunt the schoolyard bully into a fight. If Marco is too scared to take on a blowhard like Trump, how's he going to react to a real bully like Putin?
Perhaps you are not taking into account the difference between a two candidate primary and a multi candidate primary. Cruz and Rubio are having to spend time and recourses going after each other because they know one needs to go before they can concentrate all their attention on Trump.
Rubio doesn't have to win the nomination this cycle. He's young enough to be at the top of the ticket in 2020/2024. Cruz has less time.

Trump sure looks unstoppable at this point, which is bad news for Republicans. The far right might like his immigration stances, but I don't see much else they're going to like.

If it's Trump... for Dems it's a win/win.
Somehow in a Trump cabinet... I think we're going to see guys like Guilliani, Christie, and Carson have new jobs. Cruz too... but he's going to be the construction foreman building that "wall" that Mexico is paying for. Marco just might be a veep candidate.
Perhaps you are not taking into account the difference between a two candidate primary and a multi candidate primary. Cruz and Rubio are having to spend time and recourses going after each other because they know one needs to go before they can concentrate all their attention on Trump.
This is a fair point. But then why isn't Rubio going hard after Cruz then? Like Trump, Rubes mostly avoids mentioning Cruz by name and hasn't spent much time criticizing him on the campaign trail. Unless Cruz attacks Marco first, Rubio will generally stay away from that stuff altogether. The only people I see Rubio attack consistently and without provocation are the Democrats. But the problem is that the substance of these attacks suck. They seem to be entirely based on conspiracies like Benghazi that have already been destroyed.
Even if Rubio did somehow manage to win the nomination, I don't see him winning anymore. If the worse he has against Hillary are emails and Bengahzi and the worse he has against Bernie is that he is a Socialist and should have to live in another country, then Mitch is right. Marco simply doesn't have what it takes this time around.
Rubio doesn't have to win the nomination this cycle. He's young enough to be at the top of the ticket in 2020/2024. Cruz has less time.

If it's Trump... for Dems it's a win/win.

Rubio is 44, Cruz is 45. Is one year less really a significant difference?
Even if Rubio did somehow manage to win the nomination, I don't see him winning anymore. If the worse he has against Hillary are emails and Bengahzi and the worse he has against Bernie is that he is a Socialist and should have to live in another country, then Mitch is right. Marco simply doesn't have what it takes this time around.

Rubio is the only one with a good chance to win. We know that Hillary doesn't connect well with younger voters. Bernie is kicking her ass in that regard. We also know from Nevada that she doesn't seem to be connecting with Latinos very well, because Bernie beat her with them, too. If a 75 year-old Jewish socialist can attract young and Latino voters away from Hillary, Marco can, too. Plus, even if they just don't vote, Marco benefits. Finally, right now Rubio polls 57-41% when matched up versus Hillary.

Rubio is clearly the best shot Republicans have to win, and it's not even close. The only hope (and it's not a small one, imo) that the Democrats/Hillary/Bernie have is if there are enough stupid people voting in Republican primaries and caucuses to install Trump (and to a much lesser degree Cruz) as the candidate. Cruz has a slight chance to win, Trump will get totally creamed, as the media will finally give equal time to both candidates.
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Even if Rubio did somehow manage to win the nomination, I don't see him winning anymore. If the worse he has against Hillary are emails and Bengahzi and the worse he has against Bernie is that he is a Socialist and should have to live in another country, then Mitch is right. Marco simply doesn't have what it takes this time around.
Hillary's problem runs deeper than emails and Bengahzi. The problem has shiftrd from the why to the perception among the majority of Americans that she is not trustworthy. She compounds this when she lies about things like there are no top secret emails on the server. The emails issue has been a disaster for her that an early apology would have put to rest but she decided to go the other way and it has hurt her.

30% of Democrats don't believe she is trustworthy and believable and they are hardly supporters of the hearings.
The GOP have been gathering dirt on Hill for years. They were preparing to roll it out in '08. They have now had another 8 years to pull it all together. When/If she is the candiate they will unleash it all on her. I'm looking forward to it.
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Bernie has gone after Hillary. Have you watched the debates or heard what he says in his speeches? He just doesn't use the ridiculous conspiracy theories the right uses against her.

