Arizona Dem Kyrsten Sinema joins GOP in push for program that would quickly deport migrants without

Its refreshing to belong to a party with enough balls to allow open disagreement on matters. Unlike repubs who willingly cut off their balls and lay them in the hands of one person.

Yeah, you guys handle these things so well...

I'm still waitin' for ICE to raid all the Sibley, IA area dairy farms. And the Nunes' family farm....
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Why would we not deport people without valid claims? The problem Ds had was with not going through the process to consider their claims. Simply follow the process. Ds are reasonable, this just proves it.

The vast majority of the Democrat Party is against deporting illegal aliens that haven’t committed a crime. These cases having nothing to do with the asylum process.
The vast majority of the Democrat Party is against deporting illegal aliens that haven’t committed a crime. These cases having nothing to do with the asylum process.
That’s an myth. The vast majority of Ds were fine with deporting millions of illegals. You know that’s true because they voted for that and did just that repeatedly. Reality gets in your way again.
That’s an myth. The vast majority of Ds were fine with deporting millions of illegals. You know that’s true because they voted for that and did just that repeatedly. Reality gets in your way again.

You haven’t been paying attention to your candidates.

Did you even see how your party reacted to the recent planned raid that was announced.

It was pure outrage.
Of course. Outrage is all the rage now. Look at how Ds govern. Then admit the whole raid thing was just your side being outrageous. Rs aren’t solving anything. They are just making you paranoid. Relax. The party that knows how to run things will soon be back in charge, things will run fine and we can complain about how Joe wore a tan suit.

Did you even see how your party reacted to the recent planned raid that was announced.

It was pure outrage.

my take as a Democrat....did you see how your boy announced the raids? why ahead of time? twice no less-why? how effective was ICE going to be with a 2 week notice. :rolleyes:...sort of stupid don't you think?
knowing a DEA employee … he laughed when Don the Con made the announcement ahead of time,

dems know why. It was nothing but for political purposes & to raise his base 'rants' he could rant how Dems want open borders..everything he does is political. when you are you guys going to figure that out? that was the outrage you speak of.

I have no problem with deportation but I do when someone has been in the country for an extended time, have no felony charges, have children born in the US who have gone to our schools (I think we know of a county in Iowa where this is very common), who have worked helping the economy thru payroll taxes.
Sorry but I know some of these people...they are good people...with great kids...we can do better & show a little compassion.

why not offer a better path to citizenship? unless someone is opposed to a different skin color...the current system for naturalization is not easy..there are 100 questions on the application yet the interviewer ask but 10...any snag in the process can delay & deny. Thus the reason the success for naturalization is much greater when represented by council.

Trump says he is in favor of legal path to citizenship but his actions & lack of doesn't agree. Many law biding illegals are in fear to pay for & start the process because of Trump. They don't trust Trump or Congress.

Some in the Trump camp think all Illegal's should be deported...well have fun loading up the 15 millions plus.
Its refreshing to belong to a party with enough balls to allow open disagreement on matters. Unlike repubs who willingly cut off their balls and lay them in the hands of one person.

Are you serious? Please tell me you’re joking about Democrats allowing open disagreement...... If someone openly disagrees with Democrats, they’re labeled racists and any other bigoted term. That’s page one of the Democrat’s playbook. And that’s no joke.
There are various types trying to seek entry at borders
into America:

1. Illegal immigrants....they have no paper work
2. Illegal immigrants....who are known criminals
3. Asylum seekers.......who never show up for hearings
4. Asylum seekers.......the 10 to 20% who show up for
their hearings.
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Like I trust trump and his administration to give the immigrants a fair hearing on asylum. I'm pretty sure the chances for those human beings to receive asylum has gone to zero nada zilch nuttin.
Of course. Outrage is all the rage now. Look at how Ds govern. Then admit the whole raid thing was just your side being outrageous. Rs aren’t solving anything. They are just making you paranoid. Relax. The party that knows how to run things will soon be back in charge, things will run fine and we can complain about how Joe wore a tan suit.
This is dope. Homeboy is 'bout it 'bout it! Everything's ironed out. We on point.
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There are various types trying to seek entry at borders
into America:

1. Illegal immigrants....they have no paper work
2. Illegal immigrants....who are known criminals
3. Asylum seekers.......who never show up for hearings
4. Asylum seekers.......the 10 to 20% who show up for
their hearings.

4. Last I saw, over 80% of asylum seekers show up for their hearings.
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Are you serious? Please tell me you’re joking about Democrats allowing open disagreement...... If someone openly disagrees with Democrats, they’re labeled racists and any other bigoted term. That’s page one of the Democrat’s playbook. And that’s no joke.

openly disagree about what? illegals? asylum seekers? hey if you guys want to deport millions of undocumented workers (regardless of how long they have been in the country, how long they have worked here, DACA children, etc) go for it....but U own it.

I have no intention of having an open discussion with anyone who rants 'send her back' about a US citizen (regardless)...while their leader stands there with a frown on his face.
my take as a Democrat....did you see how your boy announced the raids? why ahead of time? twice no less-why? how effective was ICE going to be with a 2 week notice. :rolleyes:...sort of stupid don't you think?
knowing a DEA employee … he laughed when Don the Con made the announcement ahead of time,

“dems know why. It was nothing but for political purposes & to raise his base 'rants' he could rant how Dems want open borders..everything he does is political. when you are you guys going to figure that out? that was the outrage you speak of.

I have no problem with deportation but I do when someone has been in the country for an extended time, have no felony charges, have children born in the US who have gone to our schools (I think we know of a county in Iowa where this is very common), who have worked helping the economy thru payroll taxes.
Sorry but I know some of these people...they are good people...with great kids...we can do better & show a little compassion.

why not offer a better path to citizenship? unless someone is opposed to a different skin color...the current system for naturalization is not easy..there are 100 questions on the application yet the interviewer ask but 10...any snag in the process can delay & deny. Thus the reason the success for naturalization is much greater when represented by council.

Trump says he is in favor of legal path to citizenship but his actions & lack of doesn't agree. Many law biding illegals are in fear to pay for & start the process because of Trump. They don't trust Trump or Congress.

Some in the Trump camp think all Illegal's should be deported...well have fun loading up the 15 millions plus.

“I have no problem with deportation but I do when someone has been in the country for an extended time, have no felony charges, have children born in the US who have gone to our schools (I think we know of a county in Iowa where this is very common), who have worked helping the economy thru payroll taxes.
Sorry but I know some of these people...they are good people...with great kids...we can do better & show a little compassion.”

So just get into the country and hunker down and you are good to go with no deportation.

Yep no magnet here....(insert eye roll)
Speaking of Arizona... looks like the individual appointed to succeed Mr. McCain will have an extremely short stint as a U.S. Senator.

How funny when the Dems hold both seats in a State like Arizona.
There are various types trying to seek entry at borders
into America:

1. Illegal immigrants....they have no paper work
2. Illegal immigrants....who are known criminals
3. Asylum seekers.......who never show up for hearings
4. Asylum seekers.......the 10 to 20% who show up for
their hearings.
5. Women who lie about being a college student in order to get a visa. Work illegally under their visa. Then marry a rich fat guy 25 years older than them and squirt out an anchor baby.
5. Women who lie about being a college student in order to get a visa. Work illegally under their visa. Then marry a rich fat guy 25 years older than them and squirt out an anchor baby.
Name names or STFU!:p

Are you serious? Please tell me you’re joking about Democrats allowing open disagreement...... If someone openly disagrees with Democrats, they’re labeled racists and any other bigoted term. That’s page one of the Democrat’s playbook. And that’s no joke.
The Op was presented to show a dem bucking the dem party by her actions. My response was referring to party dynamics and not in the micro of one specific item
openly disagree about what? illegals? asylum seekers? hey if you guys want to deport millions of undocumented workers (regardless of how long they have been in the country, how long they have worked here, DACA children, etc) go for it....but U own it.