You really think Bernie would lower himself to bring up Benghazi or emails?

Bernie lower himself? Like in dare to attack the Democrat's chosen presidential candidate----Hillary?......Bernie was only selected to introduce/promote socialism to now, a select group of young voters....not to seriously challenge Hillary.
But a more serious concern could be .........what happens to Hillary when the Donald gets ahold of her? He's already quite effectively blasted Bill. hahahahaha
On a serious note I think Rubio is waiting for the field to winnow before he goes negative on Trump. Either that or those 2 have an agreement to get rid of Cruz before the gloves come off. Or Rubio gets the Illuminatis OK to go after Trump.
I don't think he can wait that long. Trump clearly has momentum right now and it's going to be too late if he thinks he can pick up the pieces from the Kasich/Bush voters after Super Tuesday. He needs to start hitting Trump now.
The GOP have been gathering dirt on Hill for years. They were preparing to roll it out in '08. They have now had another 8 years to pull it all together. When/If she is the candiate they will unleash it all on her. I'm looking forward to it.
Whut? Clinton has been getting both barrels since 1993 by Republicans, just what new horrible things are there out there that are being saved up?
They're both losing to him badly. They're both on the verge of losing the nomination. So why are Cruz and Rubio still scared to go after Trump? Certainly they have enough ammunition against this guy. And Trump isn't taking it easy on them. So why the easy treatment? Are they scared that Trump will go after them even more?
The GOP have been gathering dirt on Hill for years. They were preparing to roll it out in '08. They have now had another 8 years to pull it all together. When/If she is the candiate they will unleash it all on her. I'm looking forward to it.
What? You really think the GOP has held back against her?
Rubio is the only one with a good chance to win. We know that Hillary doesn't connect well with younger voters. Bernie is kicking her ass in that regard. We also know from Nevada that she doesn't seem to be connecting with Latinos very well, because Bernie beat her with them, too. If a 75 year-old Jewish socialist can attract young and Latino voters away from Hillary, Marco can, too. Plus, even if they just don't vote, Marco benefits. Finally, right now Rubio polls 57-41% when matched up versus Hillary.

Rubio is clearly the best shot Republicans have to win, and it's not even close. The only hope (and it's not a small one, imo) that the Democrats/Hillary/Bernie have is if there are enough stupid people voting in Republican primaries and caucuses to install Trump (and to a much lesser degree Cruz) as the candidate. Cruz has a slight chance to win, Trump will get totally creamed, as the media will finally give equal time to both candidates.
I totally agree that Rubio would give Hillary all kinds of fits, but with one caveat. He has to be strong. He has to bold. But we haven't seen a strong and bold Rubio yet. All we've seen is cautious Rubio. Someone who tries to minimize his mistakes, but doesn't swing for the fences. If cautious Rubio makes it to the general, he'll probably lose. I'm not even sure Rubio has it in him to be bold.
*In breaking news....Jeb Bush blows $130 Million with nothing to show for it.
Attacks by Thump, he's a "weak candidate", " brother W, family", 9/11, unpopularity," you should just quit" did him in.
Seems like Rubio is going down the same exact route. He's taking over many of Bush's donors and also trying to play the endorsement game. The money and endorsement advantage didn't work for Bush. Why should they work for Rubio? And you're spot on in pointing out that Trump bullied Bush out of the game. Unfortunately for Marco, Trump's doing the same exact thing to him now.

It might be why Rubio is trying to steer clear of directly taking on Trump. He doesn't want to be the second guy from Florida to get beat up by the New Yorker.
6 Congressional investigations and 12 hearings into her personally and we haven't seen the GOP blow their load yet? Sure...
To clarify this isn't going to be done by Congress. This is going to be an ad campagne against her. Anything and everything will be thrown out.
To clarify this isn't going to be done by Congress. This is going to be an ad campagne against her. Anything and everything will be thrown out.
My point is that if Congress is willing to do everything in their power to destroy Hillary, what else are ads going to do?
To clarify this isn't going to be done by Congress. This is going to be an ad campagne against her. Anything and everything will be thrown out.
What hasn't been thrown out there already?