I have no intention of having an open discussion with anyone who rants 'send her back' about a US citizen (regardless)...while their leader stands there with a frown on his face.

All that you said doesn’t change the first page of the Democrats playbook.

As for deporting, I’m all for allowing them a path to citizenship. I’m just tired of watching people continue to cross the border illegally intending to scam the numerous loopholes in our immigration system including border security.

Democrats are going to find out most Americans are on the GOPs side when it comes to securing the border and fixing this mess. Yes, we have an asshole at the helm, but that’s no reason for Democrats to put forward sensible legislation to stop this mess.

If they did, Americans will support them. And I’m not talking about DACA. I’m on their side with that, but they act like they don’t want to do anything about the mess down there now except point fingers.
The Op was presented to show a dem bucking the dem party by her actions. My response was referring to party dynamics and not in the micro of one specific item

And my response was about the democratic party dynamics
“I have no problem with deportation but I do when someone has been in the country for an extended time, have no felony charges, have children born in the US who have gone to our schools (I think we know of a county in Iowa where this is very common), who have worked helping the economy thru payroll taxes.
Sorry but I know some of these people...they are good people...with great kids...we can do better & show a little compassion.”

So just get into the country and hunker down and you are good to go with no deportation.

Yep no magnet here....(insert eye roll) entire paragraph references illegals who are already here & some have been for you want an open discussion but you immediately change the take a stance..what would you do about the millions of undocumented & illegals 'currently' in the country.
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Its refreshing to belong to a party with enough balls to allow open disagreement on matters. Unlike repubs who willingly cut off their balls and lay them in the hands of one person.
your post shows you pay no attention to what's going on around you. Its truly ignorant
All that you said doesn’t change the first page of the Democrats playbook.

As for deporting, I’m all for allowing them a path to citizenship. I’m just tired of watching people continue to cross the border illegally intending to scam the numerous loopholes in our immigration system including border security.

Democrats are going to find out most Americans are on the GOPs side when it comes to securing the border and fixing this mess. Yes, we have an asshole at the helm, but that’s no reason for Democrats to put forward sensible legislation to stop this mess.

If they did, Americans will support them. And I’m not talking about DACA. I’m on their side with that, but they act like they don’t want to do anything about the mess down there now except point fingers.

cannot throw everyone into the same bottle..big difference between undocumented workers already here with DACA kids....over two-thirds of illegal undocumented Mexicans have been here over 10 years. The number of undocumented workers from Mexico has been on the decline since 2007...which is reflective in the number of Mexicans entering illegally has also decline...mainly due to the Mexican economy & better border control processes.

IMO there isn't a mess when it comes to Mexicans..its on the decline..but clearly any Mexican who does not apply for Visa's under our laws should not be allowed to enter & they should be returned to a port entry.

OK well were are getting you agree...a common sense approach to naturalization for those already here...excluding felons'. Unfortunately I don't see the current congress & the current POTUS creating such a program. The current one works for some but not anywhere near like it should...because of the 'tone' & 'words' coming out of the POTUS ....many undocumented workers are in fear of seeking citizenship.

The mess you refer to are the Asylum seekers from Honduras, etc...Trump could have decided to maintain the Obama program CARSI..while it wasn't perfect there was some proof it was working..murder rates started to decline & more people were applying for asylum in their country of origin. The border won't be secure until Central America is. Trump slashed the program and the end result is the "Trump" caravans increased in numbers. The Trump Return to Mexico policy...only created more 'defensive' asylum seekers.
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There are various types trying to seek entry at borders
into America:

1. Illegal immigrants....they have no paper work
2. Illegal immigrants....who are known criminals
3. Asylum seekers.......who never show up for hearings
4. Asylum seekers.......the 10 to 20% who show up for
their hearings.

Lute, what’s your path to eternal life if you bear false witness?

You need to quit perpetrating lies against your fellow man.

Jesus wept.